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Guide to Trademark Registration

A trademark is a trademark used by a producer or operator of a commodity on the commodity it produces, manufactures, processes, selects or distributes, or a service provider on the service it provides, to distinguish the source of the commodity or service, and is a product of the modern economy. In the commercial field, trademarks include words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements, can be registered as trademarks. Trademarks approved and registered by the State shall be "registered trademarks" and shall be protected by law. Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that they have the exclusive right to identify goods or services or to license others to use them for remuneration.
First of all, the essential characteristic and function of trademark is differentiation. Trademarks are mainly used to distinguish the source of goods or providers of services.
Secondly, trademark is also the enterprise to participate in the competition. It is an important tool to open up the market, but also carries the enterprise's management, scientific and technological progress, staff quality, business reputation, etc., reflects the comprehensive quality of the enterprise, and has become a symbol of the enterprise.
Thirdly, trademarks also serve as advertisements. Trademark names are often composed of refined, novel, eye-catching text and graphics, with strong significance, these characteristics of trademarks can also attract consumers from different angles, leaving a deep impression in the minds of consumers.
In addition, registered trademarks are one of the most important intangible assets that can be passed on to future generations, and can be inherited as property investment, mortgage, etc.
1, professional, must be handled by professional institutions
In order to regulate the handling of trademark affairs, the state has formulated very strict and special procedures, and these procedures are very complex, plus trademark examination has a long time, many uncertain factors, strong continuity and other characteristics, so the applicant needs to be very familiar with the various legal procedures. Professional trademark agencies have accumulated rich experience in the long-term practice process, are very familiar with the various procedures for trademark registration, have a thorough grasp of the trademark examination criteria, and can flexibly use rules and skills to help applicants legally avoid legal risks.
2. Save the applicant's time
The most precious thing in modern society is time. It would obviously take a lot of time for applicants to master these complex procedures and go through them in person; And because the applicant is not familiar with the trademark examination criteria also increases the probability of the application being rejected or inadmissible, which greatly delays the time.
3, reduce the risk, improve the success rate of registration
In recent years, the number of trademark registration applications in China has continuously created the world's largest, while the number of trademark registration applications skyrocketing, the difficulty of successful trademark registration is getting higher and higher, if not through the trademark agent in a professional way to query, analysis, planning to determine the plan, but directly registered, the one-time success rate of trademark registration is very low. According to relevant statistics, the applicant directly applies for the registration of trademarks to the Trademark Office, and the rejection rate is as high as 40%. Entrusted agencies, only need to pay the agency fee, you can get patient and meticulous professional consulting services, thereby reducing the risk of registration.
That is to say, professional things are done by professional people, which is the most efficient way to do things. Otherworldly is the most effective expert to assist you in obtaining trademark ownership.