c++ project suffix vcxproj and sln difference and description _C language _ script home

The difference and explanation of suffix vcxproj and sln in c++ project

Updated: May 01, 2024 08:19:41 Author: Xiao Yang who likes programming
This article mainly introduces the difference between the suffix vcxproj and sln in c++ project and explains it. It has a good reference value and hopes to help you. If there are mistakes or places that are not considered completely, please feel free to give your advice

c++ project suffix vcxproj and sln

'.vcxproj file

Is an XML file in Visual Studio used to store C++ project configuration and Settings.

It contains information about the project's compilation options, linking options, file list, and so on.

This file corresponds to a specific project.

The.sln file

A solution file in Visual Studio that contains one or more projects (including the.vcxproj file) and information about dependencies between those projects, build order, and so on.

A solution file can contain one or more projects that are used to organize and manage associated projects.

When you create a new project in Visual Studio, the generated file is usually specific to that project type.

The suffix of these files depends on the project type and the language used.

Some common suffixes and their meanings include:

  • 1.. sln-Solution File, which contains one or more projects.
  • 2.. csproj- C# Project File, used for C# projects.
  • 3.. vbproj- Visual Basic Project File (Visual Basic project file) for Visual Basic projects.
  • 4. **.cpp** - C++ Source File for C++ projects.
  • 5. html,.css,.js-html, CSS, JavaScript files for Web projects.
  • 6.. xml-XML File, used for configuration or data files.
  • 7.. config-Configuration File, used for application configuration.
  • 8.. json-JSON File, used for data exchange or configuration.
  • 9.. dl-dynamic Link Library File, used for Dynamic link of code base.

These are just a few examples, and the specific file types and extensions depend on the type of project you are creating and the language you are using.

Visual C++ file suffix definition

  • .aps: resource-assisted intermediate files that store binary resources (to speed up resource loading).
  • .bmp: bitmap resource file.
  • .bsc: View the information file. Generated by the Browser Information Maintenance Tool (BSCMAKE) from the original browser information file (.sbr), the BSC file can be used for quick positioning in the source code editing window. The Generate Browse Info File can be removed from project options to speed up compilation.
  • .c: Source code file written in C language.
  • .clw: File generated by ClassWizard to store class information.
  • .cnt: The structure used to define "Contents" in the help file.
  • .cpp or.cxx: A source code file written in C++.
  • .cur: cursor resource file.
  • .def: Module definition file used to generate dynamic link libraries.
  • .dlg: A separate file that defines dialog resources. It is not necessary for VC projects, because VC usually puts dialog resources in. In the RC file.
  • .DSP: Project files generated by the VC development environment, VC4 and previous versions use MAK files to define projects. Project file, text format.
  • .dsw: The WorkSpace file generated by the VC development environment is used to organize multiple projects into a WorkSpace, similar to.DSP.
  • .exp: An output file generated by the LIB tool from a DEF file that contains output information for functions and data items. The EXP file is used by the LINK tool to create dynamic link libraries. Generated only when the DLL is compiled, it records some information in the DLL file.
  • .h,.hpp or. HXX: A header file written in C/C++, commonly used to define data types and declare variables, functions, structures, and classes.
  • .HLp: Windows help file.
  • .hm: In the Help project, this file defines the mapping of ID values between help files and dialogs, menus, or other resources.
  • .hpj: The Help project file generated by the Help Workshop is used to control the generation process of Help files.
  • .hpg: Generate help files for the project.
  • .ico: icon resource file.
  • .ilk: An intermediate file generated during the connection process. It is used only by the LINK tool.
  • .ini: configuration file.
  • .lib: library file, which the LINK tool will use to connect various input libraries in order to eventually generate EXE files.
  • .lic: user license certificate file. This file is required when some ActiveX controls are used.
  • .mak: The MAKE file, the project file used by VC4 and earlier, specifies how to create a project.
  • .map: A text file generated by the LINK tool. It contains some information about the connected program and records the image information of the execution file.
  • .mdp: Old version of the project file, equivalent to.DSP.
  • .ncb: NCB is short for "No Compile Browser" and contains information for ClassView, WizardBar, and ComponentGallery, which is generated automatically after compiling the project. This file can be deleted if the autocomplete function fails.
  • .obj: Object file generated by the compiler or assembly tool, which is the binary intermediate file of the module.
  • .odl: Source code file written in object description language, VC uses it to generate TLB file.
  • .olb: A special dynamic linked library with a type library resource, also known as an object library file.
  • .opt: Files automatically generated by the VC development environment to store the various options in the WorkSpace. Project parameters file about the development environment.
  • .pbi,.Pbo, and. PBT: Three files generated and used by VC's PROFILE profiling tool.
  • .pch: precompiled header file, large, is automatically generated by the compiler when creating the project, which stores part of the code that has been compiled in the project, and will not be recompiled when creating the project in the future, in order to speed up the compilation process.
  • .pdb: program database file, automatically generated during the establishment of the project, which stores various information of the program, used to speed up the debugging process. Some data and debugging information about the program are recorded.
  • .plg: compile information file, error and warning information file at compile time.
  • .rc: Resource definition file.
  • .rc2: Resource definition file for special cases.
  • .reg: registry information file. .res: binary resource file. The RES file is generated after the resource definition file is compiled by the resource compiler.
  • .rtf: Rich Text Format A document that can be created by Word or Wordpad and is often used to generate Help files.
  • .sbr: The raw browsing information file generated by the VC compiler for each OBJ file.
  • .tlb: OLE library file that stores data types, modules, and interface definitions for OLE automation objects.

Sum up

The above is personal experience, I hope to give you a reference, but also hope that you support the script home.

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