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Guangzhou Haizhu District registered trademark agent where to find?

The unification of accepted trademarks is accepted in the Beijing State Trademark Administration, so the local agencies are only agencies. However, it is also necessary to find a qualified agency, Guangzhou Houbo Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. is a qualified agency registered in Beijing Trademark Office. Houbo expert team has rich experience in intellectual property industry, and can provide first-class intellectual property services for customers across the country. Houbo professional to provide you with trademark registration, customs record, software copyright, copyright registration, patent application, bar code application, Hong Kong company and overseas company registration services. Your satisfaction is our pursuit! There are two ways for domestic applicants to handle various trademark registration matters: 1, directly to the trademark office; 2, is entrusted to the state recognized trademark agency agent, that is, trademark agency.

Trademark registration is the most important trademark search, to find a good trademark agency is to ensure that your trademark registration is a prerequisite for success, compared with individuals, the agency has a very professional team, professional trademark search work, the registration risk will be minimized, and do your best to make the trademark registration successful. After finding the agency, the later documents of the trademark and the situation of the trademark, the agency will be responsible for helping you follow up, what is the processing of the later documents, these agencies can give you professional answers to reduce the trouble for you.

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