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Measures for the Administration of the identification of high-tech enterprises were promulgated

Measures for the Administration of the identification of high-tech enterprises were promulgated

The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau recently issued two management measures for the identification of science and technology innovative enterprises and high-tech enterprises, in order to promote the active implementation of scientific and technological innovation. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau has made it clear that the bureau will provide a series of "special" services for these identified enterprises, including industry-university-research docking, achievement transformation, personnel training, market development and other "special" services.

According to the "Management Measures for the Identification of Science and Technology Innovative Enterprises in Fushun City (Trial)", the applicant must meet four conditions at the same time, including: the enterprise has at least one patent for the core technology of its main product (service) in the past three years; Scientific and technological personnel specializing in research and development accounted for more than 10% of the total number of employees in that year. The identified scientific and technological innovative enterprises will be divided into start-up enterprises, growth enterprises and expansion enterprises according to the scale of enterprises. Municipal science and technology development funds will give priority to key support.

"Fushun City High-tech Enterprise identification Management Measures (Trial)" is the first time that our city issued relevant measures. The method is to promote the city's enterprises to actively declare national high-tech enterprises through the identification of municipal high-tech enterprises. One of the goals of the municipal science and Technology Bureau to determine the future work is that our city can have 50 national high-tech enterprises in 2015, and strive to achieve a breakthrough of zero national high-tech enterprises in three counties. At present, there are 18 national high-tech enterprises in our city.

Municipal high-tech enterprises enjoy more special treatment. For example, it will be given priority to be included in the national high-tech enterprise cultivation object, and the R&D investment of enterprises can be deducted from the preferential policies of the tax authorities for enterprise R&D fees before tax. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau is currently determined that more than 20 municipal high-tech enterprises will be identified each year in the future, and more than 10 enterprises will be selected among them to help them be selected as early as possible to enjoy a series of preferential policies of the state.

The person in charge of the municipal science and Technology Bureau said that accelerating the development of science and technology innovative enterprises in our city is of great significance for our city to transform the mode of economic development, adjust and optimize the industrial structure, cultivate and develop strategic emerging industries, improve the ability of independent innovation, promote Fushun to embark on the track of innovation-driven and endogenous growth, and achieve "bend beyond".