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1 minute to understand: What regulatory measures will be taken in 2023 annual personal income tax settlement for taxpayers who do not declare or do not fully pay tax

Release date: 2024-04-10

According to the policy provisions, from March 1 to June 30, 2024, taxpayers need to handle the final settlement of 2023 individual income tax comprehensive income (hereinafter referred to as the "annual settlement"). What regulatory measures will be taken against taxpayers who do not declare or do not fully pay their back taxes? Let's take a look

The State Administration of Taxation (SATE), praises the tax of the taxpayer who needs to make up tax, after the end of the settlement period does not declare the tax to make up tax or does not make up tax in full, once found, the tax authority will order the correction within a time limit and serve the relevant tax documents to the taxpayer, and has signed the "Confirmation of electronic Service of Tax documents", through the personal tax APP and website and other channels to deliver electronic documents; If the Confirmation of Electronic Service of Tax Documents is not signed, it shall be served by other means. At the same time, the tax authorities will add a late fee in accordance with the law and mark it in their personal income tax Records.


Please handle personal income tax settlement in accordance with the law to avoid affecting their tax credit.

Source: State Administration of Taxation

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