How to Handle the emergency if the iPhone is flooded accidentally

Ace assistantPublished: 2024-04-22 08:38:24 Author: Anonymous I want to comment
Many people have the trouble of Apple mobile phone water, most mobile phones just fell into the water is not much of a problem, but if a long time immersed in water will produce many problems, the following gives you some effective solutions

In spring and summer, many small partners will choose to go out to play, go to the sea or climb close to nature, and shoot beautiful scenery with their mobile phones. If the iPhone is accidentally soaked during play, how to deal with the emergency? Here, combined with Apple's official advice, the following information is given:

iPhone phone water emergency solution

1. If the iPhone comes into contact with liquid, remove all cables and accessories immediately and avoid charging it until the device is completely dry.

2. Gently wipe the surface of the iPhone with a soft lint-free cloth, such as a lens cloth, to ensure that it is dry. Avoid opening the SIM card holder until the iPhone is thoroughly dry.

3. Check whether the microphone and speaker are flooded: Place the iPhone speaker face down on a lint-free cloth and observe whether water droplets flow out.

4. To speed up the drying process of the iPhone, gently tap the phone with the lightning bolt or USB-C port facing down to drain excess liquid. Place the iPhone in a dry, ventilated area. Or put the iPhone in front of the fan and let the cold air blow directly against the lightning or USB-C port, which may speed up the drying process.

5. Please note that using accessories or charging your iPhone while it is wet may damage the device. Therefore, please wait at least 5 hours before trying to charge your iPhone.

  • Tag: The iPhone is flooded

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