Scientific and technological innovation platform

General Technology Group accelerates the leading role of institutes and industries, strengthens the construction of national scientific research platforms, promotes the construction of group-level innovation platforms, and continuously deepens open collaborative innovation.

In the field of machine tools, the establishment of hierarchical unified R & D system architecture for machine tools industry, the establishment of the General Institute of Machine tool Engineering Research Institute and its branches, and the overall R & D layout of the overall focus, the division of professional disciplines, and the collaborative research and development of branches are systematically constructed. Has the national engineering technology research center, national enterprise technology center, CNC machine tool industry technology innovation strategic alliance and other R & D and service platform.

In the field of new materials, the establishment of integrated management and control of scientific research and industry, relying on the three national innovation platforms, around the advantages of bio-based fiber materials, synthetic fiber materials, fiber wiki composite materials and other technical fields, to build a classification and classification, multiple integration, collaborative and efficient, open and shared new research and development system. It has R&D and service platforms such as State key Laboratory, engineering technology Research Center, and chemical fiber industry technology innovation strategic alliance.

In the medical and health field, we focus on the advantages of key disciplines and specialties to strengthen scientific research. At present, we have national clinical key (construction) specialties such as respiratory medicine and orthopedics, and a key laboratory of general technology aerospace medical research and transformation.

By the end of 2022, General Technology Group has 34 scientific research platforms at or above the provincial and ministerial level, including 9 national research and development platforms, including 1 state key laboratory, 2 national engineering research centers, 2 national engineering technology research centers, and 4 national enterprise technology centers.