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Community Activity

Never Accepted the Counter Offer

I placed a offer for item on my home computer. The seller made a counter offer, and I NEVER accepted it. I just noticed on my iphone it says pay for this. I NEVER ACCEPTED HIS COUNTER OFFER. EBAY HAS A TECHNICAL ISSUE. I NEVER ACCEPTED HIS COUNTER OF...

User avatar by Von Adventurer
  • 1 replies
  • 0 helpful

Listing Quality Report

Hi devon@ebay . Hope you had a nice vacation. When you get caught up and get a response on the LQR, please post it here. The other thread you just responded to (link) was locked "due to age" even though it was only 7 mos old and the issue is ongoing,...

Payment using PayPal no longer allowed

Evidently in a quiet effort to stamp out the use of PayPal to help insulate your financial data from sellers and hackers, as of 2024 you cannot add any PayPal account as a payment method. My problem started when purchases on ebay began to be “auto pa...

User avatar by Von Explorer
  • 30 replies
  • 12 helpful

No recourse for unfair negative feedback.

I have been selling on Ebay since 2012 and never had a negative review. Now I have had two in less than 2 weeks. Neither buyer contacted me before leaving the review and never gave me a chance to make things right. Ebay did not have my back and now m...


I've been a Top-Rated Seller since 2019 and offer Free 30-Day Returns. On September 21st, 2024, I received a shampoo and conditioner liter set that was returned opened and used. So, I gave the buyer a partial refund. The buyer has 10 business days fr...

Last September Eye Candy Wednesday

Better late than never. Post some if you've got some. Keep the images smaller to speed loading and as usual nothing from a live auction. The first item is my first good find in yoinks. VIntage signed Rebaies bracelet. The other is a long-sold sterlin...

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