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PECC Gauges Views on the State of the Region

APEC Secretariat Singapore | 04 April 2023

Feature_PECC survey

The challenges facing the Asia-Pacific today have grown in complexity and scope over the past few decades. While APEC’s collaborative and consensus approach to cooperation, informed by stakeholder consultation have served it well, the APEC Vision Group in its report to APEC emphasized the need for stakeholders to be part of the process of finding solutions. APEC Leaders recognized this in the Aotearoa Plan of Action to implement the Putrajaya Vision 2040 calling for deeper and broader engagement with stakeholders.

One of APEC’s three official observers, the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) conducts an annual survey on the State of the Region to gauge views from the regional policy community on issues affecting APEC. Published since 2006, the survey asks respondents for their views on the regional outlook, risks to growth, and priorities for APEC as well as on thematic issues. This year’s report is focused on how to promote more inclusive engagement in trade policy. Last year’s report showed a big swing in opinions on the economic outlook with 60 percent expect weaker growth for this period and identified inflation, climate change, and economic fragmentation as top risks to growth. To participate in this year’s survey please click on the following link: It should take between 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

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