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TikTok Issues

Whenever I try yo list a TikTok item for sale I get an error message saying it cannot list because of Ebay restrictions or a restriction on my account. Any ideas why. I do not have any restrictions. Does Ebay not allow the sale of tiktok items??

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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Partial Refund After Return Opened

Hey, I have a buyer who reported a flaw I didn't note in the listing. I encouraged them to open a return which they did. Now they've changed their mind and want to keep the item for a partial refund (not crazy about this but it is what it is). We've ...

Houston Area Sellers

Hi Houston resellers. Anyone interested in getting together to talk about ebay. Houston is such a big city. I am located in Humble, TX. Seeing a lot of Houston resellers in the Seller Networking session at Ebay Open 2024. Thought I would start this p...


@manufacturing-services Hi, buyer, Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es so einfach ist, ein münteprogramm zu studieren, wie man es meinem mann beschrieb Mann, aber ich warne dich, du musst nicht gehen, als mit einer klippen, die klippen und nicht abblocken.


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