
Workplace communication tips: Double dimension help to achieve efficient communication barrier-free

Mind clear heart clear heart 2024-03-04

One person may be able to move fast, but we can only achieve a longer journey if all of us work together." In the modern workplace, success often depends on teamwork.

Effective communication has become an indispensable skill for professionals. However, we often find it extremely difficult to communicate with certain people, as if the two parties are on different frequencies and cannot reach an agreement, which is undoubtedly a waste of time and energy.

A colleague admitted: "I would rather be busy at work than spend time in ineffective communication, which is too exhausting." Obviously, communication itself is a part of the job, and many people have similar thoughts that they would rather devote more time to specific work than waste resources on communication.

This is not to say that the other party is difficult to communicate, but due to their different foothold and thinking dimensions, resulting in communication barriers. If you have the flexibility to adjust your thinking dimension, communication will no longer be a problem.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes? Share a real case for discussion.

The service supervision department of a company received a customer complaint that the customer service staff had a bad attitude when they visited the house, the service quality was low, and the problem had not been properly solved. When the supervision department understands the situation, it insists on handling it according to the rules and regulations, while the service personnel feel aggrieved, and they believe that the supervision personnel lack an understanding of the front-line work.

This situation is not uncommon, and office workers often lack understanding of the plight of lower-level employees. Therefore, people often say that it is necessary to think in other people's shoes and go to the grassroots to understand the actual situation.

Although we work in the same unit, due to different positions, the dimensions of thinking are also different. If the dimensions of communication can be unified, it will undoubtedly reduce a lot of communication costs.

Two dimensions of communication:

  1. Communication with "reason" as the dimension

  2. Communication with "feeling" as the dimension

How to communicate effectively and reach consensus? In this case, both sides consider the issue from their own position, leading to communication barriers. Effective communication should be thinking in different dimensions, respecting personal feelings and following the general truth.

True effective communication is about finding a balance between the two dimensions and reaching a final consensus.

In the workplace, effective communication is a key skill that every professional should master. The key to improving communication skills lies in the dimension of thinking. We need to find a balance between the different dimensions in order to reach a consensus.