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Renshengyuan Gastrodia antibacterial peptide gel for women with antibacterial gel private part care female private weak acid cleaning care

Price RMB238.00Compare
Deliver goods Erdaojiang District, Tonghua City
Sales volume None
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Erdaojiang District, Tonghua City

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Gastrodia antimicrobial peptide is a pure plant small molecule bactericidal ingredient extracted and separated from Gastrodia gastrodia, a characteristic medicinal plant in Changbai Mountain, after hundreds of plant efficacy screening, which lasted more than 10 years in Jilin University, and obtained a national authorized invention patent. It breaks the development bottleneck of animal peptides and synthetic peptides and the technical barriers in the field of antibacterials and disinfection. Achieved in the international scope of pure plant peptide anti-bacteriostatic and kill virus excellent effect.

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