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How to get a Trademark Registration Certificate

I. Brief description
After the trademark applied for registration has been approved for registration, the trademark shall be Trademark officeissue Trademark registrationA surname Trademark registrationCertificate. " Trademark registrationA case of yes Trademark registrationThe official legal proof that a person has the exclusive right to use his trademark.
Direct to Trademark registrationHall handling Trademark registrationIf the application is made, the applicant should arrive Trademark registrationLobby card window to pick up" Trademark registrationCertificate.
Contracts Trademark agencyInstitutional management Trademark registrationApplied for, Trademark officeOn the other hand Trademark registrationCertificate mailed to the Trademark agencyInstitution.
2. Receive the" Trademark registrationDocuments to be submitted
(1) Receive the copy Trademark registrationCertificate Notice, receive the" Trademark registrationThe following materials should be submitted when certifying:
1, "Receive Trademark registrationThe original certificate Notice;
2, the registrant is a legal person or other organization, must submit a letter of introduction; If the registrant is a natural person, the identity card and photocopy of the registrant must be submitted;
3. Id card and photocopy of the witness.
(b) For various reasons did not receive the "collection Trademark registrationCertificate Notice, receive the" Trademark registrationThe following materials should be submitted when certifying:
1. A copy and photocopy of the registrant's business license, or a photocopy of the business license stamped with the registrant's official seal;
2, the registrant is a legal person or other organization, must submit a letter of introduction; If the registrant is a natural person, the identity card and photocopy of the registrant must be submitted;
3. Identity card and photocopy of the witness;
4. Registered trademark's Trademark announcementCopy of ", or the" Trademark announcement"Issue number and Trademark registrationnumber
Third, precautions
1, directly in Trademark registrationThe application processed in the hall, "Receive Trademark registrationCertificate and Advice by Trademark officeServe the applicant by registered post.
2, the name of the official seal in the letter of introduction must be consistent with the "Receive Trademark registrationThe name of the registrant in the Certificate and Notice is exactly the same.
3. Trademark registrationReceive a copy of Trademark registrationIf the name of the registrant has been changed, the certificate of change issued by the issuing authority shall be submitted.
4. Obtain the original copy of the business license Trademark registrationThe copy of the certificate must be a valid copy of the business license that has been checked annually by the issuing authority.
Iv. Special Statement
(a) The above content is not the State Administration for Industry and Commerce or the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark officeAs such, all content is instructive and not legally binding.
(b) the above content was completed in December 2003, if there is any change later, or in the process of handling Trademark registrationIf the requirements of the reception staff in the hall are inconsistent, the requirements of the reception staff shall prevail.