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Xin Guobin: Seven aspects to promote the in-depth implementation of "Made in China 2025"

   2017-05-31 319 0
The State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policy of The State Council on May 24, inviting Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Luo Wen, Director of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and equipment workers

The State Council Information Office held a regular policy briefing of The State Council on May 24, inviting Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Luo Wen, Director of the Department of Planning of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Li Dong, director of the Department of Equipment Industry to introduce the in-depth implementation of Made in China 2025 and promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and answered questions from journalists. Xin Guobin said at the meeting that since the release and implementation of "Made in China 2025" two years ago, positive progress has been made in various work, which has played an important role in stabilizing industrial growth and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. The next step is to focus on core technology research, promote the construction of pilot demonstration cities (groups), and improve the talent training system to promote the in-depth implementation of Made in China 2025.

According to Xin Guobin, the "Made in China 2025" layer design is now basically completed, forming a policy system with "Made in China 2025" as the guide, 11 special plans as the backbone, green papers such as the technology roadmap in key areas and the industrial "four base" development catalog as the supplement, and local implementation documents as the support, horizontal linkage, vertical penetration and coordination in all aspects. At the same time, the industrial base capacity has been steadily enhanced, a number of core basic parts, key basic materials, advanced basic technology and other "jam neck" problems have been preliminarily solved, and the industrial technology foundation has been continuously consolidated. In terms of intelligent manufacturing level improvement and innovation system construction, a number of intelligent factories and digital workshops have been built, a national manufacturing innovation center - power battery innovation center has been established, and the additive manufacturing innovation center has also begun to take shape, cultivating and establishing 19 provincial innovation centers. In addition, the urban pilot demonstration also got off to a good start, approved Ningbo and other 12 cities and 4 urban agglomerations as "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration cities (groups), the pilot cities combined with the actual launch of a series of innovative measures, in the transformation and upgrading of new paths and new models have made useful exploration.

Xin Guobin proposed that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development, and promote supply-side structural reform as the main line, focusing on the in-depth implementation of "Made in China 2025" in seven aspects.

First, attack the key. With high-end equipment, short-board equipment and intelligent equipment as the starting point, we will pay close attention to key core technology research, strengthen knowledge and experience accumulation, and continue to improve independent development and system integration capabilities.

Second, strong foundation. We will deepen the implementation of the project to strengthen the industrial base, carry out a package of breakthroughs and one-stop application plans in key areas, launch and implement major projects for the research and development and application of new materials, and accelerate the construction of national manufacturing innovation centers for new materials and robots.

Third, demonstration. We will steadily advance the construction of "Made in China 2025" pilot demonstration cities (groups) and smart manufacturing demonstration zones, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments, and encourage local conditions to be adapted to local conditions and pilot projects. We will create a number of "Made in China 2025" demonstration zones on a selected basis, and strive for active support in finance, land, talent, and reform and innovation.

Fourth, promote integration. We will further implement smart manufacturing projects, and promote the construction of smart factories, digital workshops, and smart parks. We will actively cultivate a new model of "Internet manufacturing" and accelerate the construction of an open Internet-based "mass innovation" platform.

Fifth, improve quality. We will further implement the "three products" project of increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands, carry out high-quality manufacturing actions, and establish a high-quality manufacturing standard system. We will vigorously promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, and guide manufacturing enterprises to innovate, pursue excellence, practice internal skills, and strive for excellence.

Sixth, cultivate talents. We will deepen the integration of production and education, improve the multi-level personnel training system, and optimize the supply structure of personnel in the manufacturing industry. We will improve mechanisms such as technology investment, equity incentive, and profit distribution of scientific and technological achievements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel, and better promote the transformation of achievements.

Seventh, a good environment. We will vigorously streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels, and deepen the reform of "delegating control and service". We will implement the "Made in China 2025" provincial and municipal guidelines, and guide all localities to make breakthroughs in areas of strength. We will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of market players. 
(Responsible editor: Xiaobian)
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