Mobile Apps
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Need to see the 'notes' in watch list

Can i request an app improvement? On a website if i go to the 'watch list' i can add 'notes' per item, but on the app there are no notes.. and it would be really helpful at least to see them! If you need more details please let me know.

User avatar by Von Explorer
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Can Not Complete Purchase Through App

Android when I click pay now it opens a web browser on my phone and takes me to paypal where I am logged in. It shows my proper payment option. I choose Complete Purchase and the screen changes to a message Please select the button below if you are n...

Cannot open eBay app on my phone

Hey I am having troubles opening the app on my android phone I have tried uninstalling and installing again won't work I did that twice! I have switched my phone off n back on still won't work!! And I have restarted my phone again won't work I got no...

Recently viewed items bug

On the app only, I see recently viewed items that I haven't viewed, and when I click to see recently viewed items, they don't show up. What is this bug? I can't clear it regardless no matter what I try

Mobile app won't let me log in

I NEED HELP! I recently changed my name and password and the mobile app won't allow me to sign on, I'm guessing because I have 2 factor turned on. I turned off 2 factor off and it still is messed up. I verified that all the info on the sign on window...

advertising in my purchase history

Why is there advertising now in my purchase history menu and how can I remove it? I'm not trying to look at advertising under every single item I've purchased when I'm trying to review my purchases. This isn't Amazon.

User avatar by Von Adventurer
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“Bids and Offers” problem with eBay app, for iOS iPad

Do you also have this problem? Recently seller OFFERS have been showing up in the Bids and Offers section. Not meaning the offers that I make, which is acceptable as I make only a few offers, but the offers I receive from sellers. This might be okay ...

User avatar by Von Rising Star
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IOS App not showing offers made.

This is my first experience with eBay after years of not using eBay: See item I want -> “Make Offer” -> Enter price and hit “Submit Offer” -> Receive ZERO feedback from the app that anything happened -> Go to “Bids and Offers”, see nothing there (no,...

User avatar by Von Enthusiast
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Drafts to easy to delete on app

I just came from a closed thread from 2022 about this issue and it is still driving me crazy today in 2024. When in the app and in the draft list, just one little touch like trying to scroll up or down can lead to one of your draft listings being del...

Listing on app

Hello, i am having trouble with my Ebay app. It seems that i cannot list anything on it. It just shows that "to create a listing, please list on the website" instead of the "list an item button". Is there anything wrong with my account?

Finishing registration

Im simply looking to buy on ebay, and every time i try to add something to my cart, it says they need more information. My address, my card, everything is now in, but says i need to finish registering. But when i click to do so, it doesn't show what ...

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