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The "new three-pole" layout of the manufacturing industry will speed up intelligent manufacturing

[Print] 2017-02-20 Validity: Unlimited to unlimited 267

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the "Made in China 2025" "1+X" planning system. The "X" refers to the 11 supporting implementation guidelines, action guidelines and development planning guidelines.

It is worth noting that in the five major project implementation guidelines, "intelligent manufacturing" has become the main direction and core content, and has become the fundamental path to solve the problem of China's manufacturing industry from large to strong.

Relevant experts said that from the current point of view, the "real economy" has once again entered the local two sessions hot word list, and "intelligent manufacturing" is widely held. At present, China's manufacturing industry in the eastern part of the shift to high-end equipment manufacturing, the central industrial upgrading, the western advantageous industry breakthrough of the "new three-pole" pattern is expected to accelerate the formation of intelligent manufacturing has become a new breakthrough in the manufacturing industry.

It is reported that the "Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Implementation Guide (2016-2020)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Guide") requires the simultaneous implementation of digital manufacturing popularization and intelligent manufacturing demonstration during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, namely: Overcome five types of key technology and equipment, consolidate the three foundations of intelligent manufacturing, cultivate and promote five new models of intelligent manufacturing, promote the integrated application of intelligent manufacturing equipment in ten key areas, continue to promote the intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing, and lay a solid foundation for building a new competitive advantage in China's manufacturing industry and building a strong manufacturing country.

Wen Yanbing, director of the economics department of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, said in an interview with the Securities Daily reporter that China's manufacturing industry is currently facing three types of bottlenecks and shortcomings: first, labor productivity needs to be improved; Second, technological innovation bottleneck; Third, the bottleneck of unbalanced development. The implementation of intelligent manufacturing engineering will help solve the above three types of development bottlenecks in the manufacturing industry, especially the main way to improve labor productivity is the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing intelligence.

In terms of financial support, in order to better help the development of intelligent manufacturing related industries, the Implementation Guidelines propose to make full use of existing channels and increase the support of central financial funds for intelligent manufacturing. Encourage enterprises to initiate the establishment of various types of intelligent manufacturing development funds operating in a market-oriented manner. We will strengthen the sharing of government and business information with financial institutions, study and establish new models of industry and finance connection, and guide and encourage financial institutions to innovate products and services that meet the needs of enterprises. For the content related to science and technology research and development, if the central financial support is really needed, it can be comprehensively considered and supported through the optimized and integrated central financial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.).

Wen Yanbing said that intelligent manufacturing emphasizes large-scale and small-batch production, and pays more attention to digitalization, networking, intelligence and systematization than traditional production methods, and relevant enterprises have higher requirements for the protection of existing human, financial and material elements, especially the need to increase capital support. At present, Shanghai and Shenzhen intelligent manufacturing concept stocks are favored by funds, and funds are invested in intelligent manufacturing enterprises through the capital market, which will promote the development and growth of intelligent manufacturing enterprises.

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