On a global scale, the air sports community’s environmental impact is fairly minimal – partly thanks to the longevity of the equipment used. However, this does not mean there is no need to work to reduce it, or to improve people’s perception of it. As the world governing body for air sports, one of the FAI’s aims is to find ways to reduce any negative effects air sports do have on people, wildlife and the world itself, while protecting the right of aviation enthusiasts and fans to continue enjoying their chosen disciplines. The FAI Environmental Commission is charged with spearheading our efforts towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. 

The fai environmental code

One of the FAI Environmental Commission’s main priorities is upholding the FAI’s Environmental Policy and Code. The aim of the Environmental Code is to raise awareness about environmental issues in air sports and to further sustainability measures among pilots and others involved in air sports. The FAI Environmental Commission is responsible within the FAI for monitoring the impact of air sports on the environment, and for recommending action where we fall short.

Cleaner and greener

From electric-powered paramotors to solar-powered planes, technological advances are helping air sports to become cleaner and greener. The FAI works hard to adapt its sporting code and create new records to accommodate these developments. In keeping with its long tradition of supporting new technologies, the Federation also rewards the people and organisations behind innovations that allow air sports to become more environmentally friendly. In 2018, for example, Klaus Ohlmann received the Angelo d'Arrigo Diploma for his role in supporting both glider and electric flying in recent years, as well as his expertise in the matter and his pragmatic view of challenges and solutions in this field.

The fai “green” event standard

One of the FAI’s main environmental projects at the moment is to introduce a “green” standard across the hundreds of air sports events it runs and supports each year. The joint aims of this initiative, developed by the Environmental Commission, are to ensure that all impact reduction criteria are taken into account, and to send out a clear message about the FAI's approach to event organisation and management.