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    • Brand Name: Saria
    • Company name: Jilin Manufacturing
    • Release date: 2015-08-22
    • Official homepage: No
    • Location: Siping City
    • Number of comments: 0
    • Views: 790
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              Saria, snack The brand. Founded in 1967, that era Italy Cuisines are not popular. Mr. Shogaki, the current chairman of the board, learned from experienced chefs that "delicious food = raw materials" during his learning. He was there when he got out collegiate Enrolled, one side has already started running a home in Saria (only 36 seats).

    By chance, Mr. Shogaki came into contact with the "chain business." The "chain operation" theory offers hope to Mr Shagaki, who aims to promote humble Italian cuisine. Soon after, he developed the "60 years of Saria's vision" based on this theory. Today, the "60 years of Saria's vision" formulated when Saria had only a few stores, such as worldwide purchasing and vertical purchasing system, is being implemented. The realization of the idea is a powerful weapon for Saria to establish itself in the forest of world enterprises today and in the future.

    Since December 2003, the Japanese Italian restaurant chain "Saria Catering Company" has been established in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the group is currently growing in the Chinese market at the rate of adding a new store every two to three months. Saria's strategy of keeping prices low and maintaining freshness in China has also been successful in the Yangtze River Delta.

    The menu at Salia's is very diverse, with more than 70 dishes and almost 100 types of wines and cocktails. Based on the Italian style of dining, it also adds the traditional food on the European and American tables, as well as the raw materials that are popular overseas today, to enrich the customer's table. Different times to Saria provide you with different ways to use. At lunch time, afternoon tea time, dinner time, midnight snack time customers can eat at Saria as many times as they need.

    Saria restaurant does not use the form of mandatory set meals, but to design a set of free combination of the menu, the customer has the initiative, the diversity of the combination, the freedom of choice, so that customers in Saria more fun. This is also one of the "richness" that Saria has always advocated. Choose one of the desserts for an afternoon snack; Choose from salads and breads to enjoy a breakfast; Choose from salads, breads and pastas to form a lunch. Wine, along with salads, pasta, fish and meat dishes and desserts, is the perfect full-course Italian meal.

    It was founded in 1967 at a time when Italian cuisine was not widely available. Mr. Shogaki, the current chairman, learned from experienced chefs that "delicious food = raw materials" during his art studies. Since his graduation, he has been studying at university while running a Salia (only 36 seats).

    After the opening, although Mr. Shogaki is full of enthusiasm and hopes to make every customer happy and satisfied, he is very confident about the raw materials he uses, but there are not many customers. It was a time of bottlenecks for Saria.

    As Mr. Shogaki struggled to support Saria, he began to suspect that "cheap, no good" - common sense in the food industry at the time. In the process of overcoming this bottleneck, Mr. Shogaki became increasingly confident that common sense could be overcome.

    At that time, speaking of Italian food, everyone will inevitably associate it with high-level cuisine. Mr. Shogaki is well aware that this concept has seriously affected the promotion of Italian food culture. In order for Italian food to be accepted by the public, it is necessary to address the long-standing prejudice against Italian food. Hard work pays off. After a period of hard work, the business of the restaurant is getting better and better. But one day in 1969, disaster struck Saria, a fire destroyed everything. But Mr. Shogaki did not give up because of this incident, but as an opportunity to start the world's major food research, ready to make a comeback. Among the many cuisines, the Italian food culture deeply appeals to Mr. Shogaki. After a field study of Italian food and beverage, he found that the Italian food culture advocated balanced eating, emphasizing the delicious raw materials themselves, and advocating healthy eating, so Mr. Shogaki finally chose Italian food.

    The ball lettuce used in Saria's salads is not only refreshing and sweet, but also has a surprising nutritional value. Rich in beta carotene and fiber can strengthen bones and help prevent many cancers and heart disease. All of these nutrients can be largely absorbed by the body only when eaten raw.

    Saria's pasta is imported directly from Liguori, a 200-year-old factory near Naples in southern Italy. Liguori uses duran wheat, a duran wheat with high protein content, as raw material, and adopts low temperature drying method to ensure the texture of the noodles and the natural taste of sweet and fragrant wheat in the mouth.

    Duran wheat accounts for only 5% of the world's wheat production, and although most of it is used for flour production, quality is particularly important in the face of growing demand. The choice of real materials to provide customers, is also the business philosophy and purpose of Saria. In Salia, you can enjoy authentic pasta with many traditional flavors, seafood noodles with Mediterranean flavor, bolognese spaghetti bolognese, Roman bacon noodles......

    All of Salia's olive oil is imported directly through the Italian company Mira, using olives from Salia's exclusive farm on the Solon Peninsula. It is a pure natural vegetable oil without any chemical treatment and hot processing and does not contain additives. Olive oil has an acid value of less than 1%, and Saria's olive oil has an acid value of only 0.2%, which can be called medium. Salia's high-quality olive oil is used in a variety of dishes such as appetizers, pastas, and more, and more than 600,000 liters are used each year.

    Cheese Butterfly powder, squid ink noodles, Grilled chicken cutlets, Baked snails, pasta, black pepper steak, pizza

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