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Black fungus

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Siping Liaohe agricultural reclamation management area

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Nutritional value:

Black fungus is known by nutritionists as' vegetarian meat 'and' vegetarian king ', black fungus contains 185 mg of iron per 100 grams, which is 20 times higher than spinach, the highest iron content in green leafy vegetables, and about 7 times higher than pig liver, the highest iron content in animal foods, and the most iron content in various meat and vegetable foods. Black fungus is a delicious, nutritious edible fungi, rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamins, crude fiber, which protein content and meat equivalent, iron is 10 times higher than meat, calcium is 20 times of meat, vitamin B_2 is more than 10 times of vegetables, black fungus also contains a variety of beneficial amino acids and trace elements, known as "vegetarian meat". The nutritional composition of 100 grams of black fungus is: Contains 10.9 grams of water, 10.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 65.5 grams of carbohydrates, 306 kcal, 7.0 crude fiber G, ash 5.8 g, calcium 357 mg, phosphorus 201 mg, iron 185 mg, carotene 0.03 mg, thiamine 0.15 mg, riboflavin 0.55 mg, nicotinic acid 2.7 mg.

Therapeutic effects of diet:

Black fungus not only has nutritional effect, medical research has proved: black fungus also has beneficial qi strengthening, kidney nourishing stomach, blood circulation and other functions, it can anti-coagulation, anti-thrombosis, reduce blood lipids, reduce blood viscosity, soften blood vessels, smooth blood flow, reduce cardiovascular disease.

Black fungus is rich in plant collagen, which has a strong adsorption effect, and also has a dissolution and oxidation effect on indigestible hair, rice husk, wood residue, sand, metal shavings and other foreign bodies that are eaten unintentionally. Eating black fungus can play a role in cleaning the digestive tract, clearing the stomach and cleaning the intestine. Especially for workers engaged in ore mining, metallurgy, cement manufacturing, hairdressing, flour processing, cotton spinning and wool spinning and other serious air pollution. Regular consumption of black fungus can play a good role in health care black fungus on gallstones, kidney stones also have a better resolving function, because it contains the alkaloids have the characteristics of promoting the secretion of various glands in the digestive tract and urinary tract, alkaloids can cooperate with these secretions to catalyze stones, lubricate the intestine, so that stones are discharged from the body.

Black fungus also contains beneficial plant gum and a substance called "polysaccharide body", which is a natural tonic, and the rich cellulose in black fungus work together to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation, conducive to the timely removal and discharge of toxic and harmful substances in the stool in the body, thus playing a role in preventing cancer such as rectal cancer. It can also promote the excretion of intestinal fat food and reduce the absorption of fat in food, thus preventing obesity and weight loss. After the use of this polysaccharide body in cancer patients, the composition of globulin in the body has significantly increased, thus strengthening the antibody.

Black fungus contains a component that inhibits platelet aggregation, and its anti-platelet aggregation effect is comparable to that of low-dose aspirin, which can reduce blood viscosity and make blood flow smooth. The research results of Beijing Heart and Lung Center have confirmed that 10 to 15 grams of black fungus is eaten daily, which has obvious anti-platelet aggregation, anticoagulation and cholesterol lowering effects. For the middle-aged and elderly people with high blood viscosity and high blood cholesterol, eating black fungus often has the effect of preventing cerebral thrombosis and myocardial infarction, and is conducive to preventing and treating hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

The study also found that lipid peroxidation is closely related to aging, black fungus also has the effect of anti-lipid peroxidation, which can prolong people's life. Therefore, the use of black fungus cooking dishes, not only a variety of dishes, with fragrant and smooth, attractive characteristics, but also beneficial to human health, therefore, middle-aged and elderly people often eat black fungus, or black fungus porridge, to prevent a variety of senile diseases, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, anti-aging, have a good effect.

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