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New and high technology enterprise identification conditions and declaration procedures

According to the Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of the Identification of High-tech Enterprises in Fujian Province (Trial Implementation), high-tech enterprises refer to: In the current "High-tech Fields Supported by the State" issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, continue to conduct research and development and transformation of technological achievements, form the core independent intellectual property rights of enterprises, and carry out business activities on the basis of this, registered in Fujian Province (excluding cities separately listed in the plan, the same below) resident enterprises for more than one year.

The identification of high-tech enterprises must meet the following conditions at the same time:

(1) Enterprises registered in Fujian Province within the past three years through independent research and development, transfer, donation, merger and acquisition, or through more than five years of exclusive license, the core technology of their main products (services) have independent intellectual property rights;

(2) The products (services) fall within the scope specified in the "High-tech Fields supported by the State";

(3) Scientific and technological personnel with college degree or above accounted for more than 30% of the total number of employees of the enterprise in the year, of which R&D personnel accounted for more than 10% of the total number of employees of the enterprise in the year;

(4) The enterprise has continuously carried out research and development activities for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge of science and technology (excluding humanities and social sciences), creatively applying new knowledge of science and technology, or substantially improving technology and products (services), and the proportion of the total research and development expenses in the total sales revenue of the last three fiscal years meets the following requirements:

Among them, the total R&D expenses incurred by enterprises in China account for no less than 60% of the total R&D expenses. If the time of incorporation of an enterprise is less than three years, it shall be calculated according to the actual operating period;

(5) The sum of high-tech products (services) and their technical income accounts for more than 60% of the total income of the enterprise in the year;

(6) The four indicators of the enterprise's research and development organization management level, scientific and technological achievements transformation ability, the number of independent intellectual property rights, sales and total asset growth are calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Work Guidelines, and the weighted score must reach 70 points or more (excluding 70 points).

How to declare a high-tech enterprise

If the enterprise evaluates itself and thinks that it meets the accreditation conditions, it can register on the "Website of Accreditation and Administration of High-tech Enterprises" (www.innocom.gov.cn);

Select the intermediary agencies that meet the requirements of the "Work Guidelines" on their own, and conduct special audits of the research and development expenses of enterprises; To apply for recognition, submit the following materials to the science and technology Bureau of the local district city:

1. Application for recognition of high-tech enterprises;

2. Copy of business license, tax registration certificate (copy);

3. Research and development expenses of enterprises certified by qualified intermediaries in the past three fiscal years (according to the actual operating years of less than three years) and the special audit report on the income of high-tech products (services) in the past fiscal year;

4. The financial statements of the enterprise certified by a qualified intermediary for the past three accounting years (including balance sheet, profit and profit distribution statement, cash flow statement, and actual operating years if the actual years are less than three years);

5. Proof materials for technological innovation activities: intellectual property certificates, including invention patents, utility model patents, designs that do not simply change product patterns and shapes, computer software copyright registration certificates, integrated circuit layout design exclusive rights, and new plant varieties; Exclusive license agreement; Production approval document; New product or new technology certification materials; Product quality inspection report; Undertake provincial or above science and technology project certification; Environmental protection standard certificate; Other relevant supporting materials.

6. The number of employees, educational structure and the proportion of R & D personnel to the employees of the enterprise are explained, and relevant certification materials are attached.

In principle, the identification of high-tech enterprises is concentrated in four batches each year. The last day of January, April, July and October of each year are respectively the deadline for the office of the Leading Group of the provincial high-tech enterprise identification Management to accept each batch of recommended application materials from the science and Technology Bureau of the districted city. Provincial high-tech enterprise identification management leading group office according to the application materials of the enterprise, according to the technical field from the expert pool to select no less than 5 relevant experts for review, and then reported to the provincial high-tech enterprise identification management leading group for approval, and in the "management network" public for 15 working days. After the public no objection to the enterprise, by the provincial high-tech enterprise identification management office to fill in the approval of the record summary form, reported to the national high-tech enterprise identification management leading group office for the record.

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