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Jilin Youjia grain and oil Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: edible vegetable oil (fully refined, semi-refined) packaging, sales, rice, grain processing, sales, import and export trade, pre-packaged and bulk food sales

Company Address:

Jilin CAI agricultural products development Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: edible vegetable oil (fully refined) production and sales, (semi-refined) (sub-packaging) production and sales, import and export; Corn and soybean planting, purchase, storage, processing, sales, import and export; Purchase, storage, processing, sales, import and export of grain and agricultural and sideline products; Agricultural product development, wholesale, retail; Processing, sales, import and export of pre-packaged food (processed food, edible oil, fat and its products, frozen food), beverages (fruit juice and vegetable juice, other beverages, protein drinks, carbonated beverages), soybean products (other soybean products); Processing and sales of plastic packaging containers for food tools; Road transport of general goods; Dedicated transport of goods (excluding dangerous goods); Food crop cultivation; Agricultural technology training, agricultural technology development, technical services, technology transfer, agricultural information consulting (

Company Address:

Jilin Green house agricultural Technology development Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Agricultural infrastructure (greenhouse) development, design, production, installation, sales and related materials and accessories distribution; Design, manufacture, installation and sales of water-saving products; Agricultural scientific research and experimental development; Entrepreneurship training (excluding cultural education, vocational qualification training, vocational skills training); Agricultural planting; Livestock and poultry breeding; Agricultural and sideline products, native products distribution #

Company Address:

Jilin Changqing Long food machinery Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: dry bean curd machine series, large bean curd machine series, grinding system, boiling system and other machinery and equipment for deep processing of soybean products

Company Address:

Changchun City foreverbigPlastic packaging container Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Plastic packaging containers, plastic products manufacturing

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Changchun Feida Packaging Products manufacturing Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Changchun Feida Packaging Products Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in the north of Kuancheng District, Changchun City, the company was founded in May 1998. The total area is 3000 square meters, the production area is 1800 square meters, the warehouse area is 500 square meters, and the service area is 100 square meters. The main production of packing belts, balers and various packaging machinery. Annual sales of 5 million yuan, and has a 30% annual growth rate, the production of PP belt to achieve national technical indicators. I sincerely recruit dealers in the northern region, a total of development. Our company has been in good faith, quality, mutual benefit principle, for the majority of enterprises and institutions to provide professional packaging equipment, fast packaging methods, high-quality packaging materials. Perfect packaging image. Sincerely provide you with packaging information at home and abroad. Provide perfect after-sales service.

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Changchun Shangrong ultrasonic equipment Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Ultrasonic plastic welding machine, ultrasonic cleaning machine Ultrasonic lace machine, ultrasonic non-woven fabric stitching machine, ultrasonic hand welding machine, large hot plate plastic welding machine, vibration friction plastic welding machine, double pallet plastic welding machine, hose filling sealing machine, rotary plastic welding machine, high frequency induction plastic welding machine, high frequency PVC plastic welding machine

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Jilin ProvincebigAnshi rare earth permanent magnet motor manufacturing Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Motor (synchronous, asynchronous, rare earth permanent magnet, frequency conversion, multi-speed, DC) manufacturing; Electric control box, frequency conversion electric control box, rust proof paper, pump, drilling and production accessories manufacturing and repair, mechanical processing and sales #*** * (according to the law to be approved by the relevant departments before the approval of business activities can be carried out)

Company Address:

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Yongji Green star rice industry Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Rice, rice, grain purchase, processing, wholesale and retail.

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Tongyu County to the sea township He townshipbigGoose breeding plant

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: wild goose, prairie chicken, mountain rabbit, partridge, sand half chicken, wild duck breeding, production, processing and sales; Wild geese flying

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Jilin Yijian grain processing Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Rice processing, grain acquisition, wholesale and retail pre-packaged food and bulk food grain, oil. General business: grain storage, sales, grain import and export.

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Jilin ProvincebigMing Meat Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: frozen food, cooked meat processing, meat and by-product processing, agricultural and sideline products distribution and acquisition

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Jilin Province field spring Brewing Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

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Scope: Soybean paste

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Jilin Sichang Pharmaceutical Company

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Small volume injections, large volume injections, apis (tanshinone sodium IIA sulfonate, Tiopronin, monoamine glycyrrhizinate S), sterile apis (Yanhunin, carbamide peroxide) (including Chinese medicine pre-treatment and extraction)

Company Address:

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Songyuan Xintie trading Co., LTD

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Business Type: [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: rice and corn oil finishing production, grain acquisition, storage, loading and unloading, sales and transportation business

Company Address:

Jilin Grain Group rice industry Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: corn deep processing, soybean deep processing, rice deep processing, food processing, high-efficiency feed

Company Address:

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YanbianbigXuecao Xian Pharmaceutical Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer, Trader) [unverified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Hard capsules, tablets, granules, dry suspension, import and export trade. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

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Contin Farm Limited

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Agricultural food

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Deyong breeding farmers professional cooperative

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Main fox, raccoon, mink and other breeding

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Baohai pig farmers cooperative

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Business Type: [Verified]

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Business scope: Baicheng Da 'an

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