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How to correctly understand the importance of the whole well-known trademark recognition process of the "case"?

   “ Individual case " It is the starting procedure of the whole well-known trademark recognition, in this sense, to find the right start " Individual case " It's a very important job. In the actual identification process, there are many enterprises with very good conditions because they did not find the start-up that meets the requirements " Individual case " It directly leads to the failure of the well-known trademark recognition application.
But it cannot be overstated " Individual case " As important as meeting the requirements " Individual case " After all, it is only a start-up procedure, once the well-known trademark recognition work is started, whether it is recognized as a well-known trademark will completely depend on the strength of the supporting materials provided by the parties, without considering the circumstances of the case.
Therefore, " Individual case " It plays a decisive role in starting the well-known trademark recognition procedure, but does not play a role in the subsequent recognition result.