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A sweet camera

A photo app owned by Kuaishou
A sweet camera was officially launched by Kuaishou in August 2018, focusing on high-sweet Japanese and Korean filters and dynamic MOE stickers, allowing users to easily take photos of Japanese and Korean blockbuster texture through natural and lightweight beauty effects. video And Vlog [1]
Software name
A sweet camera
Software platform
Android , iOS
Last updated time
October 31, 2022 [2]
Software language
Simplified Chinese
Software version [2]
Software size
110.67 MB
Push-out time
In August 2018
Launch platform
Deft hand

Development course

In 2019, the daily activity of the June Sweet camera increased by more than 400%, and it launched sticker effects such as the "Spark" filter, "Summer Sweet Orange Makeup" and "Rotating emoji". [1]

Software introduction

Kuaishou's high-quality shooting software, with high sweet Japanese-Korean filters, vitality MOE stickers and short video follow-up function [2]

Product concept

Yituan's beauty shooting technology uses Kuaishou's industry-leading face key point recognition, 3D face reconstruction, AR camera pose estimation, video aesthetic evaluation and other core technologies, and combines AI intelligent analysis matching and algorithm promotion.
What a sweet camera wants to convey is not advanced beauty, but the idea that everyone is beautiful, so that the United States has no sense of distance [1]

Software feature

Added "Magic Matting" function, one click easy matting
New facial occlusion to makeup function, makeup is not afraid of blocking
Fixed several bugs, smooth shooting experience [2]