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February 7, 2017 live pig price table Domestic pig prices are still expected to show a downward trend

   2017-02-07 IP Jilin 389

On February 7, 2017, the average price of live pigs in the country was 17.15 yuan/kg, the price was down 0.32 yuan/kg from Saturday, and the average price of lean pigs in the country was 17.64 yuan/kg, the price was down 0.27 yuan/kg from Saturday. Today, within the scope of 27 provinces and municipalities, pig prices rose in 7 provinces and fell in 20 provinces. The highest price in the country is Zhejiang, up 0.14 yuan/kg from yesterday to 19.14 yuan/kg; The lowest price in the country was Heilongjiang, down 0.08 yuan/kg from yesterday to 17.06 yuan/kg.

Pig prices in some areas Today: Sichuan 9-9.3 yuan/kg, 8.6 8.9 yuan/kg, henan, jiangxi 8.8-9 yuan/kg, 8.7 8.9 yuan/kg, guangdong, hunan 8.9 9.2 yuan/kg, 8.7 8.9 yuan/kg, shandong hubei 8.8 9.0 yuan/kg, 8.7 9.0 yuan/jin, hebei, Beijing 8.8 9.1 yuan/kg, Liaoning 8.4-8.7 yuan/catty.

The continuous fall has led to the narrowing of the space for the price of live pigs to fall, and the price of cured meat instead of fresh meat consumption pigs has fallen below 18 yuan

Over the weekend, the national price of lean pigs fell sharply. The price of live pigs in the north fell significantly, especially the pig price in the Northeast region led the country, Heilongjiang fell 1.2 yuan/kg, Jilin fell 1 yuan/kg, Liaoning fell 0.7 yuan/kg, the Northeast fell to 17 yuan/kg below, North China pig price trend is weak, Hebei fell 0.2 yuan/kg, Beijing fell 0.1 yuan/kg, Shanxi slightly adjusted, Pig prices in Shandong and Henan fell by about 0.2 yuan/kg; Southern pig prices stable with the main decline, Anhui, Jiangsu slightly down, Hunan fell 0.2 yuan/kg or so, Guangdong, Hainan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places pig prices are basically stable. Today, the average price of lean pork in the country is the highest in Fujian, with an average price of 18.4 yuan/kg, and the lowest in Heilongjiang, with an average price of 16.15 yuan/kg.

Northeast and North China: a sharp decline. In Northeast China, the start of slaughtering enterprises is low, the demand for pig sources is limited, and the farmers are still good, coupled with poor consumption, which is negative. Beijing, Hebei market enthusiasm to increase, pig prices or continue to decline, but the past two days of large decline, farmers have a certain resistance, decline or reduction.

East and Central China: Overall decline. The overall price drop is large, today's price is still falling, but the price decline is too fast, farmers save and resist price psychology increased, some enterprises acquisition difficulty increased, short-term decline space may be reduced.

Southwest: Overall decline. Sichuan fell, the price of pigs outside the province fell continuously, and the slaughtering enterprises in the province have adjusted the proportion of purchases and increased the amount of pigs purchased from other provinces.

Today, most of the domestic slaughtering enterprises have started, but the consumption is poor, the slaughtering amount of enterprises is low, the purchase of pig sources is limited, and the price has fallen significantly, but due to the recent decline is too large, and some areas have conflicts, it is expected that the short-term price will continue to fall and the decline will shrink.

Pig prices fall more and rise less, the area below 18 yuan/kg continues to expand, the price of pigs in the northern region fell between 0.1-0.3 yuan/kg, the decline is relatively obvious, and the price of pigs in Heilongjiang is about to fall below 17 yuan/kg. At present, the consumption of cured meat instead of fresh meat gradually emerged, the market demand is weak, although slaughtering enterprises have started one after another, but the slaughter amount is low, the enthusiasm of pig collection is not high, the willingness to pressure the price is strong, and the pig price continues to fall.

After the Spring Festival, the impact of pre-holiday consumption overdraft began to appear, the domestic pork consumption demand is seriously insufficient, the operating rate of slaughtering enterprises is low and the purchase volume of pigs is low, taking the opportunity to vigorously reduce prices, affected by this, the domestic pig prices fell sharply during the weekend in many places, the market price is chaotic, the local pig prices in the north have fallen 1 yuan/kg, and the domestic pig prices show a situation of low north and high south. Northeast pig prices and surrounding pig prices form a large price difference, which is conducive to pig transport and pig prices stop falling. However, in the case of the overall lack of favorable support at the current consumer end, domestic pig prices are still expected to show a downward trend.

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