FunctionRunResult object

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.

The run target result.


  • operations ( [Operation!] !) Required

    The ordered list of operations to apply to the list of delivery options.