Beijing trademark registration agent share trademark change application steps Linyi Addy business trademark registration
For everyone who starts a company, trademark registration is necessary, but sometimes because of business changes, the trademark also needs to be updated, so what are the application steps of the updated form? Let the Beijing trademark registration Agency company to introduce the trademark change application steps.
Trademark change application steps:
(1) Prepare the application form:
1. The application form that should be submitted is: application for change (select the form according to the specific content of the application);
2, the applicant's identity documents (business license copy, ID card, etc.) copy;
3, the entrusted agent to submit the "power of attorney", directly in the acceptance hall to submit a copy of the identity card of the operator;
4, apply to change the name of the registrant, should also submit a change certificate issued by the registration authority;
5. If the application document is in a foreign language, the Chinese translation confirmed by the translation agency should also be provided.
(1) Fill out the application form in accordance with the requirements, and must be typed or printed.
(2) For the change procedure, each trademark (each registration number) should fill in a change application, and affix the applicant's seal and or agent's seal.
(3) The applicant directly to the trademark registration hall, in addition to submitting the application, but also submit the applicant's business license and a copy of the copy of the business license (or stamped with the official seal of the unit) and a copy of the ID card of the manager; If the applicant is a natural person and is coming in person, just submit a copy of the applicant's ID card. To entrust a trademark agency to handle, in addition to submitting the application, but also to submit a trademark agency letter, a copy of the applicant's business license or a copy of the ID card.
(4) Application for change of the name of the registrant shall also submit a certificate of change issued by the registration authority. If the registrant is an enterprise, it shall present the alteration certificate issued by the registration department of the administrative department for industry and commerce; If the registrant is a public institution, it shall present the change certificate of the registration authority of the public institution; If the registered person is a natural person, the change certificate of the local police station shall be presented. The name before and after the change on the certificate shall be consistent with the name before the change and the name of the applicant on the application. If a foreign enterprise or foreigner only needs to change its Chinese translation name, it shall provide a statement of application for changing the Chinese translation name of the foreign enterprise or foreigner.
(5) For trademarks that have not been approved for registration, the change of the applicant's name shall also be handled in accordance with the above provisions.
(6) The application for change of address does not need to be accompanied by a change of address certificate, except for the case of cross-nationality change of address by natural persons.
(7) If a natural person changes his address across nationalities, he shall submit proof that he has lived at the current address for more than one year when applying.
(8) If the trademark for which the change is sought is a joint trademark, the following documents shall also be submitted:
A. To apply for the change of the joint trademark representative, fill in the application for the change of the name/address of the registrant, and submit the statement of consent of the other joint owners to the change.
B, apply to change the name of the co-owner of the joint trademark, whether it is to change the name of all the co-owners or change the name of some of the co-owners, or change the representative of the joint trademark, shall fill in the name of all the co-owners on the application. The name and address of the representative shall be written on the first page of the application, the name of the other co-owners shall be written on the attached page of the application, and the other co-owners do not need to fill in the address.
C. If the name and address of the representative are changed, the name and address of the representative after the change shall be written in the name and address of the applicant on the first page of the application, and the name and address of the representative before the change shall be written in the name and address before the change on the first page of the application, and the corresponding certificate of the change of name shall be attached. If the name and address of the representative have not been changed, and the name of the other co-owners applying for change is applied for, the name and address before the change on the first page of the application need not be filled in.
D. If the name of other co-owners is changed, the name of the co-owner before the change and the name of the co-owner after the change shall be filled in the name list of other co-owners before the change and the name list of other co-owners after the change (hereinafter referred to as the name list before the change and the name list after the change) on the attached page of the application, and the corresponding certificate of change shall be attached. If the names of other co-owners have not been changed, the names of the co-owners who have not been changed shall be filled in the list of names before the change and the list of names after the change on the attached page of the application.
(2) Submit the application form:
1, the applicant directly to the trademark registration hall to handle, the application is ready, in the trademark registration hall application acceptance window to submit, by the window staff to confirm whether the application is qualified.
2. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the case, the trademark agency shall deliver the application to the Trademark Office.
(3) Pay the change fee:
One change application should pay a change fee of 500 yuan. If a trademark agency is entrusted, the applicant shall pay the change fee and agency fee to the trademark agency, and the change fee charged by the trademark Office shall be deducted from the advance payment of the trademark agency.