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  • China-eu Agreement on Geographical Indications goes live!
  • Welcome to China Intellectual Property Protection Network!
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Guangdong Guangzhou intellectual property protection work won another award 2024-05-15

The 12th "Intellectual Property Cup" creative Design Competition in Zhejiang Province was launched 2024-05-15

Jilin Changchun Customs: Efforts to transform the use of intellectual property 2024-05-15

Intellectual property rights are the exclusive rights of intellectual labor fruits created by human beings in social practice. All kinds of creations such as inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as logos and product appearances used in commerce, can be protected by intellectual property rights. If you do not understand the classification and concept of intellectual property rights, it is recommended to browse the guide first in order to better understand the protection system of intellectual property rights in various countries and regions of the world.

If you are aware of intellectual property rights, please go directly to the country Environmental Guide page. This guide includes two parts: access to rights and relief, and the countries and regions involved are gradually improving. The content of the introduction is for reference only, subject to the official interpretation of the competent authorities of each country and region.

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European Patent Office -2023 update | Eurasian Patent Office | European Union Intellectual Property Office | Benelux Intellectual Property Office | African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) | African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

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