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Nanapong Memorial NFL Pick'em 2024

Welcome to the annual NFL pick'em contest! It's named in honor of its longtimehost, our friend Rick (nanapong1). Each week of the NFL season we pick who wethink will win, and the player with the most games correct is declared the winnerfor that week....

Combine shipping

I know that as a seller I CAN combine shipping I’m asking as a seller if I HAVE to combine shipping

TikTok Issues

Whenever I try yo list a TikTok item for sale I get an error message saying it cannot list because of Ebay restrictions or a restriction on my account. Any ideas why. I do not have any restrictions. Does Ebay not allow the sale of tiktok items??

User avatar by Von Pathfinder
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ebay no longer closing cases in seller favor if s freight forwarder is proven!! no more protection!

This has now happened twice in 2 weeks! Clown uses freight forwarder for a laptop Laptops arrived damaged Buyer files claim Ebay confirms FF used Closes case and returns my money but notes this as a NEUTRAL OUTCOME not a seller win!!! Confirming no f...


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