China trademark renewal
A trademark renewal Trademark renewal Trademark renewal Description Description The registered trademark is valid for 10 years. Where a registered trademark needs to continue to be used after the expiration of its validity, it shall apply for renewal of the registration within 6 months before the expiration. If the application is not filed within this period, there is a six-month extension period. If no application has been filed within the grace period, the Trademark Office will cancel it after the expiration. After the trademark Office reviews the application for trademark renewal registration, it issues the trademark renewal certificate, and no longer issues another trademark registration certificate, and the original trademark registration certificate is used together with the trademark renewal certificate.
The conditions for the renewal of registered trademarks The conditions for the renewal of registered trademarks The conditions for the renewal of registered trademarks The conditions for the renewal of registered trademarks according to Article 38 of China's current Trademark Law: "Where a registered trademark has expired and needs to continue to use, it shall apply for renewal of registration within six months before the expiration of the term; If no application is made within this period, a six-month extension may be granted. Where no application has been filed upon the expiration of the period of extension, the registered trademark shall be cancelled.
(1) Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration; (2) The applicant's identity document (photocopy); (3) Trademark proxy; (4) Copy of registration certificate; (5) If the application document is in a foreign language, the Chinese translation confirmed by the translation agency should also be provided