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Crack down on online rumors in accordance with the law and make every effort to purify the Internet environment
2024-03-04 15:01:45 0People have seen
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In the network era of "everyone has a microphone", if there is a network rumor, the scope of transmission will no longer be limited to a specific group of people, a specific time and space, and the transmission speed will increase in geometric progression. If the Internet rumors are allowed to spread wantonly, it will seriously disrupt the order of cyberspace and even cause social panic. 2024 is the year of the special action of the public security organs to combat and correct Internet rumors. According to the unified deployment of the Municipal Bureau, the network security detachment of the Siping Public Security Bureau will make every effort to promote the work of combating Internet rumors to go deep and solid, and to create a positive and orderly network ecology.
Network rumors do great harm to the society, not only disturbing the social public order, but also seriously damaging the interests of the people, the people deeply resent it. In order to crack down on Internet rumors according to law and effectively purify the Internet environment, the network security detachment of Siping Public Security Bureau carried out propaganda action to crack down on Internet rumors, so that the concept of "no rumor-mongering, no believing rumors, and no spreading rumors" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and promoted the formation of a good atmosphere of "ruling the Internet according to law and surfing the Internet according to law" to build a healthy and clean Internet public opinion environment.

Common Internet rumors categories:
1. Internet disaster rumors
Fabricating information about the imminent occurrence of a certain disaster, or fabricating or exaggerating information about the harm of a disaster that has already occurred, may cause public panic and disrupt social and economic order.
2. Internet terror rumors
It refers to the fabrication of terrorist information or information about events that endanger public security, causing public panic, disturbing social order, causing public dissatisfaction with government management, and affecting social stability.
3. Cyber crime rumors
It refers to the fabrication of appalling or heinous criminal information to arouse public anger, fear, and public dissatisfaction with the government, government workers or certain groups, while also affecting the reputation of the parties concerned and disrupting their normal lives.
4. Online food and product safety rumors
It refers to fabricating or exaggerating the existence of quality problems in a certain type of food or product, causing the public to boycott such food or product, resulting in the loss of such food or product producers and sellers.
5. Rumors of personal events on the Internet
The pointer fabricates eye-catching false information for some individuals, infringes the privacy of the parties, and causes negative effects and even economic losses to the parties.
How to identify online rumors:
Internet rumors have the characteristics of exaggerating the severity of events, taking words out of context, and shifting them. How to identify whether the events you see are true can be judged from the following perspectives:
1. Authoritative publication of articles. Pay attention to whether there is a signature or a source at the end of the article, and determine whether it is published by authoritative media or institutions to avoid being biased by the author's subjective speculation.
2. Objectivity of content views. When reading the article, we should pay attention to whether there are exaggerated facts, partial generalizations, out-of-context, extreme statements, and other expressions.
3. Browse the health of the page. In order to attract attention, some platforms set pornographic, grandiose and other types of pictures as covers, or the pages contain a lot of unhealthy content such as advertisements and links to online novels.

Siping network police remind: purifying the network environment and combating network rumors requires the joint efforts of the vast number of netizens. It is hoped that the majority of netizens will keep rational thinking, raise awareness of prevention, actively resist online rumors, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, do not create rumors, and work together to build a clean network home.