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Diwei new software obtained the high-tech enterprise certification

Over the years, the development of high-tech enterprises in our country has achieved remarkable achievements. It has played an extremely important role in promoting the combination of science and technology and economy, promoting the development of emerging industries and achieving economic growth. Shenzhen Diwei New Software Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Diwei New Software"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Diwei News Co., LTD., has recently obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate jointly issued by Shenzhen Science, Technology, Industry and Information Technology Commission, Shenzhen Finance Commission, Shenzhen State Taxation Bureau and Shenzhen Local Taxation Bureau. The certificate number is: GR201144200372.

Since its establishment, Diwei New Software has been committed to the development of new technologies and solutions, and strive to walk in the forefront of the market. In terms of technological innovation, the products have the courage to explore and innovate, and have designed a series of video communication patented technologies and core technology products with a new concept, and have won a good reputation at home and abroad. In October last year, the company obtained the "Shenzhen High-tech Enterprise Certificate" issued by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Information Bureau. The "high-tech enterprise certification" this time marks that the innovation ability of Diwei new software has been fully affirmed by the state. The company will further strengthen research and development investment, enhance independent research and development strength, improve the overall competitiveness of the enterprise, win the recognition of more users with the most excellent product performance, establish the enterprise image of the industry leader, and promote the development of China's video communication industry.

High-tech enterprise certification is a kind of incentive policy established by the state to stimulate the independent research and development and innovation ability of enterprises. Enterprises to declare must be engaged in high-tech industries, have sustained independent research and development strength, and have core independent intellectual property rights. Enterprises will enjoy preferential policies in tax, financing, operation and other activities after the declaration is passed.

While enjoying national preferential policies after obtaining the high-tech enterprise certification, Diwei New Software will continue to implement the general policy of reform and opening up, give full play to the advantages and potential of scientific and technological forces, and take the market as a guide to further promote the commercialization of high-tech achievements, the industrialization of high-tech commodities and the internationalization of high-tech industries. Continuously improve the competitiveness of enterprises, with accurate vision and strong technology, with a full range of high-quality products and services, for users to continue to improve the pace of information construction