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    • Brand name: Good shop
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release Date: 2015-06-10
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 685
    Brand introduction

    Good goods shop

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    Liangpin Shop is a professional brand chain operating company that integrates leisure food research and development, processing and packaging, and retail services. On August 28, 2006, it opened a store opposite Wuhan Square in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. By March 2014, it had about 1200 stores, involving Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Sichuan provinces, and the number of employees reached more than 4000 people.
    Adhering to the core values of quality, happiness and home, we adhere to the research and development of high-quality products and constantly introduce advanced management ideas.
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    Hubei Liangpin shop food Co., LTD

    Establishment time 2010-08-04 
    Registered capital RMB 52.16 million
    Type of enterprise Limited liability company (joint venture between Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland)
    location Wuhan, China
    Legal representative Yang Hongchun
    Organization code 558423184 
    Business scope
    Operation and management of chain stores, commercial franchising; Storage services, venue rental; Agent ticketing business; Handling payment on behalf of the business; Water, electricity and natural gas charges; Agent telecom recharge business; Agent sales of mobile phone recharge cards; Wholesale... unfold
    Operation and management of chain stores, commercial franchising; Storage services, venue rental; Agent ticketing business; Handling payment on behalf of the business; Water, electricity and natural gas charges; Agent telecom recharge business; Agent sales of mobile phone recharge cards; Wholesale and retail: department store business utensils and sanitary utensils, bulk food, pre-packaged food, vegetables, fresh and dry fruits, dairy products (including infant formula powder), agricultural products, flowers, daily necessities; Food packaging processing. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities may only be carried out after the approval of the relevant departments)**** Pack up

    1History of enterprise developmentAugust 2006 - Liangpin Shop opened a store opposite Wuhan Square
    Good product shop four generations of stores (10 photos)

    In June 2008, the store information management system was fully launched
    July 2008 - Hunan market Changsha a store opened in the south gate
    April 2009 - Jiangxi Market Nanchang a store opened in Shengli Road
    December 2009 - The total number of stores reached 168, with 769 team members
    In January 2010, the management information system was fully launched
    December 2010 - Introduction of strategic investor "Capital Today"
    May 2012 - Liangpin Shop logistics center put into use
    In December 2012, the total number of stores reached more than 900, with more than 3,000 team members
    August 2013 - The total number of stores exceeded 1,200

    2Enterprise honorJanuary 2013 - Won the sixth China's Top 50 high-growth chain enterprises

    In January 2013, it was named as the top 20 manufacturing tax paying enterprises in 2012 by the Dongxihu District Government of Wuhan City
    In January 2013, it was named the famous trademark of Hubei Province
    January 2013 - Outstanding contribution unit by the judge of Wuhan Food Industrial Processing Zone Management Committee
    In September 2012, it was honored as a well-known enterprise of Hubei Provincial food culture by the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture
    August 2012 - Hubei Top Ten Outstanding entrepreneurs series, Good product shop was selected as "Hubei Outstanding entrepreneurial Team"
    In September 2011, it was rated as a credit enterprise by Wuhan Administration for Industry and Commerce
    April 2011 - Won the director unit of Hubei Food Culture Research Association
    March 2011 - Won the Wuhan People's Livelihood Top Ten contribution brand award
    In August 2010, the company type was changed to a joint venture between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
    August 2010 - Candidate unit of Wuhan People's Livelihood Contribution Enterprise selection activity
    In December 2009, Liangpin Shop was honored as a growth enterprise in 2009 by "Hubei Business"
    In December 2007, China Quality and Brand Hubei Market Research Center named the Hubei market quality reputation service guarantee brand [1]  

    3Corporate cultureThe source of corporate culture: Quality, happiness and family

    Enterprise missionProvide high quality food, deliver happiness, and strive to improve the healthy and happy life of Chinese people around the world
    Corporate vision: To become the leading brand in the global snack food retail service industry
    Enterprise spirit: Passion to create, happy to share
    Team style: No excuses, act now
    Employment conceptRespect people, cultivate people, achieve people
    Commodity concept: Quality one, close to customers
    Market conceptExceed customer expectations and lead the industry
    Food safety conceptFood safety is the lifeline of an enterprise
    Service concept: Sincere, warm-hearted, careful, intimate, loving
    Marketing concept: Customer-centric, consider problems with customer experience as the starting point, encounter problems with customer experience as the focus, solve problems with customer satisfaction as the end
    Concept of competitionCompetition in a narrow sense is competition, competition in a broad sense is cooperation, the real opponent is himself, and the effective law is innovation
    Decision concept: Brainstorming, seeking truth from facts, scientific analysis, decisive decision-making
    Learning conceptLiving point connection, daily product into a surface, learning for a lifetime, to help others
    Ideological and political principle: Put an end to bureaucracy and selfishness, be an honest person, and do beneficial things
    Personal cultivation: Honest and enterprising, thick Thanksgiving
    Operation mode: Dream Home

    4Enterprise dynamicsGood product marketing dream - good product five years, billions of me

    "Good product Dream · My dream" theme annual meeting has come to an end, but the dream has just started ~ Good product shop's five-year journey in the future will set sail in the carefully formulated marketing dream!
    The realization of the marketing dream depends on the correct and progressive marketing concept. In the next 5 years, the good product shop will continue to take the "all customer-centric" marketing concept as always!
    Historic changes in the market environment, major changes in consumer consumption forms and consumption habits will bring great challenges to the brand of the good shop, and it is also an unprecedented historic development opportunity for the good shop. Therefore, the marketing dream of the good shop is also a series of corporate marketing concepts that firmly grasp the market laws and consumer psychology. These ideas will not only implement the five-year marketing dream, but also become the goals and criteria that restrict the good product shop, and become the basic strategy to realize the good product marketing dream.
    Based on the expectation of the target customer group on the good product shop, the good product shop should comply with the changes of the market and the needs of consumers, and constantly improve itself in the following aspects to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the good product marketing dream:
    (1) Actively expand product categories
    良品铺子营销梦 Good shop marketing dream
    On the basis of existing products, continue to enrich the online and offline product categories, and strive to reach 1,500 or more SKU categories, to bring customers a more rich and comprehensive food enjoyment, so that the target consumer groups have a good shop "only think, not find" thinking set, to create a professional snack kingdom for the target audience.
    (2) Close to the market, in-depth understanding of customer needs
    The process of marketing is actually to understand the needs of customers and meet customer needs of mutual benefit and win-win process, good product shop to meet the needs of customers at the same time, but also the success of their products out of the market. Therefore, it is necessary to dig deep into the consumer psychology, in order to be closer to the market, fit the consumer psychology of the marketing strategy to impress the target audience. Get consumers used to the ubiquitous presence of good stores in their lives. Just like Taobao when it comes to online shopping, it comes to good shops when it comes to snacks.
    (3) Enhance brand value and strengthen brand image
    In the design of marketing strategy at the same time take into account the needs of customers and brand promotion, so that the two complement each other to serve each other, so that the value of goods and service value of the good shop converge into a valuable store consumption experience, leaving a deep brand impression for customers!
    (4) Upgrade the store image and optimize product packaging
    Four generations of new image store upgrading and product packaging image and other brand image upgrading will be gradually included in the plan, good shop will use about five years, the store will be "happy travel, fun around, fashion lovely and has extremely convenient marketing functions" happy consumption experience center.
    (5) Optimize traditional media resources and explore new means of communication
    On the basis of the existing continue to optimize the traditional media resources, in-depth mining and use of Internet media
    良品铺子传播手段 Good shop means of communication
    And micro-blog, wechat, micro film and other new communication means to attract the attention of customers, so that good products shop not only represents a brand, but also represents a culture.
    (6) Full marketing, everyone is the operator
    Store manager contract responsibility system has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the good shop should continue to promote this concept, stimulate all employees to "fight for their own, and fight for their dreams" unlimited creativity, for the company to dig and cultivate a large number of excellent marketing elites.
    In the next five years, the store manager contract responsibility system will continue to be promoted as one of the company's key and core strategic work. The company will build the contract responsibility system of the shopkeeper into an incubator of marketing elites and a sharing platform of successful experience, and there will be tens of thousands of the shopkeeper will grow up and stand out in the big family of good products, and become the pioneer and leader of the marketing dream of good products.
    "Good products for 5 years, 10 billion have me" This is not only a marketing dream set for themselves, but also a set goal that will be won, looking back at the past we feel the growth, looking forward to the future we are full of hope!" 5 years 10 billion "We will eventually realize, good product marketing dream will be a step ahead of us in the place waiting for us, watching us one dream into reality, the end of each dream, is the beginning of the next dream, 5 years 10 billion, we are coming!"
    Good talent dream - dream of the sky, let you fly
    "Good products 5 years, 10 billion have me" good products shop 5 years 10 billion dream in addition to the need for scientific marketing strategy to consolidate the foundation, trace back to the source, we need more strong talent team as a backing. In this context, the talent dream of the good product shop gradually shines!
    In 2013, the management model of the good product shop has begun to take shape, forming a three-level management level of headquarters - branches - stores.
    In the next five years, good products to build tens of billions of enterprises, the need for more perfect personnel training institutions and more planned personnel training system.
    When it rushes to the planning of talent
    The second step is to cultivate talents
    Internal training and external introduction of two aspects at the same time, but will be based on internal training, to create a good product gene talent team.
    The company will design a career development road for each person who has a dream. When the dream of 5 years is realized, each employee can also realize his career dream.
    良品铺子人才梦 A good shop is a dream
    The operation of Good Business School is gradually mature and will become the cradle of talents of the company. The core backbone personnel of the company such as regional manager, operation manager, branch general manager, head office director and functional manager will enjoy a series of courses tailored for them by the business school to help them improve their competency and become the elite in the industry.
    At the same time, the good product military Academy will set sail, this aircraft carrier, one carrying the major colleges, one connected with the talent base of the good product shop, we will start from the grassroots, through customized training plan, cultivate a group of good product shop future core backbone!
    On the broad platform of the good product shop, as long as you want to move forward, we will provide you with all the help, you have a dream, we will add wings to your dream, "Good product 5 years, 10 billion have me" dream sky we soar together!
    Good product development dream - on the way forward, you have me!
    The dream of good product development sounds like a grand blueprint for an enterprise to paint its own future, but for good product shops, the dream of good product development is not only a macro plan in the process of enterprise growth, but also reflects the micro dream of every employee, which is the witness of every employee's step by step growth!
    良品铺子发展梦 Good product shop development dream
    The little girl in the picture is named Lingxi. Every morning, her grandfather would take her to school and bring her home in the afternoon. Every Saturday and Sunday are not idle, grandpa will send Lingxi to the "small palm" studio to learn painting. In the life of little Lingxiang, since the age of 3, grandpa is the person who accompanies her for a long time. In her memory, her mother rarely accompanied her and only came home once a month.
    Lingxi's mother, Li Xiaohong, do development work in the development center of good product shop, Xiao Hong is extremely serious and responsible for the work, go out early and return late every day, rush around every corner in Hunan, for good product shop to develop one store after another. Since starting development work in 2010, she has contributed more than 140 stores to the good Goods shop, and 42 stores in 2013 alone.
    The good shop has 1,185 stores, and it has such good results because of a group of developers like Xiao Hong, who are as tenacious as wolves. There is such a strong will, and each of them has their own dream to adhere to! Our 5-year dream of 10 billion is because of such a group of perseverance, tenacious struggle of the family accumulated the possibility to be realized!
    Dream is a solid force, with such a team, the dream will come true. With such a platform, everyone's dream will be realized! On the way forward, let us fight side by side, on the way to dream, there are you and I!
    One good product, one dream
    If the marketing dream, talent dream and development dream of the good product shop rely on the concerted efforts of all our families to forge ahead together, then the vision of "one good product, one dream" in addition to relying on the store staff and functional personnel of the good product shop, the suppliers and franchisees of the good product shop are also the finishing touch to realize the "one good product, one dream"!
    同一个良品,同一人梦想 One good product, one dream
    With the continuous expansion of the good product shop, our partners have always been like the left hand arm of the good product shop, unswervingly supporting the good product shop. With the increasing size of the company, our suppliers and franchisees of good products have been accompanying the enterprise to realize their dreams step by step and tap their own value!
    The contribution of franchisees and suppliers in the journey of good products is essential, in our good products shop "one good product, one dream" video display, we can also find our good products excellent franchisees and quality suppliers figure and footprint.
    We these excellent franchisees, actively expand stores, develop customer resources, expand sales channels, they are not only our good shop store development of the emerging force, but also our loyal Allies!
    Our suppliers continue to provide us with high-quality products, with you, good food can move delicious snacks to the door of consumers, so that consumers experience the wonderful feeling of "let the mouth to travel"!
    It is because of these excellent franchisees and high-quality suppliers that the good products shop can continue to develop and grow! Achieve their own corporate vision, but also the achievement of every good family's personal dream!
    In the past 8 years, thank you for supporting the development of good product shop and supporting the dream journey of good product shop! I believe that our 5-year dream of 10 billion road also must have you side by side figure! In the future, let us forge ahead together to realize the dream, "one good product, one dream" on the way forward, we continue to fight side by side!
    Good future dream - Enjoy good products anytime, anywhere
    Since its establishment in August 2006, Liangpin Shop has developed from a team of 4 people to more than 4,200 people today, and from one store in that year to 1185 stores today. Behind the profit, excess size, and substantial increase in the number of stores, in addition to the wisdom and innovation of the good family, the help and support of franchisees and suppliers, our loyal customers are the important cornerstone of the real achievement of the good shop today!
    For this reason, the future dream of our good product shop should also be closely focused on our loyal customers and potential customers for planning and layout, only by deeply understanding the needs of customers and complying with the law of market development, in order to be in an invincible position on the future development road!
    Therefore, we also interviewed the loyal customers of the good shop during the video shooting of the future dream. We mainly asked the customers about their understanding of the good shop, their acceptance and their expectations for the future of the good shop:
    良品未来梦 Good future dream
    We got this answer:
    1) I hope that good shops can provide more diversified snack food
    2) Hope that the good shop can provide more convenient services, such as: take a rest when you are tired, hide in the rain, charge your mobile phone, recharge it, etc
    3) It is hoped that good stores can support a variety of shopping and payment methods to improve the speed of delivery of goods
    4) I hope that good shops can continue to provide high-quality food
    We heard the voice from the customer, on the one hand, we understood the customer's expectations and suggestions for the good products shop, on the other hand, it also proved the possibility and necessity of realizing our future dream. Facing the needs of customers, we carried out a new round of thinking and planning on how to break through and improve ourselves:
    Breakthrough 1: Provide customers with "food"
    In the future, the products of the good food shop will not only be snack foods, but also integrate seasonal fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh juice drinks, and quick box lunches with closely related values. Let the good goods shop become the living room coffee table, kitchen table replenishment warehouse; To be an impromptu purchasing place on the road; Become a supply depot for office workers.
    Breakthrough 2: Continue to provide customers with "good"
    Around the quality breakthrough, we will do 6 aspects:
    1. Integration of raw materials/auxiliary materials;
    2, food packaging and processing front-end to do real;
    3, the whole process of quality standardization management;
    4, special research and development custom for real;
    5, customer segmentation product design;
    6. Category expansion and efficient operation;
    良品铺子未来梦 Good shop future dream
    To provide customers with, quality safety is guaranteed, taste is particularly stable, fresh, scientific, nutritional, healthy, colorful "good" products, so that consumers enjoy life, so that the mouth to travel to become the resonance of customer experience.
    Breakthrough 3: Strive to provide customers with "fast"
    Build a three-level agile logistics distribution system of trunk line, straight line and landing piece to meet the next-day delivery of the wide-area e-commerce market to consumers across the country; To meet the regional store market three-day, two-day, one-day delivery, and twice a day pull orders delivery; Meet the regional market cold chain three times a day to the store and warehouse, timely order sorting, half an hour to the customer's extremely fast experience.
    Breakthrough four: To provide customers with "happy"
    Establish a consumer-centric omnichannel retail model to allow consumers to enjoy extraordinary shopping experiences. Create a physical store experience, purchase, payment, express delivery on the Internet or mobile terminals. Reward yourself and give to others. Realize Internet or mobile terminal purchase, payment, store pickup, so that consumers anytime, anywhere, shopping at will, with their favorite way to get what they want!
    While enjoying the shopping experience, you can also: enjoy a variety of convenience services, friends together, short rest do your best to make you happy!
    Breakthrough five: lay a good foundation of 4 types of practice 18 abilities
    Do five breakthroughs, in the next five years, the good product shop to bring you is: eat, good, fast, happy! Become a food retail full chain service enterprise! Let the good product shop become a brand of life service.
    This is our future dream, through the efforts of all the good family, I believe that our future is not a dream!
    Dream road, you and I walk together!
    The good time is always fleeting, it is especially precious, unconsciously we have reviewed the five dreams of the good shop together, and today ushered in the final chapter of the good shop dream video, that is, the sixth chapter of the good shop dream video.
    良品梦,我们的梦 Good dream, our dream
    From the initial bud to today's towering tree carrying the dreams of more than 4,200 people, and finally realizing our grand dream of 10 billion in the next five years, every family member of our good product shop is inseparable, so our dreams are linked together.
    In this big family of good product shop, there are green faces entering the workplace, there are long wind and rain wisdom, here records our metamorphosis of growth experience, witnesses we are close to the dream of the bit of surprise, here carries our faith, but also the realization of our dream, so good product dream, is our common dream!
    Here, we must sincerely thank every good family with their own dreams and good shop, good shop records every family's growth experience and little surprises, every family has witnessed every step of good shop development and change, good shop every major development and huge breakthrough moment, It is the accumulation of countless days and nights of hard work behind you!
    The so-called "thick and thin hair", maybe some of the accumulation behind it has not yet bloated, but let us firmly believe that there are good shops this platform to promote us, our dreams will be accompanied by good dreams together! Each of us will have a perfect and gorgeous bloom! When this day comes, we can shout loudly: good dream, our dream, we are coming!
    It is a pity to say goodbye to you so soon, the sharing of good quality dreams comes to an end, but our dreams are not over, on the road of dreams, we are all lifelong travelers, because dreams have no end, the realization of each dream is the beginning of a new dream, in this season of recovery and hope, let us start with a new dream!

    5Main productnut,Roasted goodsHealth mixing, prunes, dried fruits, meat snacks, seafood snacks, vegetarian mountain delicacies, biscuits and pastries, candy pudding, drinks and beverages

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