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[chén yún]
陈云 (1905年6月13日 [9] -1995年4月10日) ,江苏青浦 (今属上海) 人。 伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家,杰出的马克思主义者,中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人之一,党和国家久经考验的卓越领导人,是以 毛泽东 同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体和以 邓小平 同志为核心的党的第二代中央领导集体的重要成员 [10]
陈云同志在上个世纪30年代初就担任党中央的领导工作,经历了我们党领导人民进行革命、建设、改革各个历史时期几乎所有重大事件,参与了党中央在不同历史时期一系列重大决策的制定和实施,多次在党和人民事业发展的关键时刻、在党和国家的重大决策中发挥了十分重要的作用。陈云同志为中国人民解放事业的开展和成功,为我国 社会主义制度 的建立和巩固,为我国 改革开放 和社会主义现代化事业的开创和发展,奉献了毕生精力,建立了不朽功勋,在国内外享有崇高威望,深受全党全军全国各族人民尊敬和爱戴。 [11]
国    籍
民    族
职    业
江苏 青浦(今属 上海




1905年6月13日出生于贫苦 农民家庭 [2] 2岁丧父(陈梅堂)、4岁丧母(廖顺妹),由裁缝出身的舅父(廖文光)抚养。
1919年高小毕业后,因家贫无法升学,到上海 商务印书馆 当学徒,后当店员。
1925年参加 五卅运动 。同年8月任商务印书馆发行所罢工委员会(后为职工会) 委员长 ,参加领导商务印书馆大罢工,并取得胜利。随即加入中国共产党,开始作为劳工组织者从事共产党的活动。历任中共青浦县委 书记 、淞浦特委组织部部长,中共江苏省委沪宁 巡视员 、江苏省委 常委 兼农委书记,中共上海 闸北 、法南区委书记和江苏省委组织部部长、 省委书记 等职。
1930年和1931年先后在中共六届三中、四中全会上当选为中央 候补委员 、中央委员。
1931年5月担任保卫中共中央 机关 安全的中央特科书记;9月任临时中央领导成员。1932年担任临时中央常委、全国总工会党团书记。
1933年进入 中央革命根据地
1934年在中共六届五中全会上被选为中央政治局委员、常委,并任 白区 工作部部长。随后参加 长征 ,在担负全军后卫任务的 红五军团 任中央代表,后任军委纵队政委。
1935年1月在贵州召开的中共中央政治局扩大会议(即 遵义会议 )上,支持 毛泽东 的正确主张。


会后撰写了《遵义政治局扩大会议传达提纲》。同年6月奉命从四川省 天全县 灵关殿秘密离开长征队伍,经成都、重庆,只身到达上海,从事恢复共产党的秘密工作,随后又由上海抵 莫斯科 ,向共产国际执委会书记处 报告 了中国工农 红军长征 和遵义会议的情况,撰写了最早宣传红军长征的《随军西行见闻录》,并参加中共驻共产国际代表团。
1937年4月回到新疆迪化(今乌鲁木齐),任中共中央驻新疆代表。5月赴新疆、甘肃交界的星星峡地区,援助接应 红军西路军 余部400多人进入迪化。11月回到延安后,任中共中央组织部部长,对党的建设和党的 干部 工作有重要建树。在 延安整风 期间,他学习 马克思主义哲学 和总结中国革命经验教训,提出领导者指导工作应该采取“不唯上、不唯书、只唯实”的科学态度,并把它作为自己的行动准则。
1944年3月任西北财经办事处副主任兼 政治部主任 ,主持中共中央所在的陕甘宁边区的财政 经济 工作,有效地执行了发展经济、保障供给的方针。
1945年6月中共七届一中全会上继续当选为中央政治局 委员 ;8月任 中央书记处 候补书记。


抗日战争 胜利后,参加领导具有重要战略意义的东北 解放战争 。转战北满和南满,历任中共中央北满分局书记兼北满军区政委、中共中央东北局副书记兼 东北民主联军 副政委、中共中央南满分局书记兼 辽东 军区政委、 东北军区 副政委、东北财政经济委员会主任、沈阳特别市军事管制委员会主任等职,为东北全境的解放和东北经济的恢复做出了突出贡献。
1948年8月在哈尔滨举行的第六次全国劳动大会上作了《当前中国职工运动的总任务》的报告,10月当选为中华全国总工会主席 [3]


中华人民共和国成立后,任中央人民政府委员、政务院副总理兼财政经济委员会主任,主持全国的财政经济工作 [4]
1950年10月任中共中央书记处书记。在统一全国财政经济,稳定 金融 物价,结束 国民党 政权留下的长达10多年的 恶性通货膨胀 ,调整工商业,恢复 国民经济 ,保障抗美援朝战争胜利,对粮食、棉花等主要农产品实行统购统销等重大决策和活动中,在有步骤地开展对生产资料私有制特别是对私营工商业的社会主义改造中,在制定和实施发展国民经济第一个五年计划、奠定中国社会主义工业化基础的开创性工作中,他从实际情况出发,提出了一系列谨慎而又现实的方针政策和措施,做出了被公认为卓越的贡献。他坚决反对 高岗 、饶漱石在1953年进行的 阴谋 分裂党的活动。1954年任 国务院 副总理。先后兼任过商业部部长、 国家 基本建设委员会主任。
1956年9月,在 中共八大 上作了《社会主义改造基本完成以后的新问题》的发言。根据当时中国社会经济的实际情况,提出了突破苏联经济模式的新的经济体制构想,即:国家经营和集体经营是工商业的主体,一定数量的个体经营是补充;在生产领域,计划生产是工农业生产的主体,按照市场变化而进行的自由生产是补充;在流通领域,国家掌握的市场是主体,自由市场是补充。在中共八届一中全会上,被选为中央政治局常委和中央委员会副主席。
1957年1月担任中共中央经济工作5人小组组长。对中国的社会主义 经济建设 ,他一贯坚持实事求是的原则,反对不顾现实条件的急于求成的错误倾向;主张建设规模一定要和国力相适应,要在安排好人民生活的基础上扩大建设规模;主张国民经济计划必须坚持综合平衡,实行按比例地发展。
50年代末60年代初,当国民经济遭到严重困难时,他受毛泽东委托调整关系经济全局的过高的钢铁生产指标,并同 刘少奇 、周恩来、 邓小平 一道,果断地采取了动员城镇2000万人下乡、通过几种高价商品回笼货币等一系列正确的措施,恢复了国民经济。为了解决农业发展中所遇到的困难,他到上海青浦等地调查, 建议 对农村实行包产到户政策,代表了中国农业改革的先驱思想。他的这一主张和其他切合实际的经济主张,曾被人认为“右倾”,而受到毛泽东的冷遇 [5]


文化大革命 ”中,他在党内只保留了中央委员的名义,被下放到江西省 南昌市 的一个化工石油机械厂“蹲点”。 [17]
1972年4月回到北京,按照周恩来的意见,参加国务院业务组工作,研究国际经济形势和发展对外贸易问题。他提出要很好地研究当代 资本主义 ,以便在世界市场中占有中国应有的地位。
1976年参加粉碎“ 四人帮 ”的决策过程,曾对 叶剑英 讲:这场斗争不可避免 [3]


在1978年中央工作会议上,他又率先提出平反 冤假错案
在接着召开的中共十一届三中全会上,他重新当选为中央委员会副主席和中央政治局常委,并任中央纪律检查委员会 第一书记
中共十一届三中全会以后,他作为以邓小平为核心的第二代中央领导集体的重要成员,党和国家的主要决策人之一,与中央领导集体的其他同志一道,为带领全党进行思想路线、政治路线和组织路线的 Right the wrong In order to formulate and implement policies that focus on economic development, Adhere to the four cardinal principles Adhere to the basic line of reform and opening up, correctly solve many problems left over from history and new problems in real life since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and successfully create construction Socialism with Chinese characteristics Career, made a significant contribution. 毛泽东思想 The proposition of... For China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization, he put forward a series of profound thoughts and major decisions. For example, a comprehensive adjustment of the grossly misproportioned national economy; In the socialist period, there must be two kinds of economy, namely, planned economy and Market regulation ; The pace of reform must be steady. Feel the stones to cross the river Start from the pilot and sum up experience at any time; It is emphasized that without agriculture there is no stability, and without grain there is chaos. It is pointed out that the instability of the economic situation can lead to the instability of the political situation, the problem of the party style of the ruling party is related to the survival of the party, and it is urgent to promote and train a large number of young and middle-aged cadres with both virtue and ability. He is also responsible for following the" One country, two systems The idea of resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao was realized Both sides of the strait A great deal of effort was devoted to peaceful reunification.
13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Later, he retired from the central leadership and served as director of the Central Advisory Committee. Jiang Zemin He played a very important role in the major decisions of the smooth transition of the third-generation central collective leadership at the core and the stability of the party and the country. After the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he lived a life of retirement. [1]
He died of illness in Beijing on 10 April 1995 [2] .

Published work

Selected Works of Chen Yun (3 volumes) . [6]

Major contribution


Revolutionary contribution

Comrade Chen Yun is in Yan 'an
Comrade Chen Yun was born in Shanghai [7] A poor peasant family in Liantang town, Qingpu District. At that time, Chinese nation Suffering from grave disasters, imperialist aggression outside and feudal despotism and oppression inside, the Chinese people and many people of high ideals are struggling to find a way to save the country and the people. Comrade Chen Yun has lived at the bottom of society since his childhood and has experienced hardships.
In 1919, May Fourth Movement Burst out, woke up the simple love of the young Chen Yun who was still reading in primary school National conditions Feel.
In 1925, Comrade Chen Yun took part in the May Thirtieth Movement in Shanghai Worker The strike movement. In the baptism of the revolutionary struggle, he realized that society must be reformed in order to liberate mankind. That year, he joined the Communist Party of China. From then on, he began his career revolutionist The career, put magnificent communism Career as a lifelong goal. from Agrarian revolution From the War of Resistance against Japan to the War of Liberation, Comrade Chen Yun successively served as many important leaders of the Party and the army job Whether it is leading the workers' movement, the peasants' movement or participating in the world-famous Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army Long March, whether it is participating in the organization of the full swing of the resistance Japanese militarism The aggressors struggle or participate in the leadership overthrow Chiang Kai-shek The reactionary rule of the liberation war, whether led Organizational work of the party Or to preside over the financial and economic work of the Shansi-Gansu-Ningxia border area and the Shansi-Sui Border area, whether it is to participate in leading the establishment and consolidation of the northeast Base area 还是主持东北经济的恢复和重建工作,陈云同志始终不畏艰险,勇挑重担,精心谋划,勤奋工作,以高超的智慧和卓著的工作,为党中央和毛泽东同志制定的一系列重大战略决策的实施,为 The new Democratic Revolution The victory of the People's Republic of China and the birth of the People's Republic of China have established great achievements.
indicate In the early days of the founding of New China, it put forward many correct guiding ideology, working principles and major measures for the rapid recovery of the national economy and the stability of the people's livelihood, for the implementation of unified purchase and marketing of grain, cotton and other major agricultural products, and for the gradual socialist transformation of private ownership of the means of production State socialism He has made outstanding contributions to the establishment and foundation of industrialization and socialist economic construction.
During the "Cultural Revolution", he worked with Lin Biao, Jiang Qing The counter-revolutionary group fought resolutely and took an active part in our Party's decision-making process and struggle to crush the Gang of Four. At the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, which has far-reaching historical significance, Comrade Chen Yun, Comrade Ye Jianying, Li Xiannian 同志等一起,积极支持邓小平同志提出的 Emancipate one's mind Seek truth from facts, unity and look forward to the guidelines.
At the meeting, Comrade Chen Yun was re-elected to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the CPC Central Committee, and was elected as CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection The First secretary. After the Thirteenth National Congress of the CPC, Comrade Chen Yun served as chairman of the Central Advisory Committee of the CPC. Organizational line To put things right, Scientific evaluation 毛泽东同志的历史地位,坚持和发展毛泽东思想,制定和执行以经济建设为中心、坚持四项基本原则、坚持改革开放的 The party's basic line Correctly solve many problems left over from history and new problems that have emerged in real life since the founding of New China, promote Party building in the new era, promote cooperation and replacement of old and new cadres, especially pay close attention to training and selecting a large number of young and middle-aged cadres with both moral and ability, maintain the stability of the Party and the country, and successfully open up a new period of the development of China's socialist cause. In the new period Socialism with Chinese characteristics In the great process of vigorous development, Comrade Chen Yun has made significant contributions.

Economic work

Comrade Chen Yun is an outstanding leader in economic work in our Party. His long-term leadership of the successful practice of national financial and economic work and remarkable achievements have left an unforgettable impression on people. On some major issues of economic construction, especially at difficult moments, people always want to hear Comrade Chen Yun's opinions, and he is always able to live up to expectations, understand the overall situation, seize the key point, and promptly come up with effective solutions to problems measure . Old China A legacy of economic ruin, soaring prices and financial chaos.
In order to promote national socialist industrialization, Comrade Chen Yun conducted in-depth investigations and studies, persisted in proceeding from China's national conditions, actively drew on the useful experience of foreign countries, successfully presided over the preparation and implementation of the first five-year Plan, and accumulated valuable experience for our Party to promote industrialization. In the process of socialist transformation, Comrade Chen Yun takes this work as concrete Person in charge , played an important role. After the socialist transformation has been basically completed, Comrade Chen Yun has no idea how to implement the newly established socialist reform Socialist economic system And the economic system better suits our country's actual situation, promote productivity The development has been actively explored.
He put forward the thought of "three subjects, three supplements", and argued that in terms of industrial and commercial management, the state and collective management are the main body of industry and commerce, and a certain amount of individual management is the supplement. In terms of production planning, planned production is the main body of industrial and agricultural production, supplemented by free production in accordance with market changes and within the scope permitted by state planning. In the field of circulation, the state market is the main body of the socialist unified market, supplemented by the state-led free market within a certain range. This was a new idea combining with the reality of our country and breaking through the Soviet economic model, which was very valuable at that time.
He discovered early the problems brought about by the Great Leap Forward and the people's commune movement, and took all measures within his power under very difficult conditions to minimize the losses. Last century In the late 1950s and early 1960s, our national economy suffered serious difficulties. Zhou Enlai After entering a new historical period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, Comrade Chen Yun presided over the adjustment of the national economy. He systematically summarized the experience and lessons of China's economic construction, and clearly pointed out that the main source of mistakes in economic construction in the past is the guiding ideology of "left".
He made it clear, in Socialist system Next, only a plan according to the proportion is not enough, there must also be market regulation. This important understanding of his is highly focused on our breakthrough Planned economic system The bondage has had a wide and profound impact. This adjustment has significantly improved the serious difficulties in the national economy caused by the "Cultural Revolution" and created necessary conditions for the all-round development of reform and opening up.
Comrade Chen Yun has always maintained that matters affecting the economic life of the people throughout the country are the first major matter, that the scale of construction must be commensurate with the national strength, that economic construction and the people's livelihood must be taken into account and balanced, and that economic development must be balanced in a comprehensive manner and in accordance with the principles Economic law Do things and conduct them as necessary State intervention Correctly handle the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption to ensure the healthy development of the national economy in proportion. He also stressed that the ultimate goal of economic construction is to improve people's lives, and we must bear in mind the historical experience of "no agriculture, no stability" and "no grain, no chaos." These important thoughts are of great guiding significance for us to better advance reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Comrade Chen Yun often examines his own work from the perspective of the interests of the people, he said, I am in charge of food and clothing, "if we cannot solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, our socialist construction cause will not stand steady." These simple words expressed his deep understanding of the party's economic work and the essence of our socialist economic construction. Comrade Chen Yun's in-depth exploration and accurate grasp of the laws of socialist economic construction have accumulated very valuable experience for our Party to lead economic work and economic construction.

Cause of the Party and the people

After the Party's 14th National Congress, Comrade Chen Yun assumed leadership post He retired completely, but he still paid great attention to the development of the cause of the Party and the people, and unswervingly supported the work of the Party Central Committee until his last breath.

Family member

Chen Yun and Mrs Yu Ruogi They have five children [3] [12]
Eldest daughter Chen Weili [15]
son Chen Yuan [13]
Daughter Chen Weihua [12]
daughter Chen Weilan [14]
The younger son Chen Fang [14]
Chen Yun's granddaughter, Chen Xiaodan [16]

Social evaluation


Shining example

In his more than 70 years of revolutionary career, Comrade Chen Yun fully demonstrated the boldness, boldness and superb political wisdom of proletarian revolutionaries, and formed lofty thoughts, morality And style, set a shining example for us.
Comrade Chen Yun persistently pursues ideals and is always loyal to the Party and the people. Comrade Chen Yun said, communist We should not only strive for the specific tasks of the Party in each period, but also define our revolutionary outlook on life, which is to fight to the end for the realization of communism. No matter how arduous the struggle, how complex the situation, whether in prosperity or adversity, Comrade Chen Yun's belief in socialism and communism has always been steadfast, demonstrating the unshakable will and strong will of Communists proletariat The Party spirit. Comrade Chen Yun's pursuit of lofty ideals is reflected in his infinite loyalty to the people and his deep concern for the people. Comrade Chen Yun has a famous saying: "Talk without solving practical problems. Serve the people "Is an empty phrase." He stressed that our Communist Party must care about the vital interests of the people every day. Whether leading economic work or doing other work, earnestly seeking the interests of the people is a consistent principle that he follows. He said earnestly: We have spent decades to carry out the revolution successfully, and we must not let the fruits of the revolution be lost in our hands. Now we are faced with the problem of how to consolidate and develop the achievements of the revolution, and the key is to make good arrangements for the people's lives and truly seek their welfare. He repeatedly warned the whole party not to lose touch with the masses, and clearly put forward the famous conclusion that the issue of the ruling party's party style is a matter of life and death of the party. In Comrade Chen Yun, the persistent pursuit of lofty ideals and the unremitting struggle for the interests of the people have reached a perfect unity.
Comrade Chen Yun insists on seeking truth from facts and has the courage to persevere truth . Comrade Chen Yun stressed the importance of seeking truth from facts Marxism The fundamental ideological line is one of the fundamental signs to distinguish between true and false Marxism. From his long-term practice and personal experience, he summed up "not only above, not only books, only reality, exchange, comparison, repetition", which is an ideological method full of materialist dialectics. Working method And the principle of leadership is a combination of Marxist philosophy and Party's ideological line An important contribution. Comrade Chen Yun stressed that every Communist must put the interests of the revolution and the Party first, and must speak the truth Common people In the interest of the revolution, we will do whatever is in the interest of the revolution. For the development of the cause of the Party and the people, Comrade Chen Yun dared to uphold the truth, Speak out for justice Courage is a model of daring to adhere to the truth for the benefit of the people [8] . Two whatevers "Criticism of the wrong approach, support about Criterion of truth The discussion of the issue advocated a correct understanding and evaluation of the April 1976 civil rights and redress of wrongful convictions. Comrade Chen Yun never gives up easily whatever he has identified as the truth and has set his eyes on. As long as the Party and the people need it, he will carry on with great determination and unswervingly, no matter how complicated the situation may be or how precipitous it may be. Comrade Chen Yun's extraordinary courage and firm stand in upholding truth and principles fully demonstrate the selfless and fearless spirit of a thorough materialist. [11]

Deny oneself and serve the public

Chen Yun is with the children
Comrade Chen Yun is good at summing up experience and advocating solid work. As a leader of the Party and the state, Comrade Chen Yun deeply felt himself duty Major. He said that the people of the whole country put their hopes in our Party, and we have such a responsibility that we can not make a mistake, and if a mistake is made, it is not a matter of one person or a few people, but a matter of the gains and losses of the people of the whole country. Comrade Chen Yun stressed: "All correct policies are based on the actual situation Scientific analysis From here." "We should spend more than 90 percent of our time figuring out the situation and less than 10 percent of our time deciding policy." Comrade Chen Yun is good at investigation and research, down-to-earth work, and opposes pretentious, impetuous and quick success. He never made vague remarks, and every issue he talked about would be thoroughly investigated and carefully thought out, and he would have a far-sighted view in calculating big accounts and a clear-cut understanding in calculating small ones. Comrade Chen Yun believes Mob Relying on the masses, he always stressed: "Solutions to the immediate problems of the masses must be discussed among the masses and sought among the masses." "Fully mobilizing the masses is the key to carrying out all our work." Comrade Chen Yun insists on promoting democracy Style of work Pay great attention to listening to the opinions of all aspects, especially different opinions, repeatedly weigh the advantages and disadvantages, make prudent decisions, and strive to be prudent. At the same time, he is diligent in thinking, never stuck in a rut, always starting from China's national conditions, from the actual situation at that time, while practicing, exploring, summarizing, and creatively putting forward ideas to carry out work and solutions to problems. He stressed that the work should start bit by bit, be solid, can not be lucky, can not hope to achieve overnight; Work one by one, each work to the end, is the most effective, the fastest speed. Comrade Chen Yun's distinctive work characteristics and leadership style fully demonstrate the scientific attitude of real Marxists seeking truth and pragmatism and working hard Revolutionary spirit And a vibrant creative spirit.
Comrade Chen Yun has always been modest and prudent, always indifferent to fame and wealth. Comrade Chen Yun has a strong party spirit, adheres to principles, is aboveboard, does not take credit, does not rely on himself, and has always been able to correct the position of the individual and the Party. Comrade Chen Yun also encountered twists and turns in his revolutionary career, but he always Bear in mind the overall situation Maintain unity, neither drift with the crowd, nor depression retreat. Comrade Chen Yun said: "The most pleasant thing for a person is to take part in the revolution and fight for the interests of the people." He has made outstanding contributions to the Party and the people, but he always gives all the credit to the party and the people. 'If anyone leaves the people and the Party, nothing can be done,' he said. One does a good job for the party, that's how it should be, there grade The first is people power, the second is Party leadership Third comes the individual. And he said, We are Party member Under the leadership of the Party, in accordance with the requirements of the people, do a little thing, that is all, a little can not be proud. Comrade Chen Yun's strict demands on himself fully reflect the Communists' dedication to the public and dedication to the people High moral integrity . [11]

Glorious life

Comrade Chen Yun assumed the leadership of the CPC Central Committee in the early 1930s, experienced almost all major events in various historical periods when our Party led the people in revolution, construction, and reform, and participated in the formulation and implementation of a series of major decisions of the CPC Central Committee in different historical periods. It has played a very important role in the key moments of the development of the Party and the people's cause and in the major decisions of the Party and the state. Comrade Chen Yun devoted all his life's efforts and energy to the Party and the people, and his life was a great and glorious life. [11]
Comrade Chen Yun devoted his whole life to the development and success of the Chinese people's liberation cause, the establishment and consolidation of China's socialist system, and the creation and development of China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization cause [3] He has made immortal achievements, enjoys high prestige at home and abroad, and is respected and loved by the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in China. Comrade Chen Yun's great achievements will live on forever annals Comrade Chen Yun's style will forever remain in the hearts of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and Comrade Chen Yun's thought and moral character will always inspire us to continue to forge ahead [8] . [11]