2x Windi The Gaspasser FridaBaby Natural Solution Baby Colic Gas 10ct Each 03/22

Der preis:
US 9,99 dollar
etwa Das macht $72,59
US 18,19 frachtkosten. Das ist alles
Es ist für übermorgen, den 18. Juli, donnerstag, 29. Juli, montag geplant
Keine rückverkäufe:
30 tage ohne lieferung . B) der käufer zahlt die fracht zurück .
Zustand der güter:
Introducing the Fridababy Windi, perfect for babies aged 0+ months who are struggling with gas and colic. This innovative product from FridaBaby, made in the United States, provides quick and effective relief for your little one. BBD 04/2023 With no need to worry about the condition of the product, this pack of 10 Windi Gaspassers in a crisp white color is perfect for parents who want to help their child feel comfortable and happy. Specifically designed to ease gas and colic, the Fridababy Windi can be used as often as needed to ensure your baby is happy and healthy.