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China - LED packaging power, not just talk!

China is a big LED packaging country, it is estimated that 80 of the world's LED device packaging concentrated in China, distributed in all kinds of US-funded, Taiwan-funded, Hong Kong-funded, domestic packaging enterprises. China LED packaging enterprise
2016-02-29 12:33 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

LED bulb factory price 0.8 US $? Philips could spark a price war

According to Taiwan media China Electronics news: LED lighting market penetration continues to rise, price competition is becoming more intense, LED industry revealed that the international lighting leading factory Philips (Philips) has ordered
2016-02-29 12:33 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

Why does the quality of your LED flat light always go up

With the improvement of LED chip light efficiency, continuous improvement of packaging technology, and the development of LED lighting cooling technology, LED light source has expanded rapidly in the field of lighting, and LED flat lamp industry is prosperous. LED
2016-02-29 12:32 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

China lighting appliance industry overall situation

(A) Industry overview China is a major producer, exporter and consumer of lighting electrical products. China's lighting appliance industry has maintained a rapid, stable and sustainable development in recent decades. Orders,
2016-02-29 12:32 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

LED lighting market penetration continues to rise, or ignite a new wave of price war

LED lighting market penetration continues to rise, price competition has become more intense, LED industry revealed that the international lighting leading factory Philips has set 2016 LED bulbs factory price dropped to 0.8 US dollars ultra-low
2016-02-29 12:31 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

What are the correct points of color selection of indoor lighting?

1. Meeting functional needs The functional needs of the local space are the first to be considered, such as the basic lighting of the entry area, the illumination needs of the reading area, the lighting of the cooking area and the meal preparation area
2016-02-29 12:30 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

Do not know these three points, do not purchase street lights at will

When purchasing, the first is the light failure detection report, which is a very important link. When bidding, each company will provide different units of light failure detection reports, and some provide their own companies
2016-02-29 12:29 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

Price war when the LED display industry to survive need to think about change

Recently, Fang Hongbo, chairman of the United States Group, said in an interview with the media: In the New Year, we will face a more brutal competitive environment and market situation. In this context,
2016-02-29 10:56 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

The South Station underpass lighting has been restored

On the 25th, Fushun Media network paid attention to the underground passage of Xinfu District South Station for many days, the public walked in the dark for several days, and the reporter reflected the matter to the municipal garden management center on the morning of the same day.
2016-02-27 10:04 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

Aiyou hand lighting service provider layout smart lighting solution v

On February 25, Aiyou and Shanghai Rutong held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony in Yantai. On the same day, the two sides held roundtable talks on intelligent lighting upgrade management solutions, and determined the Internet of Things
2016-02-27 10:03 Categories:Electrical/Lighting

Laser lighting will replace LED lights in the future

Shuji Nakamura, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, has been hired as the company's chief scientific advisor. Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Luo Jielin photo [Shenzhen Business Daily News] (Reporter Luo
2016-02-27 09:41 Categories:Electrical/Lighting


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