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Nourishing medicated food soup pot

Medicinal food soup pot summary


What is stock

Stock is a household cooking aid, can be used to cook noodles, stew, shabu, soup and so on. Using stock instead of water during the cooking process can make ordinary dishes taste much more delicious. Many housewives can create amazing flavors with ordinary ingredients, and it's possible that her secret weapon is stock.

Common types of stock

According to the color of the stock can be divided into milk soup and clear soup. The color of the milk soup is white, and the raw materials such as pig stomach, pig hands, fish and chicken feet are used to make the soup white. The clear soup is clear in color and looks like white water, but it is fresh and delicious.

The stock commonly used at home can be divided into meat stock and vegetarian stock, meat stock has pig, cow, chicken, fish and other cooked stock. Vegetarian stock commonly includes mushroom soup and vegetable soup.

The benefits of making your own stock


Make your own stock in the choice of ingredients, the addition of condiments are sure, the fresher the ingredients, the less seasoning cooked soup more pure and healthy. The concentrated stock sold in the market is difficult to avoid additives, and the high salt is easy to cause excessive salt intake. Homemade stock can be delicious and healthy.

More choices

Many ingredients can be used as raw materials for cooking stock, and making your own stock can adjust the variety according to the situation of family members. Choose bone broth with high nutritional value for children to drink; Patients with high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia at home can choose light bacterial soup; Gout patients can drink vegetarian stock; Pregnant women can choose between pork hands or fish soup.


Fresh ingredients are simmered over low heat, and nutrients are incorporated into the soup. When cooking stock, follow the meat and vegetable mix, nutrition balance, you can make different stocks according to your own mind. You can also add some jujube, astragalus, American ginseng, angelica, etc. to increase the efficacy of the soup, nutrient rich since it is not convenient soup treasure can be compared.

Preservation of stock

When cooking stock, the ratio of ingredients and water is generally 1∶2 or 1∶3, the cooked soup is cool, you can skim the grease on the surface, pay attention to it and then pass through the sieve, leaving only the soup for use. Divide the soup in crisper or plastic bag, freeze in the refrigerator, and serve as you like. After work, prepare some vegetables and cook them in stock to make a good soup.

The soup at home is the real good soup: medicinal soup pot

Making soup is a simple and skillful skill in cooking, and a woman who can make soup can make a pot of soup with a gentle and elegant posture without being troubled by oil fumes. A man who can make soup is not moved by his heart, and a man who is willing to take the time to make soup carefully is certainly worthy of trust. A soup-making parent is sure to spoil the family, and the soup at home is the really good soup.

There is a saying that medicine and food have the same origin since ancient times, which means that many foods are also drugs, and there is no dividing line between them, and the "four characteristics" and "five tastes" of ancient medicine also apply to food. Medicinal food soup is the embodiment of the homology of medicine and food in home cooking, and the sexual and taste effects of food materials are integrated into the soup in a gentle simmer.

1. Medicinal food

Medicinal diet is a kind of diet with therapeutic effect, which is made of medicine and food as raw materials through cooking processing. It is the product of the combination of traditional Chinese medical knowledge and cooking experience. Medicinal diet is not only a delicious dish rich in nutrition, but also has the function of nourishing and curing disease.

Second, soup making tools

1. Casserole:

Casserole pot is a common tool for soup, it is a rapid heat transfer, slow heat dissipation, good thermal insulation effect, suitable for small fire slowly cooking, the taste of food, nutrition into the water to form a delicious, nutritious soup.

Tips for using a casserole:

a The newly bought casserole is boiled with rice washing water, and the rice soup can seal the fine holes of the casserole, effectively prevent water seepage and extend the service life of the casserole.

b casserole is easy to expand and shrink causing cracking, so do not dry on the fire. Do not use for cooking, because the oil of cooking heats up quickly, the temperature is high, and it is easy to burst.

c When cleaning the casserole, wait for it to cool naturally.

d casserole is more absorbent, so the casserole of stew meat, pot sugar water, and boil medicine should be distinguished.

e Ceramic casserole hardness is not high, do not touch with hard and sharp items, to gently handle.

2. Stew cup

The advantage of stew pot soup is that it can lock in moisture, nutrition and fragrance to the maximum extent, and the soup taste is more mellow and fragrant. The stew pot is generally equipped with two LIDS, which mainly plays a sealing role to prevent the leakage of aroma and the loss of nutrients. The stew pot should be simmered over water, put into a large pot, add enough water to the large pot, and cook the food in the small stew pot in this closed cooking way. Stew pot is very suitable for one person to eat, or two people in the world, such as using two stew POTS at a time to cook two different kinds of soup, each of you can get what you need. Of course, you can also choose electric stew pot, which is more convenient to use.

3. Electric casserole

The principle of electric casserole is the same as that of casserole, but there is no open fire, although the soup takes a long time, it can be preset for timing, which is quite practical for office workers. When purchasing electric casserole, please pay attention to the material of the inner liner, be sure to be non-toxic and tasteless.

4, rice cooker and electric pressure cooker

Rice cookers and electric pressure cookers can also make soup, but there are advantages and disadvantages. Rice cooker soup is always heated state, water loss is more serious, thick soup is not easy to absorb. The electric pressure cooker can cook the meat in a very short time, but it does not give the food time to slowly integrate into the soup, and the water is very weak. You can open the pot lid after cooking the soup and cook for 10 to 20 minutes, so that the soup can be properly rich.

5. Cast iron pot

Enamel porcelain cast iron pot appearance is very beautiful, fashionable shape and rich beautiful colors are very popular with young people, its material and casserole as high stability, acid and alkali resistance, not easy to cause chemical reactions with other substances. Cast iron pot is very heavy, pot cover can make water is not easy to volatilize, many pot cover design with raised dots can form self-circulation, water condensation on the pot cover and then drop back into the pot, very suitable for a long time small fire stew food. At the same time, the cast iron pot is also a strong pot, resistant to collision, wear, corrosion and high temperature.

6. Glass pot

With special high temperature resistant glass pot soup cooking any food will not skewer flavor, it is high temperature resistant, can withstand extremely high temperature difference between cold and hot, there is a clear visual feeling, suitable for cooking sweet soup or rich color vegetarian soup.

7. Stainless steel pot

Stainless steel pot is not suitable for cooking old fire soup, it conducts heat quickly, long-term cooking loss of water is serious, soup thick and easy to miss the edge, making the soup smell. However, if there is no suitable soup making tool can also be used occasionally, but it is recommended to cook quickly cooked soup, such as vegetable soup, tofu soup, etc.

8. Stir-fry

The stir-fry can not be used to make soup, but can only be used to blanch food, or complete the steps that need to be fried before making soup.

Time and heat

The amount of time it takes to cook the soup varies depending on the ingredient, but longer is not always better. Cooking soup for too long is easy to destroy the nutritional content of food, and can also cause excessive purines in the soup and cause some diseases. Generally, vegetarian soup is about 30 minutes, fish soup is less than 1 hour, chicken soup or rib soup is 1 to 2 hours, old fire soup can be in 2.5 hours, and the slow simmer of the stew pot can be extended to 3 to 4 hours.

Boiling soup should follow the principle of small fire-large fire-small fire, the small fire at the beginning is to prevent the utensils from bursting, then the big fire boils the food, and then turn to a small fire to cook slowly

4. Seasoning

A good slow-cooked soup does not need too much seasoning is delicious enough, only a little salt can stimulate the fresh flavor of the soup, and salt should be put in the back, too early salt will cause protein solidification, nutrients can not be released well. It is recommended to add salt to taste after turning off the heat.

Xuan Tang

Tuckahoe Yam Pot Chicken: tonifying spleen, nourishing stomach, invigorating qi and awakening God

[Ingredients] 15 grams of poria, 15 grams of angelica, 1 small local chicken (about 500 grams), 250 grams of yam, 5 grams of wolfberry, appropriate amount of ginger, 1 section of spring onion, 2 spoons of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt


1 Wash a small local chicken, rinse the inner cavity and insert the crushed ginger and onion segments.

2 Put the chicken in cold water, add wine and boil over high heat to remove the smell of blood foam.

3 Tuckahoe, Angelica, wolfberry rinse with running water.

4 Peel and cut yams into hob pieces and set aside.

5 Put the chicken pieces, Tuckahoe, angelica, yam, ginger slices into the casserole, add 3000 ml of water and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 2 hours.

6 Add goji berries 5 minutes before cooking. Add salt to taste when drinking.

Essence of good soup

1 The local chicken used in this soup has a higher protein content than ordinary chicken, and the chicken is tender, soft and palatable, and easier to be digested and absorbed by the human body. It is suitable for children, the elderly and people with poor digestive function.

2 Add enough water at a time, do not open the lid of the pot and do not add water at will, no "running" chicken soup is enough of the original flavor.

3 The cut yams are immediately soaked in water to prevent oxidation and keep the yams white.

Health tips

Tonifying spleen and stomach, invigorating qi and awakening God

When spring comes, spring sleepiness often plagues us. The clutched state makes our study and work efficiency decline. This soup can strengthen spleen and qi, in the spring health diet will often use this medicine food, astragalus tonifying qi Yang, yam tonifying spleen and stomach, poria calming, carefully simmered chicken soup to inject energy into the body, mental fatigue, fatigue to ease the state.

16* Poria

Poria is flat in nature, sweet and light in taste, and has the function of invigorating the spleen and calming the mind, benefiting water and oozing dampness. Regular consumption can strengthen the spleen to remove dampness, help digestion, strengthen the body, enhance the body's immune function, and prolong life.

Poria is flat in nature, sweet and light in taste, and has the function of invigorating the spleen and calming the mind, benefiting water and oozing dampness. Regular consumption can strengthen the spleen to remove dampness, help digestion, strengthen the body, enhance the body's immune function, and prolong life.

Three ribs soup: clearing heat and dampness, nourishing Yin and eliminating boredom

[Ingredients] 10 grams of kudzu root, 20 grams of MAO root, 20 grams of reed root, 300 grams of ribs, 2 slices of ginger, 2 sections of scallions, appropriate amount of salt, 2 spoons of cooking wine


1 Wash the kudzu root, grass root and reed root, and then soak in water for more than 30 minutes.

2 Put the grass root in the soup bag.

3 Chop ribs, wash with running water, put scallions and cooking wine in the pot, add cold water to the ribs, boil over high fire, skim off the surface of the blood foam, ribs out for use.

4 Put all the ingredients in a soup pot, add 2000ml water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 2 hours.

5 Add salt to taste before serving.

Essence of good soup

1 There are a lot of minkes that need to be removed from the thatch root, and boiling in the soup bag will make the soup clearer.

2 People with deficient cold constitution should use with caution.

Health tips

Clearing heat and eliminating dampness, nourishing Yin and eliminating boredom

Many people feel dry, their throats dry and their skin tight in spring. Drinking "three roots soup" can cope with the dry spring, three kinds of roots with taste slightly sweet, boiled ribs can also nourish Yin.

[Ingredients] 38* asparagus

Reed root is the fresh or dry root of reed, which has the effect of clearing heat and promoting fluid, eliminating irritability, stopping vomiting and diuresis.

Crucian carp radish soup: replenishing Qi and strengthening spleen, eliminating accumulation and stagnation

[Raw materials] 2 crucian carp (about 500g), half a white radish, 3 pieces of ginger, appropriate amount of onion, appropriate amount of salt, a little coriander, appropriate amount of cooking oil


1 Crucian carp to gills, scales, internal organs and stomach inside the black film.

2 Heat up the pan. First, apply ginger slices to the pan to prevent sticking. Then fry the fish in cooking oil and fry on both sides until light brown.

3 Wash and peel the white radish, cut it into shreds and set aside.

4 After frying the carp, add the right amount of cold water, add spring onion, ginger boil, then add the radish shreds.

5 Cover and bring to a boil over high heat, then cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes. Add salt and coriander to taste before serving.

Essence of good soup

1 Fry the fish first. When frying fish, pay attention to "hot pot cool oil", that is, first heat the pot and then pour the cooking oil, and then put the crucian carp, so it is not easy to stick to the pot.

2 In addition, rub the ginger slices in the pan before frying the fish, which can also prevent sticking.

3 Add water to the fried fish, be sure to cool water, in order to cook a real milky white crucian carp soup.

4 White radish cold, spleen deficiency less food.

Health tips

Supplementing qi and strengthening spleen, eliminating accumulation and stagnation

Abdominal distention without appetite in autumn can drink more this soup, white radish mustard oil can go to fish, make the soup more delicious. White radish can assist in the treatment of a variety of diseases, "Compendium of Materia Medica" called "vegetables in the beneficial."

[Ingredients] Crucian carp

Crucian carp flat, sweet taste, has the effect of invigorating spleen and dampness, and medium appetizer, often used for postpartum women's tonifying milk.

Bitter melon dried chrysanthemum lean meat soup: detoxification moistening dryness, clear liver and bright eyes

[Ingredients] 5 grams of dried bitter melon, 150 grams of lean pork, 1 chrysanthemum, salt amount


1 Cut lean pork into small pieces, blanch with water first, remove and wash the foam, drain and set aside.

2. Soak bitter melon in water for a while and wash.

3 Put the dried bitter melon and lean pork into a pot, add 700ml water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 1.5 hours.

4 Rinse chrysanthemums with salt water and peel off petals.

5 Add the chrysanthemum petals to the soup and bring to a boil.

6 Add salt to taste before drinking.

Essence of good soup

1 If you are afraid of bitterness, you can add 1 piece of jujube to cook.

2 Chrysanthemum to choose pesticide-free cultivation edible chrysanthemum.

Health tips

Detoxification moistening dryness, clearing liver and brightening eyes

Autumn and winter are the blooming season of chrysanthemums, and eating chrysanthemums is in accordance with the season. Chrysanthemum soup can help clear the liver, bright eyes, to bother heat. Bitter melon can also clear heat and detoxify, if you can not buy bitter melon in winter, use bitter melon dry instead of the same effect. This soup is cool, suitable for people with heat accumulation in the body.

[Ingredients] 35 chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum is one of the commonly used Chinese medicinal materials, since ancient times has been known as "longevity flower" and "extended age", has the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the eyes.

Xiang snail slice yam Wolfberry pig bone soup: nourishing liver and kidney, peace of mind to help sleep

[Ingredients] 350 grams of pork stick bone, 15 grams of dried Xianglu tablet, 5 grams of Astragalus, 50 grams of yam, 5 grams of Chinese medlar, 2 pieces of jujube, 3 pieces of ginger, appropriate amount of onion, appropriate amount of salt, a little cooking wine


1 Soak dried snail pieces and ginger pieces in water for 10 hours, cut into small pieces. Flush the astragalus and yam with water.

2 Wash the pork stick bones with running water, put scallions and cooking wine in the pot, add cold water to the pork stick bones, bring to a boil, skim off the surface of the blood foam, and remove the pork stick bones for use.

3 Put the other ingredients except wolfberries into a soup pot, add 2000 ml of water, boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and cook for 2 hours.

4 Add goji berries and cook for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste when drinking.

Essence of good soup

Ring snail has a fishy taste, and ginger together to soak hair can go fishy. It can also be blanched before making soup to remove the fish.

Health tips

Nourishing liver and kidney, peace of mind to help sleep

Work pressure, often stay up late people generally sleep quality is not very good, this soup has the effect of tonifying the spleen and nourishing the stomach, stabilizing sleep.

63 Astragalus

Astragalus is a commonly used medicine for tonifying qi, with warm, sweet taste, and the effect of tonifying spleen and tonifying qi, strengthening Yang and relieving swelling.

Ganmai jujube soothing tea: nourishing the heart and calming the mind, improving mood

[Ingredients] Wheat 30g, licorice 6g, black tea 10g, 4 red dates


1 Rinse the wheat, licorice and red dates with water and put them in the pot with black tea.

2 Add 1000 ml of pure water.

3 Put the pot on the heat, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes, drain the dregs as you drink.

Essence of good soup

1 This tea has been mixed with licorice, which is sweet so there is no need to add sugar.

2 The ingredients that have been cooked once can also be boiled a second time with 500 ml of water, and the second time is good to cook for 10 minutes.

Health tips

Soothe the mind, improve mood

Work is busy and stressful, and it is inevitable that there will be times when you feel irritable. When you want to quickly adjust your mood and restore calm, a good cup of tea can play a multiplier role. Ganmai jujube soothing tea can help soothe the mind and stop irritability.

[Ingredients] 64 licorice

Licorice flat, sweet taste, traditional Chinese medicine that can tonify spleen Qi, harmonizing hundred drugs.

Supplier information

Since its establishment, the company has actively expanded the local market and began to set foot in the out-of-province market in 2005. At the end of this year, the company officially developed products and services in the out-of-province market: Corn special flour, corn noodles, corn dumplings, corn dumplings We have good products and professional team, the company is developing rapidly, we provide customers with good products, good technical support, sound after-sales service, Jilin City Shuangbiao salary corn deep processing Co., Ltd. is corn special flour, corn noodles, corn dumplings

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Registered capital One million RMB Company registration time The year 2000
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