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Trademark review

Any natural person, legal person or other organization that needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for the goods or services it produces, manufactures, processes, selects or distributes shall file an application for trademark registration with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Office) in accordance with law. The trademark registration application in the narrow sense only refers to the application for the registration of goods and services trademarks, the application for international registration of trademarks, the application for certification trademark registration, the application for collective trademark registration, and the application for the registration of special marks. In addition to the contents of the narrow trademark registration application, the broad trademark registration application also includes the application for change, renewal, transfer registration, opposition application, trademark license contract filing application, and other trademark registration matters. There are two ways for domestic applicants to handle various trademark registration matters: one is directly to the trademark Office; The second is to entrust the trademark agency recognized by the state. The main differences between the two approaches are the way in which the contact is made and the slightly different submissions. In terms of the way of contact, directly to the trademark Office to handle, in the process of handling the applicant and the trademark Office directly contact; Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the applicant shall contact the Trademark Office through the trademark agency in the course of handling, but not directly with the Trademark Office. In the case of documents submitted directly to the Trademark Office, in addition to the other documents to be submitted, the applicant shall submit a copy of the identity card of the operator himself; Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the applicant shall, in addition to the other documents to be submitted, submit a power of attorney for entrusting the trademark agency to handle the matter of trademark registration. Domestic applicants who directly handle trademark registration matters should go to the trademark registration hall of the Trademark Office. A foreigner or foreign enterprise must entrust a trademark agency to handle trademark registration in China, except for a foreigner or foreign enterprise with a habitual residence or business establishment in China. Where a trademark agency is entrusted to handle trademark registration matters, the documents and procedures to be prepared may be consulted with the trademark agency. The following points should be noted when using this column: 1. Each registered trademark pattern in each category of the International Classification of Goods and Services for trademark registration is one trademark. Each application for any registration of each trademark is regarded as an application, and a set of applications should be submitted separately and the fees should be paid separately. (2) If the number of copies of the documents to be submitted is not specified, if the number of copies is not specifically stated in the "specific requirements" and "Precautions" columns, it shall be considered as one copy.