How does AI draw cartoon character illustration effect? ai vector illustration design method

Baidu experiencePublished: 2018-03-19 12:51:36 Author: Aueer I want to comment
How does AI draw cartoon character illustration effect? ai always wants to design a cartoon illustration, how to design it? Let's take a look at the design method of ai vector illustration, very simple, need friends can refer to it

If you want to draw an illustration in ai, how do you draw an illustration of a vector? Let's take a look at the detailed tutorial.

How to create an avatar

Step 1, after opening Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document with a width and height of 850 x 850 pixels, we will start drawing the avatar, which is the same for all women. Draw an ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L). In the image below, you can see the fill color you need. Change this shape: Go to Effects > Deformation > Fish. Enter the options you see below, and then press OK.

Step 2. For the eyes, first create a brown oval (using the Ellipse Tool (L)). And rotate it slightly to the left. Next, create a white oval in front of the brown (using Control-C and Control-F). Move it diagonally down to the right.

End the eyes with a small dark brown circle. To make an even circle, use the Ellipse Tool (L) while holding down the Shift key. Finally, group all eyes (right click > Groups).

Step 3: Place your eyes on the left side of your head. Take the Reflection Tool (O) and hold down the Alt key while clicking on the forehead. In the new dialog window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees, and press Copy. You should have two eyes by now.

Step 4. Place a small circle on your face where your nose is. Create another circle and, while keeping it selected, pick up the straw tool (I) and click the face. Now, your new circle will get the same color as your face. Overlap the two circles so that you can see the crescent shape. This is the nose.

Using the same technique, create an ear. First, draw an oval and place it on the left side of the head (the same color as the head's fill). If you want, you can rotate it a little bit to the left. Then create a smaller, darker oval on top of it. Make it overlap with the new oval (the same fill color as the head) so that you can see the crescent shape.

Take the Reflection Tool (O) and hold down the Alt key and click in the middle of the head. In the new dialog window, select Vertical, Angle 90 degrees, and press Copy. You should have two ears by now.

Step 5: Let's make eyebrows. Using the Ellipse Tool (L), create a thin, horizontal, dark ellipse. Then with the Direct Selection tool (A), select by dragging the top and bottom anchor points of the oval and sliding them up. This will be the eyebrows.

Step 6: Place your eyebrows on the left side. Feel free to spin it, but you want to - just don't make her mad! Make another eyebrow using the same technique as you used to create the eyes and ears. Now you have two eyebrows.

Step 7. To draw the mouth, draw a new horizontal oval. Select this new ellipse and convert the left and right anchors by clicking on them using the Convert Anchor tool (Shift-C). Create a new white oval (Control-C, Control-F) in front. Shrink it, but make sure the white ellipse stays inside the brown ellipse. Very important: Assemble the whole mouth.

After that, go to Impact > Warp > Arc and enter the options you see below. Smiling mouth ready!

Put your mouth where it is.

Step 8. Using the Rectangle Tool (M), add a rectangle under the head to create the neck. It should be the same fill color as the face. With it still selected, go to Effects > Distortion > Highlight. In the new dialog window, enter the options you see in the image below. Expand the shape (Object > Expand Appearance).

Step 9. To complete the head, let's add some curly hair. Draw a big circle at the back of your head. Keep it checked and go to Object > Path > Add Anchor. Do this a few times and you'll notice how to add anchor points evenly on the circle.

  • Tag: Illustration AI

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