Li Keqiang

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Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, former Premier of The State Council
Li Keqiang (July 3, 1955 - October 27, 2023) Male, Han nationality, native of Dingyuan, Anhui Province, started to work in March 1974, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1976, graduated from the Department of Law and the School of Economics of Peking University, majoring in economics, on-the-job postgraduate degree, Bachelor of Laws, Doctor of economics. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, Premier of The State Council and Secretary of the Party Group. [1] [7]
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, The State Council of the People's Republic of China, and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deeply announce: He died on October 27, 2023 in Shanghai at the age of 68. [9-11]
12 - [13]
Chinese name
Li Keqiang
Ethnic group
The Han nationality
Be educated and educated
Dingyuan, Anhui
Place of Birth
Hefei, Anhui Province
Date of birth
July 3, 1955
Date of death
October 27, 2023
Graduate School
Peking University
Political status
CPC member
Learned scholar
Academic calendar
Graduate student


From September 1962 to March 1974, he studied in Hefei Nanmen Primary School and No. 8 Middle School. In December 1973, he joined the Communist Youth League of China. Since he was a teenager, he has loved the party, the motherland and the people, studied hard and pursued progress. He joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in May 1976 and served as the Party branch secretary of Damiao Commune in Fengyang County, Anhui Province from November 1976 to March 1978. From March 1978 to February 1982, he studied in the Law Department of Peking University and served as the head of the Student Union of the university.
Since March 1993, he has been the first Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and President of the China Youth University for Political Sciences, a member of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress, a member of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Social Security, and a member of the Central Steering Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization. He closely focused on the central tasks of the Party to consider and arrange the work of the league, organized the development strategy of China's youth work in the new era, the ideological and moral and cultural conditions of Chinese youth research, proposed and promoted the implementation of cross-century youth civilization project and cross-century youth talent project. In-depth implementation of the "Hope Project", "Young volunteers", "Youth Civilization", "Serving thousands of villages to get rid of poverty and become well-off action" and other work, effectively promote the work of the league to serve the overall situation of the Party and the country.
1993年5月3日下午,江泽民同志与李克强同志握手。 [16]
He put forward the goal of achieving the rise of the Central Plains and forming a consensus on development across the province. He proposed and implemented the strategy of "leading from east to west", which introduced advanced technology and management experience to the east and opened up the central and western markets to the west, and made positive efforts to promote Henan's opening up to the outside world. We will actively implement the central city and central town driving strategy, and form an economic uplift belt of Central Plains urban agglomeration with unique advantages and important influence in the country. While vigorously promoting the process of industrialization and urbanization, the agricultural modernization construction has been accelerated, the agricultural labor productivity of the province has been greatly improved, and the agricultural foundation status of Henan has been further consolidated, and the various economic and social undertakings in Henan have achieved considerable development, and the urban and rural landscape has undergone positive changes.
He firmly seized the dual opportunities of the revitalization of the northeast and the opening up of the coastal areas, focused on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, building a "five-point and first-line" coastal economic belt, vigorously developing port industries and coastal economies, creating a gathering area of equipment manufacturing industry, proposing and organizing the implementation of livelihood projects such as the renovation of centralized shanty towns, promoting the employment of "zero-employment families", vigorously developing county economies, and coordinating urban and rural development. The province's comprehensive economic strength has reached a new level, the development momentum has been further strengthened, the people's living standards have been significantly improved, showing a good trend of accelerating economic development and all-round social progress, economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and party construction have been comprehensively promoted, and remarkable achievements have been made in the revitalization of Liaoning's old industrial base.
In the meantime, he also served as the director of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee of The State Council, the director of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee of The State Council, the leader of the leading Group of The State Council to deepen the reform of the medical and health system, and the director of the Food Safety Committee of The State Council. He assisted in coping with the international financial crisis, accelerating economic restructuring, implementing the strategy of coordinated regional development, promoting energy conservation, emission reduction and ecological environmental protection, deepening the reform of the medical and health systems, and promoting the reform of the fiscal and taxation systems. He stressed that it is necessary to effectively provide the basic medical and health care system as a public product to the whole people, to ensure the basic, strengthen the grassroots, and build a mechanism as the focus of medical reform work, and to deepen medical reform to seize the three key links of medical insurance, medicine and medical care, and implement "three-wheel drive". He focused on promoting the low-income housing project, strengthening the fair distribution of low-income housing, accelerating the development of public rental housing, and promoting the people to live and work in peace and contentment. He actively explored a new path for environmental protection, stressing the importance of adhering to protection and development in the course of development, and solving prominent environmental problems that affected scientific development and harmed people's health.
December 1, 2008 marks the 21st World AIDS Day. [16]
In March 2013, at the first session of the 12th National People's Congress, he was appointed premier of The State Council and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of The State Council from the same month. In the face of complex domestic and international situations, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we have adhered to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, maintained strategic focus, focused on improving macro-control, paid attention to pre-planning and fine-tuning, focused on targeted regulation, pushed forward supply-side structural reform, appropriately expanded aggregate demand, and worked to achieve a dynamic balance between supply and demand at a higher level. We will accelerate the transformation of old and new growth drivers, vigorously develop emerging industries, transform and upgrade traditional industries, carry out the "Internet Plus" initiative, make China a strong manufacturing country, carry out major projects to strengthen the industrial base, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the economic structure. We will guide the financial sector to support the real economy and strengthen inclusive financial services. We will continue to pursue innovation-driven development, implement the strategy of innovation-driven development, improve supporting policies, create a favorable environment that encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, and strive to stimulate social creativity. We will adhere to the basic state policy of opening up, set up a number of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai and other provinces and cities, make solid progress in the Belt and Road Initiative, and significantly improve the level of the open economy. We will thoroughly implement the strategy of coordinated regional development and a new type of urbanization, accelerate the development of new growth poles and growth belts, comprehensively deepen rural reform, promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and make development between urban and rural areas more balanced among regions. Adhere to the philosophy of people-centered development, strive to ensure and improve people's livelihood, promote targeted poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, implement a proactive employment policy, give priority to education development, promote balanced development of urban and rural education, accelerate the construction of tiered diagnosis and treatment and medical union, establish a unified basic pension and medical insurance system for urban and rural residents, and improve the social assistance system. The establishment of a social security safety net has been accelerated, and the people's sense of gain has increased. We pursued harmonious development between man and nature, made great efforts to control environmental pollution, and made positive progress in promoting ecological progress. We will promote the full performance of government functions in accordance with the law, implement the spirit of the eight-point regulations of the Central Committee, adhere to the three chapters of the law, and strive to build a law-based, innovative, clean and service-oriented government that the people are satisfied with.
2013年3月15日,习近平同志和李克强同志亲切握手。 [16]
In March 2018, at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, he was reappointed as premier of The State Council and served as secretary of the Party Group of The State Council. We will work in a coordinated manner to stabilize growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve people's lives, guard against risks, and maintain stability. We will innovate in the way we exercise macro-control, use fiscal and monetary policies in a coordinated manner, build on our advantages in the ultra-large market, stick to the strategy of expanding domestic demand, expand effective investment by focusing on strengthening weak areas, adjusting the economic structure, and creating dynamism. We will support the development of infrastructure projects such as transport, water conservancy, and energy, and take a combination of measures to boost consumption, and keep the economy operating within an appropriate range. We will increase effective support for the real economy, take comprehensive measures to reduce the operating costs of enterprises, and help business entities cope with shocks and tide over difficulties in a timely manner. We will continue to implement the strategy of innovation-driven development, improve and upgrade the industrial structure, enhance the development of the real economy by relying on innovation, deepen the integration of the digital economy and the real economy, foster and strengthen new drivers of development, and effectively respond to external repression and containment. We will promote coordinated regional development and a new type of urbanization, expand the supply of government-subsidized housing, upgrade old urban communities, make regional development more balanced and coordinated, and foster more sources of economic growth. We will improve policies to strengthen and benefit agriculture, implement the strategy of rural revitalization, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, steadily promote diversified and appropriately scaled operations, and effectively ensure national food security. We will implement the philosophy of people-centered development, focus on ensuring the basic conditions, ensuring the bottom line, and promoting fairness. We will strengthen the policy orientation of giving priority to employment, increase support for enterprises to maintain stable employment and expand employment opportunities, promote equity and quality improvement in education, deepen reform of the medical and health systems, improve the capacity of medical and health services, and strengthen social security and services. We will strive to promote poverty alleviation, strengthen follow-up support for relocation from inhospitable areas, and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. We have implemented the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, strengthened environmental protection, promoted green and low-carbon development, and achieved notable results in promoting ecological progress.
李克强同志是中共第十五届、十六届、十七届、十八届、十九届中央委员,第十七届、十八届、十九届中央政治局委员、常委,第八届全国人大常委会委员。 [11]
2023年10月26日,中国共产党第十七届、十八届、十九届中央政治局常委,国务院原总理李克强同志因突发心脏病,经全力抢救无效,于10月27日0时10分在上海逝世,享年68岁。 [9-11]
2023年10月27日,李克强同志遗体由专机从上海护送至北京。 [12]
2023年11月2日,为悼念李克强同志,首都天安门、新华门、人民大会堂、外交部,各省、自治区、直辖市党委和政府所在地,香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区,各边境口岸,对外海空港口,中国驻外使领馆下半旗志哀。李克强同志遗体在北京八宝山革命公墓火化。 [12-13]
党和国家有关领导同志前往送别或以各种方式表示哀悼。中央和国家机关有关部门负责同志,李克强同志生前友好和家乡代表也前往送别。 [15]
习近平与李克强亲属握手,表示深切慰问 [15]


1974-1976年 安徽省凤阳县大庙公社东陵大队知青
1976-1978年 安徽省凤阳县大庙公社大庙大队党支部书记
1978-1982年 北京大学法律系学习,校学生会负责人
1982-1983年 北京大学团委书记,共青团中央常委
1983-1983年 共青团中央学校部部长兼全国学联秘书长
1983-1985年 共青团中央书记处候补书记
1985-1993年 共青团中央书记处书记兼全国青联副主席(其间:1991.09-1991.11 中央党校省部级干部进修班学习)
1993-1998年 共青团中央书记处第一书记兼中国青年政治学院院长(1988-1994年 北京大学经济学院经济学专业在职研究生学习,获经济学硕士、博士学位)
1998-1999年 河南省委副书记、代省长
1999-2002年 河南省委副书记、省长
2002-2003年 河南省委书记、省长
2003-2004年 河南省委书记、省人大常委会主任
2004-2005年 辽宁省委书记
2005-2007年 辽宁省委书记、省人大常委会主任
2007-2008年 中央政治局常委
2008-2013年 中央政治局常委,国务院副总理、党组副书记
2013-2022年 中央政治局常委,国务院总理、党组书记
2022-2023年 国务院总理、党组书记
中共第十五届、十六届、十七届、十八届、十九届中央委员,第十七届、十八届、十九届中央政治局委员、常委,第八届全国人大常委会委员。 [1-8]
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