Plastic-steel profile

It is used to make PVC profiles for doors and Windows
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synonymPlastic steel(Plastic steel) generally refers to plastic steel profiles
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Plastic steel profiles are used for making Doors and Windows used PVC profile It appeared in Germany as early as the late 1950s, was introduced in China from 1983, and began to be widely used in the late 1990s.
Because the strength of doors and Windows processed solely with PVC profiles is not enough, steel is usually added in the cavity to enhance the fastness of doors and Windows, so the plastic doors and Windows made of steel added inside the profiles are usually called plastic steel doors and Windows. With the widespread use of plastic steel doors and Windows, the PVC profiles used to make plastic steel doors and Windows are habitually called plastic steel profiles. Plastic steel is also a common material for guardrail.
Chinese name
Plastic-steel profile
It is used to make PVC profiles for doors and Windows
Coming out
In the late 1950s Germany appear
Lead into
Our country was introduced only in 1983



Constituent structure

Plastic and steel profiles are taken Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC Resin as the main raw material, plus a certain proportion of stabilizer , colorant, filler, ultraviolet absorber, etc., by extrusion profiles.

Main feature

Plastic steel profiles referred to as plastic steel, the main chemical composition is PVC Hence the name PVC profile . Is widely used as a new type of building material, due to its physical properties such as rigidity, elasticity, corrosion resistance, anti-aging properties, usually used as a substitute for copper, zinc, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
In the housing construction is mainly used to push and pull, flat open doors and Windows, guardrail, pipe and ceiling material application, through the new process process is also widely used in the automotive engine protection board, not only light weight, but also good toughness, with just excellent properties, sometimes known as alloy plastic steel.
The reason why plastic steel profiles can be promoted and applied in a large area, and gradually replace wooden and aluminum doors and Windows, is inseparable from its unique advantages. Plastic steel doors and Windows have the following advantages over aluminum and wooden doors and Windows:
1. The price is cheap, the price of plastic is much lower than that of aluminum with the same strength and life, and this advantage is becoming more obvious due to the sharp rise in the price of metal.
2. Colorful: Color plastic steel profiles The application adds a lot of beauty to the building. Before the use of wooden doors and Windows, in order to achieve the harmony and consistency of doors and Windows and building appearance, more paint on the surface of doors and Windows, paint in the case of ultraviolet light is easy to age and peel off, in a few years is unrecognizable, and the life of the building is not coordinated. Later invented color aluminum doors and Windows, but the price is expensive, the average consumer can not afford. The use of plastic doors and Windows solves this problem, and the color film profile can even make a fake wood grain effect.
3. Durable: Add reinforced steel in the profile cavity, so that the strength of the profile has been greatly improved, with earthquake resistance, wind erosion effect. In addition, the multi-cavity structure of the profile, independent drainage cavity, so that water can not enter the reinforced steel cavity, avoid steel corrosion, and improve the service life of doors and Windows. The addition of anti-ultraviolet components also improves the weather resistance of plastic steel profiles, even in tropical areas with strong ultraviolet rays.
4. Good thermal insulation performance: the thermal conductivity of the plastic steel profile itself is far less than that Aluminium profile In addition, the design of multi-cavity structure is to achieve the effect of heat insulation. The study shows that the indoor temperature of the same type of room using plastic steel doors and Windows in summer is on average 5-7 ° C lower than that of the room with aluminum doors and Windows, and it is 8-15 ° C higher in different areas in winter.
5. Good sound insulation performance: installation Insulating glass Sound insulation properties of well-sealed plastic steel doors and Windows. Sound insulation has become the main condition for choosing doors and Windows, especially in downtown residential buildings. The assembly of plastic steel doors and Windows adopts the welding process, and the closed multi-cavity structure has a very obvious effect on the noise screen closing.
With the widespread use of plastic steel profiles, some shortcomings have also been exposed. Most of the plastic steel profiles in our country are of inferior quality Lead salt stabilizer The lead content of the finished product is between 0.6% and 1.2%. Lead is a harmful substance to the human body, when the inferior profile aging, will precipitate lead-containing dust, long-term exposure will make the blood lead content exceeded, or even Lead poisoning . The introduction of calcium, zinc and organotin formulations to solve the problem of lead in products, but due to price reasons and immature technology, it has not been applied on a large scale.

Identification method

There are two key points to identify good and bad plastic steel profiles. First, look at the appearance, the high-quality profile shape size is uniform, the inner cavity structure is reasonable, the color is soft, the protective film is coated flat, there are no bubbles, the wall thickness epitaxial part is generally 2 mm. The second is to look at the anti-counterfeiting code, the side of the genuine plastic steel profile is stamped with the anti-counterfeiting code, which is composed of 20 Arabic numerals in a dot shape, the number is clear and easy to identify, no repetition, and it is not easy to erase. Poor quality plastic steel profile code numbers fuzzy, easy to erase, and the number is repeated.
First of all, look at the packaging of the profile (that is, the protective film attached to the profile is also a trademark) whether it is smooth and smooth, without bubbles, and whether it is in a straight line from one end to the other. The trademarks of counterfeit profiles are manually pasted on, there will be a lot of bubbles, and the quality of the trademarks is also very poor, careful observation can be seen. Tear off the protective film to see the surface of the profile, the surface of the good profile is very flat and smooth, there is no uneven small point, there is brightness, the color is very white (like milk) in looking at the wall thickness of the profile, the main wall thickness of the good profile can reach more than two millimeters, there is the toughness of the profile, you can use a vise to grip the wall of the profile, break back and forth, the good profile is not easily dropped (winter is not applicable, Because the winter temperature is relatively low plastic will become very brittle) Strictly speaking, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the national industry, the environment below 10 degrees is not allowed to process plastic steel Windows. Another is to see the anti-counterfeiting code, the real profile will have anti-counterfeiting code, generally do not need to call the inquiry phone to distinguish the true and false, a 6-meter long profile will have 4 to 6 inkjet groups first see whether the ink is clear and complete, (counterfeit profiles are factory with a very simple transfer machine manual brush up, will be blurred), The true profile inkjet group is only available, and the false profile (through a batch) inkjet group is the same (subject to the cost of equipment), call the inquiry phone to check the inkjet code.

Main function

1, heat preservation and energy saving: plastic steel profiles multi-cavity structure, with good thermal insulation performance, low heat transfer coefficient, only 1/357 of steel, 1/1250 of aluminum, its economic and social benefits are huge.
2, air tightness: All the gaps in the installation of plastic steel doors and Windows are equipped with rubber and plastic seals and top, so its air tightness is much higher than that of aluminum alloy doors and Windows. The air tightness of plastic steel flat doors and Windows is higher than that of sliding Windows. Under normal circumstances, the air tightness of the casement window can reach five levels, and the sliding window can reach two levels.
3, watertight: Because the plastic steel profile has a unique multi-cavity structure, there is an independent drainage cavity, whether it is the box or the fan of the water can be effectively discharged. The watertightness of the plastic steel casement window is much higher than that of the push-pull window. In general, the watertightness of the casement window can reach five levels, and the push-pull window can reach three to four levels.
4, wind pressure resistance: In the independent plastic cavity, 1.5~3MM thick steel lining can be filled, and according to the local wind pressure value, the height of the building, the size of the hole, the design of the window to choose the thickness of the plastic steel and profile series, to ensure the requirements of the building for the type of doors and Windows. High-rise buildings can choose large section sliding window or internal casement window, wind pressure strength can reach six or more, low-rise buildings can choose external casement window or small section sliding window, wind pressure strength is generally at three levels.
5, corrosion resistance: plastic steel profiles have a unique formula, with good corrosion resistance, such as the selection of anti-corrosion hardware, Stainless steel profile Its service life is about 10 times that of steel Windows.
6, weather resistance: plastic steel profiles using a unique formula, improve its cold resistance. Plastic steel doors and Windows can be used for a long time in the environment with a large temperature difference (-50 ° C ~70 ° C), the sun exposure, humidity will not make it metamorphism, aging, embrittlement and other phenomena, the earliest plastic steel doors and Windows have been used for 30 years, its material is intact, according to this, under normal conditions of plastic steel doors and Windows service life can reach more than 50 years.

Development status

China's production capacity of plastic steel profiles has reached 5 million tons/year. Most manufacturers can not give full play to the production capacity, there is a serious overproduction and Homogeneous competition . The general national standard for plastic steel profiles in China is GB/8814-2004, and enterprises that obtain national exemption from inspection are also produced with reference to this standard. Different from European and American countries, the type of profiles in our country is single, and most of the profiles circulating on the market are 60MM flat open door and window series profiles and 80MM push-pull series door and window profiles. The above two specifications account for more than 80% of the total consumption.
From European to American: European profiles are the mainstream of the market, but American profiles are developing rapidly. This is due to some export to the United States of plastic steel profile production enterprises pulled. Because of its lively, beautiful, exquisite structure, delicate lines, highly decorative, high lighting rate, high perspective and other advantages, it has been deeply loved by consumers. Because European profiles have more than 20 years of history in China, American profiles can not replace the status of European profiles in China in the short term. European profiles pay attention to the fan package frame, while American profiles are frame package fans. Domestic plastic steel doors and Windows are basically fan package frame.
From white to color: Color profiles change the previous monotonous white of plastic steel doors and Windows, and can match the overall color of the building. The market share of color profiles has risen rapidly, especially in some high-end residential areas. [1]

Three categories

1. According to the opening method, it is divided into: fixed window, upper hanging window, middle hanging window, lower hanging window, vertical rotating window, flat opening doors and Windows, pulley casement window, pulley window, flat opening lower hanging doors and Windows, sliding door window, sliding window, folding door, ground spring door, lifting sliding door, sliding door, folding door, inside reverse sliding door.
2, according to the performance is divided into: ordinary doors and Windows, sound insulation doors and Windows, thermal insulation doors and Windows.
3, according to the application parts are divided into: inside doors and Windows, outside doors and Windows.

Casement window

The advantages are large opening area, good ventilation, good sealing, sound insulation, heat preservation, and excellent impermeability. The inbuilt window cleaning is convenient; The open type does not take up space when opened. The disadvantage is that the window is small and the field of vision is not open. The opening of the outer window takes up a space outside the wall, which is easily damaged when the wind blows. The inner opening window is to occupy part of the room space, the use of window screens is not convenient, the use of window screens, curtains, etc., when opening Windows is not convenient, such as the quality is not up to standard, it may also leak rain.

Sash window

The advantages of push-pull window are simple, beautiful, large window width, large glass block, wide field of view, high lighting rate, easy to wipe glass, flexible to use, safe and reliable, long service life, open in a plane, less space, convenient installation of screens and so on. The most used is the sliding window. The disadvantage is that the two Windows can not be opened at the same time, at most only half can be opened, and the ventilation is relatively poor; Sometimes the seal is a little bit worse.
Push and pull window: there are two kinds of push and pull around and up and down. The sliding window has the advantage of not occupying the indoor space, beautiful appearance, economical price and good sealing. Adopt high-grade slide rail, gently push, open flexible. With large pieces of glass, it not only increases the indoor lighting, but also improves the overall appearance of the building. The stress state of the window sash is good and not easy to damage, but the ventilation area is limited.

Bottom hung

Lower hanging window This is a kind of aluminum alloy, plastic steel window that appeared later. It is a new form developed on the basis of casement Windows. It can be opened in two ways, either flat or from the top. When the casement window is closed, the upper part of the window can be pulled inward to open a gap of about ten centimeters, that is, the window can be opened down from the top a little, the open part is suspended in the air, and the window frame is connected and fixed through hinges, so it is called the underhanging type. Its advantages are: it can be ventilated, but also to ensure safety, because there are hinges, the window can only open ten centimeters of the seam, from the outside hand can not reach in, especially suitable for the use of no one at home. The sliding window can also be opened by underhanging.

Swing door

The door has a single open flat door and a double open flat door: the single door means that there is only one door panel, and the double door has two door panels. The flat door is divided into one-way opening and two-way opening. One-way opening means that the door can only be opened in one direction (only push in or pull out). Two-way opening means that the door can be opened in two directions (such as spring doors). The flat door is divided relative to other opening methods, because the door has mobile opening, upturning, rolling curtain lifting, vertical lifting, rotating and so on.

Sliding door

The sliding door originated in China and was spread to Korea and Japan through Chinese culture. From the word meaning: push pull door; In terms of materials: wood, metal, organic, Inorganic material The point of; In terms of use: used for bookcase, wall cabinet, bedroom, living room, exhibition hall door. The sliding door originated in China and was spread to Korea and Japan through Chinese culture. The exact time is impossible to verify, but you can see scattered sliding doors on some ancient Chinese paintings, such as the Song Dynasty landscape paintings, there are sliding doors. The original sliding door was only used for the sliding door of the bedroom or changing room wardrobe, but with the development of technology and the diversification of decoration means, from the traditional sheet surface to glass, cloth, rattan, woven. Aluminium alloy profile From sliding doors, folding doors to partition doors, the function and scope of use of sliding doors are constantly expanding. In this case, the use of sliding doors began to become diverse and rich. In addition to the most common partition doors, sliding doors are widely used in bookcases, wall cabinets, living rooms, exhibition halls, push-pull doors, etc. [2]

Production method



Avoid contact and friction with hard, rough and sharp objects during transportation, and avoid high temperature, sun, rain, oil, corrosive chemicals, dust and other damage during storage. When the profiles are stored outdoors, there must be shielding protective measures, and non-white profiles should be stored away from light.


Cutting speed 60-70m//sec;
Ensure proper feed speed; Blunt serrations or too fast feed speed will lead to the defect of the incision.
Accurately adjust the saw blade Angle to 45 degrees, the maximum Angle error is 0.5 degrees;
Strictly in accordance with the given length limit, the length error is not more than 0.5mm;
The cut profile should be placed with the incision facing down and welded within 48 hours. Avoid too long storage resulting in contamination of the incision surface, affecting the welding quality.

Drilling and milling

The feed speed and cutting speed of drilling decrease with the increase of drilling depth.
Use a double-groove drill bit to drill holes with a diameter greater than 20mm. Use a progressive lightening drill bit to drill holes with a diameter greater than 40mm.


Welding parameters meet the following requirements:
Welding plate temperature: 245-250 degrees
Preheating time: >30s
Pressing time: >30s
Welding pressure: 0.2-0.3MP
The weld should not be yellow.
Welding Angle after the completion of welding to avoid sharp cooling, violent impact, Angle cleaning or drilling and milling around the weld should be carried out at least 1 minute after the completion of welding.

Angle cleaning

Welding cooling cannot be added in any way.
It is best to clean the corner in the welding completion: between 1 minute and 30 minutes, to ensure the welding strength and obtain high-quality corner seam cleaning effect.
The width of the decorative groove from the plane planing on both sides of the welding Angle is 3mm, and the concentration is not more than 0.3mm.
Too much depth of cutting or too blunt a tool to clean the inside Angle of the increased percussion will lead to reduced welding Angle strength.
Drilling the inner Angle (especially the sealing rubber strip insert groove) too deep or the range is too large will cause the welding Angle to decrease and affect the water tightness.


Insert any adhesive strip should not be stretched too much, and ensure that the adhesive length is about 2% longer than the insert slot length. The sealing strip between the flat window frame fan is a rubber strip that surrounds a whole week, and its joint should be in the middle of the upper transverse edge, not to butt at the corner, not to cut into several sections. The rubber strip should be flat at the corner.
The sealing strip of the pressed glass should be cut into a 45 degree butt joint at the corner to ensure that the length of the rubber strip and the cutting Angle are tightly bonded. Color bonding at the adhesive strip interface can obtain better sealing effect.
Select the corresponding type of seal according to the thickness of the glass.
The sealing strip must be fully inserted into the slot to ensure the sealing effect and the normal installation of the glass.
Multiple connections are not allowed in the same slot. [3]