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Encyclopedia hot word team

Baidu Encyclopedia core user team
Encyclopedia hot word team (Encyclopedia of Top Searched Keywords Team) is Baidu Encyclopedia Core user team, mainly responsible Hot item Dig, update, improve and add hot special modules, etc., share the latest hot knowledge every day. Encyclopedia hot word team is composed of friends who love knowledge sharing and excellent editing ability. Team members use the fastest speed to bring the latest Hot spot Content editing updates entries, while sorting out and publishing high-quality information to meet everyone's reading needs. They serve the knowledge needs of hundreds of millions of netizens every day.
Encyclopedia hot word team under the guidance of the official encyclopedia rapid growth, team members with their own efforts to constantly convey the hot word team fast, accurate, high-quality content concept. Actively participate to realize the team value and serve hundreds of millions of netizens.
Registration entrance
Hot word system
Chinese name
Encyclopedia hot word team
Foreign name
Encyclopedia of Top Searched Keywords Team
Set up time
September 2013
Team official
du small artillery, du autumn maple, du Xiao Xiao, du Yihe, du Geranium, du rabbit head

Basic information

Chinese name
Encyclopedia hot word team
Foreign name
Encyclopedia of Top Searched Keywords Team
Set up time
September 2013
Team official
du small artillery, du autumn maple, du Xiao Xiao, du Yihe, du Geranium, du rabbit head
Team slogan
To the word inscription history, record The Times
Formally established
September 19, 2013
Theme song
"Encyclopedia hot word team to take you sailing"

Team background

As the key content of the timely part of the three brand strategies of Encyclopedias authority, richness and timeliness, the timeliness project plays an important leading role in maintaining the brand. The encyclopedia timeliness direction is mainly responsible for the mining, updating, improving and adding hot news modules, etc., to share the latest hot knowledge every day. Operation users will use the fastest speed to update the latest hot editing to the entries, while sorting out and publishing high-quality information to meet everyone's reading needs. They serve the knowledge needs of hundreds of thousands of netizens every day.

Team history

Team image
The year 2013
In September, the encyclopedia hot words team began to form;
On September 19, the test task was released, and the encyclopedia hot word team was formally established;
On September 22, the revised operating specification was released;
On 30 September, internal recruitment of statistical officers; And publish the initial application card;
On October 9, the encyclopedia hot word team issued a reward for the first time, and each person got at least one new encyclopedia T-shirt;
October 15, open Read encyclopedia Theme activities, encyclopedic topic discussion every Saturday night, play with everyone; The talent introduction plan is opened on the same day, and there are certain rewards for new members and members who invite more members;
On October 20, the owner of the residual Xuan Pavilion was appointed as the quality reviewer, Conan heaven as the points statistician, and asked Flower 1 as the science popularization specialist;
On October 21, the list of popular science words was opened, and some entries that had not yet been included in the editing encyclopedia were released;
On November 14, the specification of the hot word self-recommendation format was made;
On December 11, the" Historical Records, 2013 "Entry improvement task;
On December 20, the annual contribution Award of Encyclopedia hot words was selected, and the exclusive badge was customized for the winners;
On December 22, the new task system of Encyclopedia was online, and the team took the lead in opening the legendary task of science popularization;
On December 24, Hua Yong was promoted to the hot word audit specialist, responsible for the quality inspection of hot words;
December 25, temporary activities, presented to the object, goddess, boys hands special greeting cards;
The year 2014
On February 17, the new hot word operation plan was released, transfer Encyclopedia press corps Do activities in the bar, and publish awards and other information in the post bar;
On March 31, members were regrouped and a confirmation post was issued.
On July 22, the first edition of the Encyclopedia's top Word list was released; [1]
On July 29, the first issue of the Baidu Encyclopedia topic "The Voice of the third season of student identity" was launched;
In mid-September, the baby elephant was no longer in charge of the hot phrase du bud and du small artillery Take charge.
On November 22, the encyclopedia hot word team's exclusive background - hot spot mining background - entry update task area was officially launched.
On December 9, combined with the authoritative data of entries, Baidu Encyclopedia released the" Historical Records 2014 ". [2]
The year 2015
On January 9, Baidu Encyclopedia's annual hot Words ceremony was opened, and the 2014 hot words in science and technology, society, entertainment, network and other fields were announced on the spot, and the annual entertainment popularity King was also invited Lu Han Live interaction.
On June 16, the team held the Dragon Boat Festival winning zongzi activity, and the team contribution created the highest record of single-day contribution data.
In late June, the hot word team made new adjustments, the team created a new gameplay, opened a new mode of team member training and expansion, and improved the two-legged walking mode of "timeliness update" + "Thematic mining". In the same period, Baidu encyclopedia ten hot words Brand building work has been fully launched.
In early August, a special group on the Voice of China and a special group on railway knowledge were formed.
On August 9, the hot Word Tutor group consisting of LIU Wang, Hell Caesar Liang OTK, Wo Si, So I Orange and other three hot word tutors was established on a pilot basis.
In December, combined with the authoritative data of entries, Baidu Encyclopedia released the" Historical Records 2015 ".
The year 2016
On January 25, the Encyclopedia hot Word team bar was launched.
In December, combined with the authoritative data of entries, Baidu Encyclopedia released the" Shiji ·2016 ".
The year 2017
In February, the theme song of the Encyclopedia Hot word team "Encyclopedia hot word team takes you on a voyage" began to brew. Team member singer Yang Yang (Baidu ID: Yang Yang Love wife) for the team to compose lyrics. [3]
In April, "Baidu Encyclopedia" second understand the two sessions ":" Two sessions "common sense popularization" project won the excellent works award issued by the Beijing Internet Information Office.
2017 National two sessions special award
In December, du Qiufeng began to participate in the daily operation of the encyclopedia hot word team.
On December 26, Data · Star Mang-Baidu Encyclopedia History 2017 and Baidu Encyclopedia press conference, Baidu Encyclopedia released" Shiji ·2017 ".
The year 2018
In April, Baidu Encyclopedia [2018 National Two Sessions Topic] won the 2018 National Two Sessions Network Report Excellent Planning Award issued by the Beijing Internet Information Office.
2018 National Two Sessions Thematic Excellent Planning Award
On June 22, the theme song of the Encyclopedia Hot word team "Encyclopedia hot word team takes you to sail away" was released in a year and four months. [3]
In September, Baidu Encyclopedia was launched Hot word version Markers.
On December 28, Baidu Encyclopedia History 2018 and "Baidu Data · City" conference was held in Beijing, Baidu Encyclopedia released" Shiji ·2018 ". [4]
On December 12, at the 2019 Baidu Knowledge Summit, Baidu Encyclopedia released the" Shiji ·2019 ". [5]
The year 2020
On December 8, at the "Baidu Encyclopedia Historiography 2020· Shimmer Annual Forum", Baidu Encyclopedia released the" Shiji ·2020 ". [6]
From September 19 to September 22, Baidu Encyclopedia 2023 campus summer camp "to hot AI· Pilot future" Encyclopedia youth pilot project launch ceremony and Encyclopedia hot word team 10th anniversary ceremony was successfully held in Beijing. [7]
Baidu encyclopedia tenth anniversary hot word night talk activity group photo

Manual guide


Update requirement

Excavation requirement

See Encyclopedia Hot Word team internal rules file. [2]