Pro-Tec PB301 Pro Pac Standard Trumpet Case Black

Der preis:
Das sind 79 $
etwa Der aufpreis ist 707.78 dollar
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Deluxe Trumpet Case from Protec If you play trumpet and are looking for high-quality protection for your prized instrument, the Protec Pro Pac Rectangular Trumpet Case is an outstanding choice. This stylish, rugged case is made from a lightweight, shaped wood shell frame with a weather-resistant, ballistic nylon exterior that provides stellar protection for your trumpet from the moisture, dings, and dents of getting to and from the stage or when in storage. In addition, a molded interior with a soft velvet cover provides even more protection for your instrument's delicate finish. There's even a built-in cup holder for your trumpet's mouthpiece — a feature trumpeters here at Sweetwater really appreciate.