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On behalf of Baidu encyclopedia, the section age of friends
In Baidu Encyclopedia to participate in the editing of entries, to contribute to the friends, according to the time of the first edit, calculate the section age medal.
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Baidu encyclopedia calculation section age medal icon


In the long years before the emergence of Baidu Encyclopedia, with the evolution of the development process of human civilization, the carrier of knowledge has also undergone several changes. From tying the rope to record things, to oracle bones, bamboo slips, paper, and then to today's Internet, more and more flat era, with the surge of network information, information discrimination is becoming more and more difficult, but also formed the information cocoon. Whether we can have an authoritative, objective and timely platform, so that we can eliminate the false and preserve the true at the first time in the era of information explosion, and be a knowledgeable person has become the greatest desire of the public.
So in 2008, with the original intention of "let human beings know the world equally", we founded Baidu Encyclopedia. Today, it has gathered millions of knowledge users, who have the knowledge and ability to share knowledge and collaborate on editing as a common belief.
When mom and dad don't understand the children's Internet language, yyds, awsl and other words in the mobile news are confused;
When netizens encounter Internet neologisms such as "enabling", "closed loop" and "meta-universe";
When the children send us a hundred thousand and one why in life, we are used to subconsciously Baidu to see what Baidu encyclopedia says.
As of December 21, 2021, Baidu Encyclopedia has collected 25 million entries, close to 200 million versions, and one entry is updated every second. If these online entries were printed in a book, it would take more than 10 football fields to accommodate them. What makes all this happen is the power of knowledge flow, and all the volunteers, authoritative experts and industry organizations who have aspirations and expectations for knowledge are working together to improve this Chinese encyclopedia. Thanks to these selfless users, they built these valuable knowledge content, so that users more convenient access to knowledge, more equal cognition of the world.
Now, let's watch the PK of the friends together, and witness the bright medal of the section age together. In the course of the journey of exploration, these friends of the section will recombine the fragmented knowledge and write, blooming belongs to the glory of the sharer!


On December 15, 2021, with the arrival of the 15th anniversary of Baidu Encyclopedia, Baidu Encyclopedia Science Age Medal was officially launched.
  • Figure: For users to edit Baidu encyclopedia section age
  • Section age calculation method: calculated according to the time of the user's first edit


100 years of age <2 years, showing the green Medal: represents the new force
100 years of age ≥2 years, and <5 years, show the red medal: represents enthusiasm and positive
100 years of age ≥5 years, and <9 years, showing the blue medal: on behalf of determination and progress
100 years of age ≥10 years, and <20 years, showing the gold medal: on behalf of the inheritance
100 years of age ≥20 years, showing orange medal: on behalf of long teaching
Diagram of the Order of Merit

Activation mode

It can be automatically activated if any entry is edited and approved within 1 year.