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China's socialist transformation

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The transformation movement in the early days of liberation
synonymSocialist transformation(Socialist transformation) generally refers to the socialist transformation in China
China's socialist transformation, that is, the three major socialist transformations, refers to People's Republic of China In the early days, Communist Party of China Organized on a national scale agriculture , Handicraft industry and capitalism Socialist transformation of industry and commerce. China's socialist transformation has been achieved Private ownership of the means of production Turn into Socialist public ownership The tasks are enriched and developed Marxism-Leninism the Scientific socialist theory . [1]
Chinese name
Three major transformations
Foreign name
Three Great Remolding
This is not the case
Mao Zedong
Agriculture, handicrafts, capitalist industry and commerce
Bring our country into The primary stage of socialism Private ownership of the means of production shifted to socialist public ownership
Later, there are shortcomings such as too urgent requirements, too rough work, and too fast changes
From 1953 to December 1956


Three major transformations , that is People's Republic of China After establishment, by Communist Party of China The socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce under its leadership. The national land reform was basically completed in the spring of 1953, and in August 1953 Mao Zedong Comrade pointed out in one instruction: "From the founding of the People's Republic of China to Socialist transformation Basically done. It's a transition period. The Party's general line and general task in this transitional period is to basically realize the country within a considerable period of time industrialization And the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce. This general line should be a beacon shining on all our work, and all our work will violate it if it leaves it. Right deviation 'or' Left deviation 'mistake."
That is to say, in the whole transition period, we must realize the "one reform and three reforms". "Yi Hua" means Socialist industrialization We need to develop the productive forces. The "Three reforms" are the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce, in which agriculture and handicrafts are co-operatively implemented, while capitalist industry and commerce are implemented Public-private partnership . Five-year plan . He believes that China "can build a strong economy in about fifty to seventy years, that is, in the period of ten to fifteen five-year plans. Socialist country "

Historical background

In September 1952, Mao Zedong At a Central Committee meeting, he proposed, "We will now begin to complete basically the transition to socialism in 10 to 15 years." The following June, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced General line of transition period It includes two aspects: First, it is gradually realized Socialist industrialization This is the main body of the general line; Second, gradually realize the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce.
These are the two wings of the main route. From the second half of 1952 to 1956, it took only four years for New China to complete the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce Means of production Private ownership Turn into Socialist public ownership To make China from The new democratic society Step into Socialist society Our country initially established the basic system of socialism. Since then, China has entered the primary stage of socialism.


Rallies and parades were held in Shanghai to celebrate the entry into socialist society
With the development of socialist industrialization, the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicraft industry and capitalist industry and commerce has also taken rapid steps.
In order to further improve agricultural productivity and gradually overcome the contradiction between agriculture and the development of industry and commerce, the CPC Central Committee actively guided the peasants to organize themselves and take the road of collectivization. In 1955, it was raised nationwide Agricultural cooperation The climax of...
The next year, more than 90 percent of farmers participated Agricultural producers' cooperative . At the same time, more than 90 percent of the artisans also participated Handicraft producers' cooperatives .
Under the impetus of the upsurge of agricultural cooperation, the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce also began rapidly. In this transformation process, China has implemented the policy of "utilization, restriction, transformation", and gradually shifted from processing to ordering Public-private partnership Transition. At the beginning of 1956, the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce appeared a wave of industry-wide public-private partnership, which quickly swept across China.


1956 Shanghai capitalists accepted public-private partnership
By the end of 1956, China had basically completed the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce. In the later period of the "three major transformations", because the development speed is too rapid, the work is too rapid and rough, there are some deviations in the actual work.
Socialist transformation has been basically completed, marking the formation of socialist public ownership and its dominant position in the national economy. From then on, the socialist system was basically established in our country, and our country began to enter the primary stage of socialism. This is a historic change in China in the 20th century. [2]

Transformation of the three major socialist industries


Socialist transformation of agriculture

The socialist transformation of agriculture is also called Agricultural cooperative movement .
Annunciation -- Celebrating public-private partnership by Zhu Xuanxian
Beginning in December 1951, the Party Central Committee issued a series of resolutions that set out the rules of our country Socialist transformation of agriculture By the end of 1956, the socialist transformation of agriculture had experienced mutual assistance groups, primary cooperatives, Advanced cooperative After the three stages were basically completed, 96.3 percent of farmers nationwide joined cooperatives.
Through the cooperative road, farmers Individual economy A gradual transition to socialism Collective economy Theory and practice. In the spring of 1953, China's land reform was basically completed, and the farmers who had acquired land had great enthusiasm for production, but the scattered and fragile agricultural individual economy could not meet the needs of agricultural products for industrial development polarization The danger (cause) of... Common prosperity .
In 1953, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Agricultural Production and the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Development of agricultural Cooperatives were successively issued, and the mutual assistance and cooperation movement began to guide rural China to participate in agriculture Producers' cooperative Take collectivization and common prosperity Socialist road . By the end of 1956, agricultural cooperation had been basically realized.
The general process is: mutual support group → junior society → senior society

Socialist transformation of handicraft industry

Through the road of cooperation, the individual handicraft industry is transformed into the socialist working masses Collective ownership Economic theory and practice. The socialist transformation of handicrafts began from November 1953 to the end of 1956, and more than 90% of the country's handicrafts joined cooperatives.
Individual handicraft industry is based on Private ownership A kind of commodity production based on individual labor Individual economy It occupies a certain position in China's national economy. In 1952, the output value of handicraft industry accounted for 21% of the total industrial output value of the country, which was needed by rural areas Means of production and Means of subsistence Much of it comes from handicrafts.
从1953年起,中国共产党在 General line of transition period Under the guidance of the Communist Party of China, it was decided to gradually carry out socialist transformation of rival industries. The transformation takes the form of cooperation and gradual transition steps, from the handicraft production cooperation group, handicraft supply and marketing cooperatives, and then develop into handicraft industry Producers' cooperative . By the end of 1956, the number of people participating in handicraft cooperation organizations had accounted for 91.7 percent of the total number of people employed in the country's handicraft industry, and the socialist transformation of individual handicraft industry had basically been completed.
The general process is: production team → production cooperative

Socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce

See also: Redemption policy
pass State capitalism In the form of a national capitalist economy gradually transformed into Socialist economy Theory and practice. Eradication Capitalist private ownership It is a fundamental task in the transitional period. The socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce was carried out in an all-round way from 1954 to the end of 1956. The Party has taken" Peaceful redemption The policy, through the form of state capitalism, will gradually transform it into Socialist public ownership Enterprises, moreover, combine the transformation of ownership with the transformation of man, and strive to turn the exploiters into self-supporting workers.
Chinese national capitalism Economic control New democracy There are two sides in the transition period to socialism, one is conducive to national economy and people's livelihood, and the other is not conducive to national economy and people's livelihood. China National bourgeoisie Corresponding also has two sides.
The Communist Party of China adopts a policy of utilizing, restricting and reforming capitalist industry and commerce, as well as the bourgeoisie Redemption policy . After a series of transitional forms of state capitalism from primary to senior, such as commissioned processing, planned ordering, monopoly purchase and sale, and commissioned distribution, it was implemented by the end of 1956 Public-private partnership Industrial enterprises have accounted for 99% of the total number of households and employees of the original capitalist industries, accounting for 99.6% of the gross domestic product. Industry-wide public-private partnership shall be adopted Fixed rate of interest That is, according to the amount of private shares of the public-private joint venture (a total of more than 2.3 billion yuan) issued annually capitalist 5% dividend For a total of 10 years. And that makes private equity very different from Means of production The right of use of the enterprise is separated, and the means of production of the enterprise are uniformly managed and utilized by the State. After the fixed rate stops paying, the enterprise becomes completely Enterprises owned by the whole people .
With the completion of the transformation of capitalist industry and commerce, the bourgeoisie as a class was abolished. At this point our country has established the basic system of socialism and entered The primary stage of socialism .
The general content is: public-private partnership, redemption policy

Historical significance

Guangzhou held a party to celebrate the victory of socialist transformation
The socialist transformation of agriculture, handicraft industry and private ownership of capitalist industrial and commercial means of production in our country has been enriched and developed both theoretically and practically Marxism-Leninism the Scientific socialist theory It has greatly promoted the social transformation of industry, agriculture and commerce and the development of the entire national economy. realized Private ownership of the means of production Turn into Socialist public ownership The task of... The basic system of political socialism is established initially in our country; Economically, the socialist planned economy is basically established in our country; For our country Socialist industrialization Blazed a trail; Enter from here The primary stage of socialism . It is the most profound social change in Chinese history.
However, in the later period of socialist transformation work, there are also shortcomings such as too urgent requirements, too coarse work, and too fast changes.
The basic completion of the socialist transformation marks Socialist system The establishment in China achieved the most profound and greatest social change in Chinese history, for China Socialist modernization Laid the foundation.
(1) The victory of socialist transformation can be achieved relatively smoothly in a large country with a population of several hundred million Private ownership Such a complex, difficult and profound social transformation has not only not caused the destruction of the productive forces, but on the contrary has promoted the development of industry and agriculture and the entire national economy, and has won the general support of the masses of the people without causing great social unrest.
(2) The basic completion of socialist transformation, Chinese society Economic structure Fundamental changes have taken place over thousands of years based on private ownership of the means of production Rank The system of exploitation was essentially eliminated, Socialist economy Became the dominant component of the national economy, Socialist economic system Basically established in China. It was convened in 1954 The First National People's Congress Together with the establishment of the socialist political system, China has completed the most profound and greatest social transformation in history The new democratic society enter The primary stage of socialism .
(3) In practice, the Communist Party of China has combined the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete realities of China's socialist revolution, creatively blazed a path of socialist transformation suited to China's characteristics, and enriched the scientific socialist theory of Marxism with new experience and ideas.
4. The victory of socialist transformation has greatly liberated the social productive forces in our country, promoted the development of the productive forces, and opened up broad prospects for the development of socialist construction and the improvement of people's living standards.
In short, the founding of the People's Republic of China and the establishment of the socialist system was the second historic change in the history of China in the 20th century. This was a great victory in China's people's revolution, unprecedented in ancient times. It created the prerequisite and laid the foundation for China's socialist modernization drive.

Problems after land reform

After the land reform, China's rural areas have basically realized "medium agriculture". In old age Liberated area Due to various reasons, the phenomenon of land sales and polarization has appeared. This raises the question: What happens next when farmers get their land? According to the general line of the transitional period, it is necessary to carry out further socialist transformation of agriculture and lead the peasants to the road of mutual assistance and cooperation.
After the land reform, the rural areas have established mutual assistance and cooperation groups, and because of land sales and polarization, many mutual assistance groups in some areas have been paralyzed. In July 1950, Shanxi Province The Committee will organize an investigation team Wuxiang county After the investigation, he wrote the "Shanxi Wuxiang Rural Investigation Report", and in the same year, Shanxi Changzhi Local Committee also wrote the "Report on the situation and problems of organization". The two reports share the same view that in order to solve the problem of the depression of the mutual aid group, it is necessary to add new content to the mutual aid group in order to effectively increase production. So what does Shanxi say is new? That is to turn the support group into a Land shares characteristic Primary agricultural production cooperatives . In the report "Improving mutual assistance groups in old Areas" written by the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee to the North China Bureau, it also advocated increasing public accumulation and expanding primary cooperatives Distribution according to work These new factors, such as partial proportion, limited the development of the rich peasants, gradually overcame the spontaneous tendency of the peasants, and gradually shook, weakened and even negated the private foundation.
At that time, Liu Shaoqi And the North China Bureau held different opinions on the above propositions of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, and believed that the main problem of consolidating mutual assistance group was to enrich the production content of mutual assistance group, rather than to shake its private foundation. Emphasis should be placed on the collectivization of agriculture, which is the task of the future, and on the condition of the strong development of national industry and the extensive use of agricultural machinery. The reply of North China Bureau to the report of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Liu Shaoqi The comrade's comments and his speeches on different occasions have criticized the Shanxi proposition.
however Mao Zedong We can also see from here, in our country Socialist transformation of agriculture There was debate in the beginning. Bo Yibo , Liu Lantao Thus in the central "unity of thought and understanding" and as early as General line of transition period In September 1951, the first meeting on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation held by the Central Committee adopted the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Agricultural Production (Draft), which was later revised and issued to party committees at all levels for trial implementation in December of the same year.

Judgment on "two initiatives" of farmers

After the land reform, the central task facing the rural areas is to develop the rural economy, increase agricultural productivity and improve the living conditions of the vast number of farmers. At this time, due to the enthusiasm of farmers in production, agricultural productivity has been liberated to a certain extent. But, Mao Zedong It is believed that individual farmers can only increase their production by working alone, and mutual assistance and cooperation must be developed. He also believed that the rural positions after land reform, socialism (i.e Collective ownership If it does not occupy, capitalism will inevitably occupy.
He pointed out that capitalism could also increase production, but it would take longer, and it would be a painful path, and farmers would be divided. We can't leave, he stressed capitalism The road, can only walk Socialist road That is, the road of socialist big agriculture. He believed that during the democratic revolution, the alliance of workers and peasants was founded on Agrarian revolution On a basic basis. After the completion of the agrarian revolution, the peasants were no longer satisfied with this. The Communist Party must have new interests for them, and that is socialism. He pointed out that the former alliance against landlords, fighting local tyrants and dividing land was temporary, and the farmers would be divided again after the land reform, so the alliance of workers and peasants could be further consolidated only when the farmers were led to take the socialist road and become rich.
At this time, in some areas, there has actually been a phenomenon of polarization. Some farmers have fallen into poverty as a result of natural and man-made disasters, and there are also widows, widows, orphans and other poor families whose difficulties cannot be solved by mutual assistance teams, so they have to sell their newly allotted land. Mao Zedong Think: in order to prevent a small number of farmers to move pauperization In order to prevent farmers from selling their fields, the only way is to engage in cooperation, in short, he stressed the necessity and urgency of socialist transformation of agriculture from all aspects.

Socialist transformation of rural areas

Mao Zedong It is also believed that socialist transformation of rural areas after land reform is not only necessary, but also possible. He proposed that farmers after land reform have two initiatives (this idea is also reflected in the 1951 draft resolution) : one is to act Individual economy The peasants of small private owners have the initiative to take the capitalist road; First, as laborers, the peasants had mutual assistance and cooperation and accepted the leadership of the Communist Party Socialist road The positivity. With regard to these two initiatives of the peasants, he also pointed out that the initiative of the individual economy of the peasants should not be ignored or brutally discouraged, and demanded that the middle peasants should be consolidated in policy and the development of the rich peasant economy should be allowed. However, he emphasized more the enthusiasm of peasants as workers to take the socialist road. And in the actual work, there is a misjudgment of these two kinds of enthusiasm of farmers at that time.
It would have been possible to fully estimate and bring into play the high enthusiasm of the peasants, as small private owners, for Labour production after the acquisition of land, and to bring about a period of steady development of agricultural production. As a result of this misjudgment, on the contrary, it emphasized that the revolution should not stop, that the socialist transformation of agriculture should be carried out immediately after the land reform while the iron is hot, and that the peasants should be guided to the road of mutual assistance and cooperation. At this time, the Communist Party's prestige among the peasants was unprecedented.
In a speech on November 4, 1953, Mao Zedong It was also stressed that the establishment of cooperatives should be realistic and should take into account possibilities, that is, conditions. Including political conditions, economic conditions and cadres conditions. However, on the question of whether the conditions are ripe for the establishment of social organizations, there are two different understandings at this time: one is that the peasants who have just acquired land and who are small private owners have not yet left politically Socialist road That socialism cannot be built on the basis of small farmers, Socialist transformation of agriculture It must have been after industrialization. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the accumulation of industrialization was mainly based on agriculture. He stressed no. Agricultural cooperation If agricultural production does not go up, there will be no industrialization and no mechanization of agriculture. On the issue of cadres, he stressed that they can be trained in the course of development. He harshly criticized Deng Zihui's idea of "ensuring private ownership" and "pursuing the four freedoms" as bourgeois concepts (although the law at that time provided for the protection of private ownership). On the membership composition after the cooperation, Mao Zedong It is pointed out that the areas in which cooperatives begin to spread or soon spread should be poor peasants, new lower middle peasants (these two account for 60-70% of all peasants), old lower middle peasants, new and old upper middle peasants, landlords and rich peasants.
The basic organizational form of socialist transformation of agriculture
right Socialist transformation of agriculture The basic form of organization is cooperative society. three-step . That is, in accordance with the principle of voluntariousness and mutual benefit, a few or a dozen households with the germ of socialism should first be organized together Agricultural production mutual aid Group ; Then, on the basis of mutual aid groups, the peasants were called upon to organize small, semi-socialist agriculture characterized by land, farm tools, stock ownership of livestock, and unified management Producers' cooperative -- elementary society; Finally, on the basis of the development of production and the further improvement of farmers' consciousness, large-scale, Distribution according to work Agricultural producers' cooperatives of a fully socialist nature -- Advanced cooperative . He stressed that the above steps should be followed in general circumstances, but he also believed that in special cases, it is possible to go straight and directly establish cooperatives.

The upsurge of agricultural cooperation

In the early days of cooperation, in terms of the speed of development, Mao Zedong Still cautious. He stressed the need to pay attention to "whether the conditions are mature", that the conditions of mature areas can be faster, and the conditions of immature areas will be slower. He proposed to pay attention to anti-left as well as anti-right. He stressed the principle of "voluntariness and mutual benefit"; Emphasizing the control of development figures and the rationalization of assessments; It is emphasized that we should actively guide and steadily advance, and the construction of the society should conform to the regulations. He especially called for proper treatment of the middle peasants. Point out treatment Small peasant economy It can only be transformed, not destroyed. He also stressed that the key to testing success or failure is to see whether it can increase production and whether the new production relations are suitable for the development of productive forces. He stressed the need to develop cooperatives in large numbers, high quality, low cost and to increase production. According to the above principles, he believes that old liberated areas and newly liberated areas, Han areas and minority areas, advanced areas and backward areas should be different.
October 1953 Mao Zedong Specific arrangements have also been made. He proposed that in the newly liberated areas, no matter large, medium or small counties, one or two cooperatives should be established in the spring of 1954. "At least one, at most three," he stressed. And said "more is bold, less is the right." He pointed out that in areas where land reform had not yet been completed and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, it could be suspended for the time being, and in backward areas it could be postponed until the autumn of 1954. His original plan was: from the winter of 1953 to the autumn of 1954 before the national development of cooperatives (elementary cooperatives) more than 32,000, by 1957 can grow to 700,000, can also develop into more than one million. This is also the first proposed plan. The idea at this time was mainly to develop small societies. In general, the size of each community is about 70-80 or to 100 households, and hundreds of households should be a minority. At the same time, a few "socialist" ones could be established State farm By 1957, it had reached 3,038 units with some degree of mechanization. State farms were built to provide more commercial food for the country.
But the actual state of the cooperative's development was as follows: by December 1951 Agricultural cooperative By the autumn of 1954, it had grown to more than 100,000, and by June 1955, after a preliminary reorganization, there were still 650,000. This is faster than originally planned. By July 1955 Mao Zedong The situation in the countryside throughout the country has changed and a new socialism has emerged Mass movement The climax of... His judgment was based on a batch of reports sent to him by the grassroots. His comments on each report concluded that the socialist upsurge of rural cooperation had arrived or was about to arrive.

Completion of transformation

The establishment of a socialist society in China has been the goal of the Communist Party of China since its founding, and it is also a goal that the people of all ethnic groups in China have long strived for under the leadership of the Party.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Party led the people of all ethnic groups in the country in the gradual transformation from new democracy to socialism. After three years of economic recovery work, at the end of 1952, the CPC Central Committee put forward the Party's general line for the transition period, which clearly stipulated: "The general line and the general task of the Party in this transitional period is to gradually achieve socialist industrialization of the country over a fairly long period of time and to gradually realize the socialist transformation of agriculture, rival industries and capitalist industry and commerce by the State."
The essence and main task of this general line of "one modernization and three reforms" is to realize the industrialization of the country, and in order to realize the industrialization of the country, it is necessary to realize the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, capitalist industry and commerce, and fully establish the basic system of socialism.
In accordance with the requirements of the General Line, since 1953, while vigorously promoting industrialization, the Party has carried out socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, capitalist industry and commerce. The main task of socialist transformation is to transform capitalist private ownership into ownership by the whole people, and to transform private ownership based on the individual Labour of peasants and artisans into collective ownership by the working people.
The socialist transformation of agriculture is actually the cooperative transformation of agriculture. In 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued two resolutions on agricultural cooperation, laying down the line, principles and policies for the socialist transformation of China's agriculture. It was under the guidance of these two resolutions that the cooperative development of rural China began. By the end of 1956, the socialist transformation of agriculture had basically been completed after going through the three stages of mutual assistance groups, primary cooperatives and senior cooperatives, and 96.3 percent of rural households nationwide had joined cooperatives. In an atmosphere of development and stability, China's rural areas have completed the historic transformation from thousands of years of dispersed individual labor to collective ownership and collective management.
While promoting agricultural cooperation, from November 1953 to the end of 1956, the Party adopted the policy of "active leadership and steady progress" and gradually carried out socialist transformation of rival industries from small to large and from low to high, starting with supply and marketing in the form of production cooperation groups, supply and marketing cooperatives and production cooperatives. More than 90 percent of the country's artisans have joined cooperatives.
The socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce began in the second half of 1953. The socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is the focus of the three major transformations. The state needs the development of capitalist industry and commerce to a certain extent, because it is conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood. However, capitalist industry and commerce also have a side that is not conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood. In order to gradually lead capitalist industry and commerce, which had been backward, chaotic and malformed, onto the road of socialist transformation, the Communist Party of China has decisively carried out large-scale socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce throughout the country since 1953. The transformation is divided into two steps: the first is the transformation of capitalism into state capitalism; The second step is to transform state capitalism into socialism. In June 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted the Opinions on the Utilization, Restriction and Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce on the basis of an investigation by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. In October, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce held a congress of its members, which conveyed the CCP's general line for the transitional period and its policy for the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. Under the guidance of the general line of the transitional period, by the end of 1954, most of the major large-scale private industrial enterprises had been transformed into public-private joint ventures through public-private partnerships. On the commercial side, with the State in control of all important sources of goods, there is a transformation to state capitalist commerce by enabling private commerce to carry out the business of distribution. In the second half of 1955, many large and medium-sized cities appeared the trend of capitalist industry-wide public-private partnership. In November, the CPC Central Committee convened a meeting of heads of Party committees of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions to strengthen the leadership of industry-wide public-private partnerships. At this time, the rise of the upsurge of agricultural cooperation finally broke off the link between capitalism and the countryside, and the conditions were ripe for public-private partnership in all sectors of capitalist industry and commerce. Industry-wide public-private partnership is the highest form of state capitalism Capitalist ownership A decisive step in the transition to socialist public ownership. On January 10, 1956, Beijing first announced the realization of industry-wide public-private partnership. Subsequently, large cities such as Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi 'an, Chongqing, Shenyang and more than 50 medium-sized cities have successively realized industry-wide public-private partnerships. By the end of the first quarter of 1956, the number of public-private joint ventures in all sectors of the country had reached 99 percent and that of private businesses 85 percent, basically completing the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership. In the upsurge of the transformation of capitalist industry and commerce, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council issued a series of instructions, fully guaranteeing the right to vote, work and life of ethnic businessmen and businessmen, and implementing the policy of "peaceful redemption" for the national bourgeoisie, so that the vast majority of them could accept and support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. Through the form of state capitalism, capitalist industry and commerce have gradually been transformed into socialist public enterprises, and in the process of ownership transformation, human beings have also been transformed, and exploiters have been transformed into self-supporting workers, thus making an important contribution to the industrialization of the country and the promotion of various construction undertakings.
By 1956, the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce had been basically completed Basic economic system It is fully established in China. This is the most important symbol of China's entry into socialist society. Chinese society has since entered a new stage of development - the primary stage of socialism. It was on the basis of this situation that the Eighth National Congress of the Party declared that the socialist system had basically been established in our country, and on this basis correctly judged the principal contradictions in the country and clearly defined the main tasks of the Party and the State.
In the later stage of socialist transformation, however, there were problems such as too urgent demands, too coarse work, too rapid changes, and too simple forms. However, on the whole, the relatively smooth realization of such a complex, difficult and profound social change in a large country with a population of several hundred million, which has promoted the development of industry and agriculture and the national economy as a whole, is indeed a great historic victory.
Facts have shown that the establishment of the basic system of socialism has laid the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional foundation for all development and progress in contemporary China.


The three major socialist transformations It refers to the socialist transformation of agriculture, capitalist industry, commerce and handicrafts organized by the Communist Party of China nationwide in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Among them, the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce is the focus of the three major transformations. In our country The new Democratic Revolution Victory sum Land system reform When this was accomplished, the principal contradiction in the country became between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Socialist road And the capitalist path. The state needs the development of capitalist industry and commerce to a certain extent, because it is conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood. However, the capitalist industry and commerce also have a side that is not conducive to the national economy and people's livelihood, which leads to the struggle between restriction and anti-restriction. In order to gradually lead capitalist industry and commerce, which had been backward, chaotic and malformed, onto the road of socialist transformation, the Communist Party of China has decisively carried out large-scale socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce throughout the country since 1953.
The transformation is divided into two steps: the first step is to transform capitalism into State capitalism ; The second step is to transform state capitalism into socialism. In June 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China drafted the Opinions on the Utilization, Restriction and Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce on the basis of an investigation by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. In September, Mao Zedong with Democratic parties He held talks with some representatives of the business community and pointed out that state capitalism is the only way to transform capitalist industry and commerce. October, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce United Guild A congress of members was held, which conveyed the CCP's general line in the transitional period and its policy of socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. in General line of transition period Under the guidance, by the end of 1954, most of the major large private industrial enterprises had passed Public-private partnership The way to change into a public-private joint venture. On the commercial side, distribution is carried out through private commerce, with all important sources in the hands of the State Commission business Mode direction State capitalism Business changes. In the second half of 1955, many large and medium-sized cities appeared the trend of capitalist industry-wide public-private partnership. In November, the CPC Central Committee convened a meeting of heads of Party committees of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions to strengthen the leadership of industry-wide public-private partnerships. At this time, Agricultural cooperation The rise of the climax has finally severed the link between capitalism and the countryside, and conditions are ripe for public-private joint ventures in all sectors of capitalist industry and commerce. Whole industry Public-private partnership Is the highest form of state capitalism, is the transformation of capitalist ownership into Socialist public ownership Is a major and decisive step. On January 10, 1956, Beijing first announced the realization of industry-wide public-private partnership.
Next, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi 'an, Chongqing, Shenyang and other major cities and more than 50 Medium-sized city Industry-wide public-private partnerships have been implemented successively. By the end of the first quarter of 1956, the number of public-private joint ventures in all sectors of the country had reached 99 percent and that of private businesses 85 percent, basically completing the socialist transformation of capitalist ownership. In the upsurge of the transformation of capitalist industry and commerce, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued a series of instructions, which fully guaranteed the right to vote, work and life of the national industrial and commerce workers, so that the national industrial and commerce workers could accept socialism without too much reluctance, thus ensuring the smooth progress of the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce. In the upsurge of capitalist industrial and commercial transformation, there are also problems of being too fast and too coarse. During the same period, the Communist Party of China also successfully carried out and completed the socialist transformation of agriculture and handicrafts. The three major socialist transformations The victory was completed for the new China from The new democratic society to Socialist society The transition creates the conditions. [2]