Taiwan Island

The largest island in China
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Taiwan Island is the largest and strategically important island of the People's Republic of China. It is located in the southern part of the East China Sea, west of the Taiwan Strait.
From the Fujian Province Coast 75 ~ 220 nautical miles; Border on the east Pacific ; It borders the Ryukyu Islands to the northeast, about 335 nautical miles from Ryukyu; South septum Bashi Channel with The Philippines Look at each other, distance Luzon About 195 nautical miles. The island is long and narrow, from the northernmost Cape to the southernmost goose-nose It is about 394 kilometers long; Widest point The Tropic of Cancer Nearby, about 144 kilometers. Covering an area of 35,800 square kilometers, accounting for more than 99% of the province's area, it is the main island of Taiwan Province and ranks 38th among the world's largest islands.
At the end of 2019, the registered population of Taiwan region of China was 23.6031 million, with the Han ethnic group accounting for 97% of the total population of Taiwan, Taiwan ethnic minorities accounting for 2% of the total population, and ethnic minorities from the mainland and foreign spouses accounting for 1% of the total population. [6]
Chinese name
Taiwan Island
Area product
35,800 square kilometers
Population number
23,603,100 [6] (End of 2019)
East China Sea to the south, west of the Taiwan Strait

Historical evolution

In ancient times, Taiwan was connected to the mainland, and later due to crustal movements, the connected part sank into the sea, forming a strait and emerging Taiwan Island.
According to ancient documents, the Chinese army and people crossed east to Taiwan to reclaim and operate the island, which can be traced back to The Three Kingdoms period more than 1,700 years ago. The year 230 AD. At that time, Sun Quan, King of The Three Kingdoms, sent 10,000 officers and men to "Yizhou" (Taiwan), and Shen Ying, a native of Wu, wrote the earliest account of Taiwan in the world. In the Sui Dynasty at the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, Emperor Yang sent people to Taiwan three times to "visit different customs" and "comfort" the local residents. In the 600 years from Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty, the coastal people of the mainland, especially the residents of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou in Fujian Province, moved into Penghu or moved to Taiwan in order to escape war and war. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Penghu was placed under the jurisdiction of Jinjiang County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and garrison was assigned. Economic, political, and cultural ties between the mainland and Taiwan have become increasingly frequent.
The Yuan Dynasty further strengthened the administration of Taiwan. In 1292 AD (to the 29th year of the Yuan Dynasty), Kublai Khan sent the deputy Wanhu Yang Xiang, Wu Zhidou and Ruan Guan to Taiwan to "preach". In 1335 AD (later to the Yuan year), the Yuan Dynasty officially set up a "patrol department" in Penghu, the jurisdiction of Penghu, Taiwan civil affairs, under the Fujian Quanzhou Tongan County (today's Xiamen). Since then, China has set up a special political apparatus in Taiwan.
After the Ming Dynasty, people from the mainland and Taiwan had endless exchanges. From 1402 to 1424 (Yongle reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty), Zheng He, the navigator "Sanbao Eunuche", led a large fleet to visit various countries in the Southeast Asia, and once stopped in Taiwan to bring arts and crafts and agricultural products to the local people. Folklore has it that "Sanbao ginger", a specialty of Fengshan Mountain in Kaohsiung, was left over by Zheng He. After the 15th century, Japanese pirates continuously harassed the southeast coastal areas of China, and the Ming government set up "guerrilla" and "spring and autumn flood guard" in Penghu. At the same time, the two ports of Keelung and Danshui garrison troops.
In the 16th century, Western colonial powers such as Spain and the Netherlands developed rapidly and began to extend their tentacles to the East. In the early 17th century, Dutch colonists invaded Taiwan at the time of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty, the growing power of Manchu in the northeast, and the difficult situation of the Ming government. The Spanish soon occupied parts of northern and eastern Taiwan before being driven out by the Dutch in 1642, and Taiwan became a Dutch colony. In September 1652, the peasant leader Guo Huaiyi led a larger armed uprising.
By the end of the Ming Dynasty in the 1620s, mainland Chinese began to emigrate to Taiwan on a large scale. In 1628 AD (the first year of Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty), during the great drought in Fujian, Yan Siqi and Zheng Zhilong of Fujian led the Minyue residents to move to Taiwan to resist the oppression of the government, engaged in farming and trade, and organized armed forces to resist the invasion of the Japanese pirates and the Dutch.
In 1644, the Qing army entered the customs and established the Qing government in Beijing. In April 1661, Zheng Chenggong marched into Taiwan from Kinmen with 25,000 soldiers and hundreds of warships in the name of recruiting a general of the Southern Ming Dynasty. In February 1662, Zheng forced the Dutch Governor Coyett to sign the surrender. Zheng Chenggong died only four months after he regained Taiwan.
At the end of Zheng's regime, he was in a military confrontation with the Qing government. On July 8, 1683, the Qing government sent Shi Lang, commander of the Fujian Naval Division, with more than 20,000 soldiers and 200 ships, from Tongshan to Penghu and Taiwan. Zheng's army was defeated. Zheng Chenggong's grandson Zheng Kesheng led his people to the Qing government. In 1684, the Qing government set up a separate patrol of Tai Sha and Taiwan Province, under the Fujian Province. By 1811, Taiwan's population had reached 1.9 million, most of them immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong.
In January 1874, Japanese troops invaded Taiwan. In October, China and Japan signed the Beijing Special Article, which still states that China exercises sovereignty over the whole of Taiwan. After that, Qing officials proposed Taiwan as a province.
During the Sino-French War of 1884-1885, the French army attacked Taiwan. Suffered heavy damage by Liu Mingchuan's army. In June 1885, the Sino-French New Covenant was signed, and the French army was forced to withdraw from Taiwan.
In 1885, the Qing government designated Taiwan as a single province, and Taiwan became the 20th province of China, and the first governor of Taiwan was Liu Mingchuan.
In 1894, Japan launched the Sino-Japanese War, and the Qing government was defeated the following year, and was forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki on April 17, ceding Taiwan to Japan.
In August 1945, Japan was defeated in World War II and announced its unconditional surrender on August 15. On October 25, the ceremony for the surrender of Taiwan Province in the Allied Chinese Theater Command was held in Taipei. At this point, Taiwan and Penghu returned to the sovereignty of China.
On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was born. On the eve of the liberation of the mainland of the motherland, Chiang Kai-shek and some of the Kuomintang military and political personnel ran to Taiwan, relying on the protection and support of the United States, to maintain a precarious situation in Taiwan, so that Taiwan and the mainland of the motherland are once again in a state of separation [5] .

Natural condition

Taiwan Island
Belong to Continental island . It is located on the southern edge of the continental shelf of the East China Sea. More than 200 million years ago, in the late Paleozoic period, the crustal movement laid the geological foundation of Taiwan Island. It started 40 million years ago Himalayan movement The crust was extruded and folded up, forming the initial Taiwan mountain system. About 2.5 million years ago, the Earth's crust continued to fold and rise, forming the modern topography of the island. During the Quaternary glacial period, the sea level fell and connected with the continents, Interglacial period The water rises and becomes an island again.
The island is mountainous, with mountains and hills accounting for two-thirds of the island's area. Distributed in the east and central, from east to west Taitung , Central, Jade Mountain, Snow Mountain and Ali Mountain (in Shandong Province) Five parallel mountain ranges, in a north-north-east-south-south-west direction, to Central range The main watershed. Among them, the mountains above 1000 meters account for about half of the total mountains, and there are more than 30 mountains above 3500 meters. The highest peak, Yushan, at 3,997 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in southeast China. The hills are mostly around the foothills of five major mountains, mainly Keelung and Zhulan Hills in the north, Fengyuan in the middle and Fengyuan in the middle. Chiayi Hills And southern Hengchun Hills It is about 600 meters above sea level. There is... in the north Datun volcano group It is mostly below 1000 meters above sea level and is an important barrier in the north.
The plains are mostly in the west. Tainan Plain Max. North Changhua South to Kaohsiung, an area of 4550 square kilometers, for the island's thriving agriculture, densely populated, more urban areas. south Pingtung Plain And northeast Yilan plain It is also an important agricultural area. Long and narrow Taitung longitudinal Valley Plain between Taitung Mountains Between it and the Central Mountains, it is a natural communication channel between the north and the south in the east. The basin consists mainly of Taipei basin , Taichung basin Hombu District Puli basin Group.
The coast is relatively flat, the coastline is 1139 kilometers long, the eastern part of the fault coast from Sanerao Point to Xuhai, the north end of the Snow Mountain range, the north end of the Central Mountain range and the south end of the Taitung Mountain range straight to the shore, towering, the sea bottom sharply sloping, thousands of meters offshore, the water depth of up to two kilometers; In addition to the larger Yilan plain in the north, there are only small alluvial plains in Hualien and Taitung. North from Cape Sable to Danshui River Mouth for the fjord coast, more headlands bay. The west from the freshwater estuary to Fangliao is a sandy coast, the shoreline is straight, the sandy beach is long, more areas are easy to land; The beaches are wide and sandy, especially Dadu River Mouth to mouth Zeng Wenxi The new area of the sea port is growing rapidly. South from Fangliao to Xu Sea Coral coast More than steep cliff shore, there is a skirt reef in front, the southern end of the goose Luang nose and the cat nose between the lower flat Nanwan .
Taiwan Island
There are 151 rivers on the island, with the Central Mountain range as the watershed, respectively, flowing east and west into the ocean, most of which have short flow, large drop, many dangerous beaches and waterfalls, rich in hydraulic resources, and are not navigable. centrally Zhuoshui River Longest, originated from Hehuan Mountain Flowing west into the sea, it is 186 kilometers long, Basin area 3,155 square kilometers. Rivers longer than 100 km Gao Pingxi , Tamshui River, Tseng Man Stream, Tai Jia Stream and Tai Dou Stream all flow west into the sea. There are few natural lakes, famous ones Riyuetan Lake .
Ground span The Tropic of Cancer North and South, affected by the Kuroshio all year round, belongs to the South tropical and North tropical humid climate, high temperature, rainy, windy. The average annual temperature ranges from north to south from 21 ℃ to 25℃, with an average of 28℃ in July and 14 ℃ to 20℃ in January. The temperature of the mountain decreases with the height, and there is snow in the mountain above 3000 meters in winter. The average annual precipitation in the eastern and central parts of the country is more than 2000 mm, and the northeastern part of the country is more than 6300 mm. The western coastal area is less, more than 1500 mm. Precipitation is related to the monsoon, more in winter than in summer in the north and the opposite in the south. Northeast winds prevail in winter, and south and southwest winds prevail in summer. Summer and autumn are often affected by tropical cyclones, with the peak from July to September, with an average of 3.5 tropical cyclones above grade 8 landing on the island every year. It is located in the Ring of the Pacific Earthquake Zone, with a high frequency of earthquakes, most of which are in Hualien and its vicinity. Orientalis Irregular semi-diurnal tide The spring tide difference is 1.2 meters. North of Beigang Creek estuary on the west Bank is a regular semi-diurnal tide, with a maximum range of 4.2 meters in the middle and 2.6 meters at both ends. Most of the south of Beigang Xikou is irregular semi-diurnal tide, with a range of 1 ~ 2 meters. among Okayama The section to Fangliao is Irregular diurnal tide The tidal range is small, about 0.6 meters.
Southwest of the island Penghu Islands In the northeast Fishing islands Still around Pengjia Yu , Cotton Island, Vase Island, Keelung Island, Peace Island, Gueshan Island , Green Island , LAN Yu Seven Star Rock, Ryukyu Island, and so on, including the main island of a total of 86 islands.

Economic traffic

Taiwan Island
Arable land accounts for about 1/4 of the island. Grain production is dominated by rice. The cash crop is mainly sugarcane. Other traditional export products include tea, tropical fruits and citronella. Forest resources are abundant, with a coverage rate of 52%. However, the self-sufficiency rate of wood only accounts for 10% to 12%. The output value of livestock harvesting accounts for 1/3 of the total output value of agriculture, and the fishery accounts for 1/4. There are about 2,000 ocean-going fishing vessels with a gross tonnage of about 400,000 tons, and more than 10,000 small offshore fishing vessels.
The industry mainly includes manufacturing, power industry, mining and construction in four major sectors, with textile, electronics, chemical, food processing and other items as the main, while developing industries to import raw materials and export processed products. It is mainly distributed in the western plain, and is composed of Taipei , Taichung And Kaohsiung as the center of the industrial zone. There are more than 250 ship repair enterprises of all sizes, mainly manufacturing container ships, yachts and fishing boats and repairing ships. The construction of large ships is concentrated in Kaohsiung and Keelung, and Kaohsiung has a dock that can accommodate two 500,000-ton ships. 615,000 deadweight tons were built in the year (1990). Taipei County Shimen township and Wanli Township , Pingtung county Hengchun Town There are three nuclear power plants, whose installed capacity accounts for 1/3 of the island's electricity. Crude oil production is less than 1% of demand.
The traffic on the island is mainly by road, and the ring road, cross-highway and north-south expressway constitute a highway network with a total length of about 20,000 kilometers. Among them, the expressway from Keelung to Kaohsiung, through 14 counties and cities in the west, is 373.4 kilometers long and is the main traffic artery of the island. The main railway is the Western Longitudinal Line and the Western Longitudinal Line Yilan The total length of the round-island trunk line is about 913 km, of which the 408.5 km longitudinal railway from Keelung to Kaohsiung has been electrified and is the main railway line. There are also branch lines and production of professional railway about 2000 km. There are about 50 civil and military airports, with Taoyuan and Kaohsiung serving as international airports. There are more than 10 large and small seaports, including Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung, Hualien and Suao. There are mainly regular sea and air routes to Japan, the United States and other parts of Southeast Asia, and frequent sea and air links to Hong Kong. In 1995, the total seaborne throughput amounted to 141 million tons, of which 90 per cent were imports and exports. Zuoying port is a special military port on the island, while Kaohsiung, Keelung, Suao and other ports are used for military purposes.


Taiwan Island
The original circumference of the island was 1,139.25 km. An area of 35,780 square kilometers; In addition, there are 38.85 square kilometers of new land and 74.80 square kilometers of islands. The coastline is 1,239.58 km long. The island shape is long and narrow, from Fugui Horn in the north to Geese Luanbi in the south, about 394 kilometers long (385 kilometers old). The middle of the island is the widest from east to west, about 144 kilometers from the southwest coast of Zhuoshui Creek estuary to Xiugulan Creek estuary.
The island of Taiwan covers more than 99 per cent of Taiwan province. The plain lowlands below 100 meters above sea level account for about 30% of the island, and the rest are tangled by mountains and hills. Among them, about 24% are 100 ~ 500 meters, about 14% are 500 ~ 1000 meters, about 31% are 1000 ~ 3000 meters, and only about 1% are above 3000 meters, but there are more than 100 mountains over 3000 meters, so Taiwan Island is also known as "high mountain Island". West of the Taiwan Strait (belongs to the East China Sea), 75 ~ 220 nautical miles from the coast of Fujian Province; Border on the east Pacific ; Tohoku and Ryukyu Islands Adjacent, about 335 nautical miles from Ryukyu; South septum Bashi Channel with The Philippines Look at each other, distance Luzon About 195 nautical miles.

Military significance

Be located in China Sea The southeastern front of the region is also located in the middle of the East Asian island chain, which is a maritime barrier flanking the southeast coastal and offshore communication lines of China. The South China Sea And a strategic location for maritime interests in the Pacific. It has always been subject to foreign occupation and many major wars have taken place.
In the 29th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1601), Japanese Japanese ships invaded Fujian and then occupied the southwest coast of Taiwan Island, Fujian Dushi Shen Yourong Braving wind and waves, he led the fleet to chase Japanese ships off the coast of Taiwan Island. The sixteenth year of Dingwu in the Southern Ming Dynasty (1661), Zheng Chenggong Led the fleet to take the tide out of the enemy unexpectedly through the water shoals of the Luer gate, into the Daguan Bay to implement landing. When the Dutch attacked from the sea twice with ships, they were repelled by Zheng's forces.
Taiwan Island
During the Sino-British Opium War from 1840 to 1842, British ships invaded Luermen, Jilong (present-day Keelung), Da 'an Port and other places to spy and shell, but were repelled.
In 1874 (the 13th year of Tongzhi of Qing Dynasty), the Japanese excuse" Mudan Society incident He sent troops to Langqiao in southern Taiwan (now Hengchun Landing and attacking Shimen, Peony society and other places, Pingpu people stubborn resistance for half a year, the Japanese army eventually died in battle, disease after 600 people withdrew.
In 1884 (the tenth year of the Qing Dynasty's Guangxu Reign), France Under way Battle of Magan Before and after, they sent fleets to capture Keelung and Tamsui in the north of Taiwan, and then turned to blockade Taiwan at sea. With the support of the army and people on the mainland, the Taiwan army and people finally won victory in their struggle against the law. In 1895 (the 21st year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty), the Taiwan army and people rose up to fight against occupation and Taiwan cutting. In May, the Japanese army landed from the area around SAN Jiao, occupied the northern part of the island, and then gradually pushed south, and the Taiwan army and people used the central and southern parts of the island Favorable terrain Desperate to resist the Japanese occupation. The struggle lasted for five months, and the Japanese occupied the island at the cost of about 30,000 casualties.

Geology and geomorphology

The whole island is a polyanticlinal structure, and the mountain system strikes northeastward to southwest. The geosyncline began to form in the late Paleozoic era, and entered the island isolated formation stage through the Miocene sea movement and Pliocene orogeny in the Tertiary. The Pleistocene rose violently and intermittently. The Quaternary glacial period was connected to the continent by sea level decline. During the interglacial period, the water level of the strait rose again and became an island. The depth of the Taiwan Strait today is generally only about 100 meters. Since the beginning of the Quaternary period, the scale of sea leaching and the sedimentary strata have gradually become smaller and thinner. The sedimentation rate in the Taiwan Strait is about 15-50 cm per thousand years.
Taiwan Island
The eastern and western wings of the Formosan complex anticline are extremely unbalanced. The island is located in the middle of the Pacific Northwest island arc group, the intersection of the Ryukyu arc and the Luzon arc, and is itself in a shallow arc, protruding towards the mainland. Facing the Pacific Ocean, the sea cliff drops steeply, with a steep slope of about 1:10 in about 50 kilometers to the shore, and the seabed has reached a depth of 4000 meters; On the inner side of the land there are large fault lines running north and south. In accordance with the Theory of plate tectonics The island should be located in the Pacific Ocean side of the Philippine Sea plate and northeast Eurasian plate On the suture line (Dongtai longitudinal valley belt). Because the anticline is mainly affected by the eastern pressure, resulting in Central range The formation of Yushan block may be influenced by the movement of Ryukyu arc from north to south. The main tectonic lines and faults on the island are generally northeast-southwest trending.
Formosan backbone The mountains are the Central Mountains. From the northeast near the Suao coast, and finally through Hengchun Peninsula Into the sea. It is about 320 km long. The eastern part of the mountain range is mainly schist, the main ridge and its western part is mildly metamorphic clay SLATE (Tertiary phyllite , SLATE Hard shale, metamorphic sandstone, etc.). The Snow Mountain range to the northwest is about 180 km long, with the southwest Yushan Mountains Meet; The northern Yushan Mountain range and the Xueshan mountain range are both clay SLATE. A surname Nali Mountains Its northern section is also known as the Gary Mountains. Further west, there are hills, terraces and basins interspersed with each other. There are on the Keelung coast Datun Keelung and other volcanic groups distribution (see Datun volcano group , The Keelung Volcano Group ); Kaohsiung and Fengshan have different sizes Coastal plain In modern times, the alluvial layer is very deep, and the front tidal flat on the east coast of the Strait is the main distribution area of "Haipu new land" in Taiwan. The Central Range is separated from the Taitung Longitudinal Valley in the east by the coast Range (also known as Taitung or Dongtai Mountains), which is about 150 km long. The latter is a NeoGene mountain with a large number of volcanic clastic rocks. All the eastern and western veins make up the Taiwan mountain system, in which many narrow valleys are passed by important fault lines, especially the eastern longitudinal Valley, which is 2 to 5 kilometers wide.
The highest point of the eastern Coast Range is Mount Newport, 1682 meters. Central Mountain peak cluster, north Nanhu Mountain (3740 m), south end Peking University Wushan Mountain (3,090 m), which is no less than 200 km away, more than 3,000 meters and 3,500 meters above the famous mountain cluster, among which Xiu Gu mountains 3833 meters, The Marboras Mountains 3,805 meters. The main peak of Jade Mountain At 3997 meters (3950 meters) above sea level, it is the highest peak in Taiwan and the highest peak in eastern China. In the Yushan peak group, the height of more than 3900 meters are the east peak (3940 meters), the North peak (3920 meters), the south peak (3900 meters) and so on. The snow mountain range also has more than 3500 meters of peak, the main peak Snowy mountain 3884 meters above sea level, its north dam Jianshan 3573 meters, the top of the rock layer overlapping, the scenery is wonderful. The Snow Mountain range and the Central Mountain Range and Jade Mountain Quaternary glacier Developed, there are remnants of late Pleistocene glacial erosion terrain.
The coast is mostly flat. Boreal origin Cape fortunei East, south SAN marten horn It is about 120 km long, rocky outcrops, headlands, but removed Port of Keelung Besides, the natural harbor is small in scale. The eastern coast, except for Suao Bay, is deep outside the shore, but because of the broken shore, the hinterland is mountainous, which is unfavorable to the construction of the port. The scale of development of the lower reaches and estuarine alluvial plains is also much lower than that in the west. Most of the west coast is a coastal plain area with broad beaches. The new area of Hai Pu is growing fastest from the mouth of Wu Xi (Datu Xi) to the mouth of Zeng Wen Xi. In addition to the southwestern coast of Kaohsiung, the west coast of the sand moraine, lack of natural good harbor.
More than 80% of the main plains are concentrated in the west. If the whole line of the Central Mountains is bounded, the only major plains to the east are the Dongtai Longitudinal Valley strip (including Hualien Plain and Taitung Plain). Among them are Hualien, Xiugulan and Bei Nan three river basin Alluvial fan Group interleaving.
The north is hilly. The exception is Taipei City and its vicinity along the Danshui River to Guandu. In the west there are Hsinchu Plain, coastal plain, Changhua Plain, Taichung Basin, Zhuoshui River Large alluvial fan, Kanan plain Kaohsiung Plain, Pingtung Plain, Hengchun Plain. [1]


Taiwan Island belongs to the transition zone of subtropics to tropics. The Northeast monsoon prevails from October to March of the next year, and the southwest monsoon occurs from May to September, during which the two transition periods are respectively. Due to the influence of the northeast trade winds and the continental cold air mass in winter, the effect of the northeast wind is particularly strong. There is a significant difference in climate between the northeast and southwest. The North and South plains are represented by Taipei and Hengchun respectively, with an average annual temperature of 22 ~ 23℃ and 24 ~ 25℃ respectively, with an annual difference of about 13℃ for the former and only 7℃ for the latter. The highest average monthly temperature is only about 30℃, and the lowest monthly temperature is almost above 15℃. Although the absolute low temperature of minus zero occasionally appears in the northern plain and platform, the damage of frost is not in the south of Taichung. The vertical temperature changes greatly, the average annual temperature in the mountains, Ali Mountain (in Shandong Province) The 2406 meter station has been low to about 10 ° C, Jade Mountain The 3850 meter measuring station is lower to 4 ~ 5℃. The latter can be as low as -12 ° C.
Precipitation is particularly high in the northeast, with the average annual precipitation in Keelung exceeding 3000 mm; Up to 5000 mm (e.g. 5173 mm in 1953). Yilan can also exceed 3000 mm. Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung are all over 1700 mm, and Pingtung is over 2000 mm. However, the annual variation rate of the southwest is very large, which is in contrast with the characteristics of the northeast which is rainy all the year round. The Northeast monsoon is the main rain source in the winter half year, and the impact of typhoons in the middle of the year is also strong, causing rain opportunities, Keelung is known as the "rain port", rain days more than 200 days, up to more than 230 days. Yilan often exceeds 200 days and can exceed 220 days at most. The rainy days of Tainan and Kaohsiung in the southwest are much less than those of Yilan and Keelung, and the change is also great year by year. For example, Kaohsiung had 120 rainy days in 1975, only 65 days in 1976, 69 days in 1978, and 114 days in 1983. In 1977, rainfall in Kaohsiung reached 2793.9 mm, and in 1980 it was as low as 572.8 mm. Southwest Plains area year-round sunshine Although it can exceed 2000 hours, it is often a serious drought due to the lack of rain in autumn and winter.
Taiwan Island and its adjacent waters are located in the Pacific frequent typhoons between summer and autumn, typhoons are no less than 3 to 4 times a year, especially across the Hengchun Peninsula and the north of the most affected. Taiwan mountainous rainy, annual rainfall of 4000 ~ 5000 mm mountain, the island has 5 ~ 6 places; The highest record is the fire Liao in the southeast of Keelung, with an average of more than 6000 mm and a maximum of more than 8400 mm over the past year, which is closely related to the northeast monsoon and typhoon. A transit typhoon caused the largest total rainfall, up to 1000 mm or more, such as October 17 to 19, 1969 in the south of Yilan Dongshan Township, Xinliao place a typhoon, the total rainfall of 3 days reached 2749 mm, of which 18 days a day reached 1672 mm. [2]

Mountains and rivers

According to the calculation of the main source of the river on Taiwan Island, there are only 20 rivers more than 50 kilometers long, of which 16 go west to the sea, and 4 go east to the sea. Most rivers have short flows, Bed gradient Large, the upstream water potential is rapid, the downstream flow path is unstable, and the difference between abundant and dry flow is very large. The major rivers are: Zhuoshui River It comes from the central mountains, with a total length of only 186 kilometers and a watershed area of 3155 square kilometers. Gao Pingxi It is 171 kilometers long and covers an area of 3,257 square kilometers. Danshui River It is 158.7 kilometers long and covers an area of 2726 square kilometers. In addition, there are Taegakye Wu Xi (Datu Xi), Zeng Wenxi And Pinan Creek in the east, Xiugu River Hua Lian Xi. Danshui River is the only river in Taiwan that used to benefit from shipping. Due to the silting of the riverbed in recent years, water transportation has been replaced by land transportation. Taiwan is rich in river hydraulic resources, with a total reservoir estimated at more than 5 million kilowatts, of which Dajia and Zhuoshui two streams can each exceed one million kilowatts. By 1980, only about 2.66 million kilowatts had been developed and under construction and design, slightly more than half of the total storage capacity. [2]

Natural resources



Red soil is widely distributed in hills, platforms and foothills of Taiwan Island. The areas above the altitude of 800 meters are yellow soil, yellow brown soil, gray brown soil and gray soil, and the above 3,000 meters are mostly stony soil. Due to more precipitation, the soil is strongly eluviated, the soil is heavy, the salt base has been basically lost, and the fertility is not high.
Natural plants range from coastal mangroves to alpine cold temperate forests. Southern areas below 500 meters above sea level tropical rainforest and Monsoon rain forest In the north, subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests dominate. The forest area of the island accounts for about 52% of the total land area of the island, of which subtropical and tropical forests account for about 87% of the forest area, and temperate forests account for about 11% Subfrigid zone Or cold forest, found at altitudes above 3000 meters. Taiwan Island has a wide variety of plant species, more than 180 families of higher plants, more than 4,000 kinds, of which there are more than 800 kinds of important forest plants, about 100 kinds of trees with economic value, red juniper, Taiwan cypress, hemlock, fir , Taiwan spruce, cedar , Formosan cedar Xiao Nan is particularly famous.
Animal nature Water deer It is the most widely distributed, followed by sika deer muntjac. There are habitats in the mountain areas below 3500 meters, but in the past three to four hundred years, the hunting has been excessive, and the low mountain fields have almost disappeared, and only a small amount of distribution is still in the mountains between 1500 and 2500 meters. Among other wild animals, butterflies and snakes, which are widely distributed, have been caught in large numbers and reduced in recent years. High economic value and limited numbers, such as: clouded leopard, Taiwan pangeo, civet cat, emperor pheasant, Taiwan pheasant, etc., has been nearly extinct (such as clouded leopard), or increasingly rare. In 1971, Taiwan declared a total ban on wildlife hunting, and there are many places Wildlife reserve For example Bagua Mountain ( Formosan macaque ), Mount Deyun (Emperor Pheasant, Blue Belly Eagle), Clear eight stages (Water deer, goat), Lala Mountain (Taiwan Bear), Dajia (Egret), etc., but the results were not significant.


Taiwan Island surrounded by the sea, aquatic resources are rich, Marine fisheries developed. Freshwater fish breeding in the reservoir has also developed considerably. The only important minerals are coal, Crude oil , Natural gas , gold, copper, marble , limestone , dolomite 9 kinds of sea salt. Energy and metal minerals are not enriched. Coal is mostly produced from Keelung to Hsinchu. Oil and gas field distribution Miaoli Hills Area, the yield is very small; Known reserves of natural gas are only about 27.5 billion cubic meters. Geothermal exploration has been done in Datun volcanic area and Yilan area, which need to be developed. The most famous metal mineral is the Jingua stone gold copper silver mine in the northern Ruifang mining area, but the reserves are not large. The bauxite in Datun Volcanic area is being explored, the natural sulfur production is large in the same area, and the Jinguashi mining area also has a more important sulfide iron ore. But they are far from enough. Limestone, marble, dolomite and so on are mostly found in the eastern mountain, rich; Hsinchu , Chiayi The limestone of Kaohsiung and other places is also important.

Physical geographical area

The island can be roughly divided into four regions: (1) the northern region. Rise from the north Datun volcano group And Keelung coast, its south boundary starts from Da 'an River in the west, joins Xueshan Mountain in the east, passes Siyuan Pass near Taoshan, and ends at Dongaoling in the south of Suao along the northeast section of the Central Mountains. The region west, north, east three face the sea, the south dam Jianshan, snow mountain, South Lake mountain, etc., freshwater river system flows through the territory. From east to west, it includes the Yilan Plain, Keelung Hills, Taibei Basin, Datun Volcano Group, Linkou and Taoyuan platforms, Zhudong and Miaoli Hills, and the snow Mountains that divide the Danshui River and Da 'an River from the Lanyang River system. ② Western region. North from Da 'an Xi, east to Ali Mountains as the boundary wall, southeast to Pingtung Plain at the end of the central mountains. The whole area is mainly composed of Zhuoshuixi alluvial fan and Jiannan Plain. ③ Eastern District. From the east of the western foot of the Central Mountains, including the great cliffs, longitudinal valleys, coastal mountains and their coasts, south to the eastern side of the Hengchun Peninsula. The central region (see Taiwan Province). [2]


The 3rd International Hanfu Travel Day in Taiwan
Due to the differences in language, customs and traditional social organization structure, the Gaoshan people are divided into Ami people, Paiwan people, Taiya people, Saixia people, Bunong people, Zou (Cao) people, Yamei people, Lukai people, Peinan people, Shao people, Pingpu people and so on. They have their own language, not their own writing. The Gaoshan language belongs to the Austronesian Indonesian language family, the language difference between the ethnic groups is relatively large, the common feature is that all belong to the polysyllabic and no intonation. [3]

Southern fujian culture

Most of the Han Chinese in Taiwan are immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong provinces, of which, about 80% of the immigrants from Fujian are from Zhangzhou and Quan, so Hokkien (also known as "Fu-lao") is the main dialect of Taiwan's folk, known as "Taiwanese". Southern fujian culture Also known as "Heluo culture", "Fu Luo culture".
After the Han people came to Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, they often lived in the same village, often used the name of the original town, and built temples to worship the gods of common belief, as the guardian temple, immigrants through the temple worship activities, combined with each other into a sacrifice organization, the temple became the belief and activity center of the immigrant society. Immigrants of different origins worship different gods, such as Zhangzhou Immigrant offering Kai Zhangsheng King ; Quanzhou immigrant worship Baosheng Emperor and Avalokitesvara , Goddess Matsu . [4]

Hakka culture

Generally speaking, the Hakka family originally lived in northern China (Shanxi, Henan, Hubei), and later due to the five random Hua, Song migration to the south and other factors caused by the north to move to the south, southern residents called them visitors, so there is the word Hakka appeared.
The Hakka in Taiwan are mainly from Chaozhou and Guangdong in China Mei County At present, it is distributed in the peach, bamboo and Miao areas, or Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Meinong and other places. The Hakka people are particularly resilient, and in order to live, they can be home everywhere and drift away from home. Hakka people are more conservative, have a strong sense of "our group", cherish the text, respect the knowledge of the scholars, pay more attention to educational achievements.
Hakka folk songs have a unique artistic style, with distinctive Local color . The lyrics of Hakka folk songs in Taiwan are generally composed of one sentence of seven characters and one sentence of four characters. In terms of the types of songs, it can be roughly divided into three types: mountain tune (long history), mountain song boy (improvisation) and flat tune. The ancestor worship of the Hakka people is worshipped in the public hall or ancestral hall. The Hakka people worship only one god The Righteous Man , King of the three Mountains As a representative, as long as there are Hakka reclamation places throughout Taiwan, there will be Sanshan King Temple . [4]

Colonial culture

In many corners of Taiwan, you can see the shadow of the colonial past. limnetic Red Fur City Is the site of the Dutch and Spanish occupation of Taiwan; Taipei is buzzing Dihua Street , the Peach Garden Daxi Town In some places, such as Tainan Xinhua, you can see the baroque buildings left over from the Japanese occupation period, and many important buildings of the Japanese occupation period in Taipei now. The presidential Palace, the Executive Yuan, and the old National Taiwan University Hospital in the western district of Taipei have all added night lighting to show their classical elegance and become the decoration of the night sky in Taipei. [4]