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Instructions on the adjustment of the process of accepting and examining trademark registration applications after the implementation of the new Trademark Law implementation regulations

The Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China implemented on May 1, 2014 have adjusted the process of accepting and reviewing trademark registration applications, and Article 18, paragraph 2, stipulates: "Where the trademark registration application procedures are complete, the application documents are filled out in accordance with the provisions and the fees are paid, the Trademark Office shall accept the application and notify the applicant in writing; Where the application procedures are not complete, the application documents are not filled out in accordance with the provisions or the fees are not paid, the Trademark Office will not accept the application, notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons. The application procedures are basically complete or the application documents are basically in compliance with the provisions, but need to be corrected, the Trademark Office notify the applicant to make corrections, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice, in accordance with the specified content and return to the Trademark Office. If it is corrected and returned to the Trademark Office within the prescribed time limit, the application date shall be retained; If no correction is made within the time limit or the correction is not made as required, the Trademark Office shall not accept the application and notify the applicant in writing."
Before May 1, 2014, after the trademark Office conducted a written examination of the trademark registration application documents, the trademark registration application documents which were completed and filled in the application documents in accordance with the provisions of the notice of acceptance, usually issued for about 1 month from the date of receipt of the application documents. After May 1, 2014, in accordance with the newly revised implementation Regulations of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Office adjusted the examination process of trademark registration applications, and adjusted the examination work in the form of scanning, input, division of graphic elements, division of trademark sub-cards, division of goods and services, and financial payment before issuing the acceptance notice. If the trademark registration application needs to be corrected, it shall be corrected in accordance with the requirements, and after the financial department has successfully verified the payment, the acceptance notice can be issued. Therefore, the issuance time of the acceptance notice will be longer than the issuance time before the implementation of the new trademark Law implementation regulations, I hope that the majority of trademark applicants can understand.
It is hereby stated.
Trademark office
September 25, 2014