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Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony with 24 solar terms countdown

🌈 The countdown performance is titled "Beginning of Spring" and consists of three parts: short film, live performance and fireworks.
🌈 What are the 24 Solar Terms? According to the ancient Chinese calendar, each month is divided into two "solar terms", each "solar term" has its own name and characteristics, and the "24 solar terms" in a year are different. The "24 Solar Terms" was gradually formed by ancient Chinese ancestors in the process of getting along with nature through long-term observation of the changing laws of animals, plants, weather, natural environment, etc. The Chinese people used it to guide agricultural production and daily life.
🌈# Why use 24 numbers to count down #? (1) The opening day of the Winter Olympic Games coincides with the "Beginning of Spring" among the "24 solar terms", which is also the first of the "24 solar terms" of the year. The "24 Solar Terms" represent the cycle of time in a year, but also represent the way to get along with nature and the world, using it to count down, reflecting the Chinese people's understanding of time. On the "Start of Spring" day, the opening of the Winter Olympics also means that friends from all over the world will welcome a new spring together. (2) The Beijing Winter Olympic Games is the 24th in the history of the Winter Olympic Games.
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