Product object

Represents a product.


  • gates ([GateSubject!] !)

    Returns active gate subjects bound to the resource.

    Argument Description
    handle ( Handle )

    The handle of the gate configurations to search for.

  • handle ( Handle!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product


Represents a product.


  • handle ( Handle!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product


Represents a product.


  • handle ( Handle!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product


Represents a product.


  • handle ( Handle!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product


Represents a product.


  • handle ( Handle!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product


Represents a product.


  • handle ( String!)

    A unique human-friendly string of the product's title.

  • hasAnyTag ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product has any of the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • hasTags ([HasTagResponse!] !)

    Whether the product has the given tags.

    Argument Description
    tags ( [String!] ! ) required

    The tags to check.
    Default value: []

  • id ( ID!)

    A globally-unique identifier.

  • inAnyCollection ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is in any of the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • inCollections ([CollectionMembership!] !)

    Whether the product is in the given collections.

    Argument Description
    ids ( [ID!] ! ) required

    The IDs of the collections to check.
    Default value: []

  • isGiftCard ( Boolean!)

    Whether the product is a gift card.

  • metafield ( Metafield)

    Returns a metafield by namespace and key that belongs to the resource.

    Argument Description
    key ( String! ) required

    The key for the metafield.

    namespace ( String )

    The container the metafield belongs to. If omitted, the app-reserved namespace will be used.

  • productType ( String)

    The product type specified by the merchant.

  • title ( String!)

    The localized title of the product in the customer’s locale.

  • vendor ( String)

    The name of the product's vendor.

Types that return Product
