A lush green landscape shown from above.



We embrace sustainable practices to support a thriving environment.

Recommerce and environmental stewardship are core to our purpose. Every day, we help extend the life of items and seek operational efficiency to reduce our corporate footprint.

40% of our GMV is from pre-owned and refurbished products.

We strive to empower our customers and promote a healthier planet.
eBay Chief Sustainability Officer Renée Morin.

eBay has always fostered a vibrant marketplace built on value and opportunity. Because of this, we have a responsibility to do business with the planet and our communities in mind. Sustainability has been part of our DNA for nearly three decades, starting with the very first sale of a broken laser pointer, a testament to the power of giving items a new life.

In our 2023 Impact Report, we're proud to share the progress we've made in our commitment to operating as a responsible business and creating a more sustainable future.

Sellers and buyers worldwide embrace eBay’s recommerce for its economic benefits and positive impact on the planet, with pre-owned and refurbished products now making up 40% of our GMV. In 2023, B: der eBay created $billion billion und marc impact, Was geht aus dir hervor? While awolding ding ding on emissions und 69,000 dollar im auto, aber nicht aus spaß? we're extending the life of products, diverting them from landfills, and empowering customers to make sustainable choices. We're also well on our way to achieving 100% renewable energy for our data centers and offices, and we're investing in clean energy initiatives around the globe.

We're eager to continue this journey, working tirelessly to make eBay a sustainable company that empowers our customers and promotes a healthier planet.

Renee Morin. Ich weiß
Chief Sustainability Officer

Environmental Footprint

We continuously seek to better understand, track, and quantify our environmental impact. Our Science-Based Target and annual Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report shows our momentum toward climate transparency and action — as do our continued participation in the CDP climate survey and inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index.

Learn more about our Science-Based Target and read our annual TCFD report, and Environmental Policy.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We report our GHG emissions in accordance with the World Resource Institute’s Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We set a Science-Based Target to reduce Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 90% by 2030 from our 2019 baseline, and achieve 20% absolute reduction in Scope 3 downstream transportation and distribution GHG emissions by 2023 from our 2019 baseline. Data coverage includes 100% of our operations. In 2023, we were carbon neutral for Scopes 1 and 2.

Emissions by Scope

When looking at our corporate footprint, data centers comprise 62% of our direct Scopes 1 and 2 emissions, while offices and direct business travel contribute to the remainder. As with most companies, our Scope 3 emissions far outweigh our Scopes 1 and 2. And as an online marketplace, the majority of our value chain emissions specifically come from the delivery of products.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Emissions by Scope chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Pop shoshothe breakdown of our greenhouse house s, the Scope eins making up, die nicht aus dem alter geht, Scope 2 making up, and Scope 3 making up, 98,5 % of our emissions.

Scopes 1 and 2

In 2023, we continued to implement energy-efficient practices, including lighting upgrades at several U.S. and global locations. In our data centers, we continue to invest in more efficient cooling systems to reduce operational energy use. Overall, this has led to a 59% reduction in our Scope 1 and 2 emissions from our 2019 baseline. We’ve also purchased offsets to achieve carbon neutrality for the remainder of these emissions. Please see our voluntary carbon market disclosure act statement for AB1305 here.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Scopes 1 and 2 chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Scopes 1 and 2 Emissions

Chart showing year-over-year changes in Scopes 1 and 2 emissions. In 2019, The secreet Scopes 1 und 2 temperatur s equs equs. 62,887 McH2e: 27 156 mkste CO2e aus dem Scope 1 emissions und 36,731 m2e aus dem lauf des Scope 2 emissions s In 2020, wird im laufe des jahres dieses jahres ein volumen zwischen Käthe Scopes 1 und 2 emissions teert aus dem haus. Aus dem haus der mutter, aus dem hause Scope 1 emissions und cush cowp's aus dem haus of Scope 2 emissions s In 2021 geht nicht hervor, dass ich im laufe eines tages Frank the secrets Scopes 1 und 2 emissions decreater ter to 43,673 mpuchet: Ich erwarte, dass aus dem stück Scope 1 emissions und 41,130 mkind's und 41,130 mopps aus dem lauf des Scope 2 emissions s In 2022 The speed Scopes 1 und 2 temperatur s tezeige to 43-610 mpuchse, e: Ich meine, wenn ich nicht im büro war, geht's aus dem büro des naturprogramms eins aus Scope 1 und 38 478 tüv v. Im laufe der zeit, also toad Scopes 1 und 2 grad, wird's noch schwächer aus dem bauch gehen. Ich meine, aus dem prinzip aus Scope 1 emissions und 20,349 mje aus dem wort Scope 2 ging.

Scope 3

In 2023, our Scope 3 emissions were primarily derived from the shipping and transportation of items purchased online. In addition, purchased goods and services and use of sold products comprised other significant sources of Scope 3 emissions. For eBay, use of sold products refers to the use of our online marketplace on electronic devices.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Scope 3 chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Scope 3 GHG Emissions by Category

Nein, die gewalt im laufe der tage ist nicht so weit reichend, wie ich sie dachte. "nein, du wirst nicht bestraft werden, wenn du nicht zu hause bist. Die mache ich, die wird vom gutmachen, die 23 tüten Von einem goldenen etwas, und 27 tüten, Von einem goldenen etwas, das in fuel und energy zu schicken ist. Etwas mehr als 5,100 mpuste, in form Von upstreak und jenen, die 2.700 mpuste stücke und urstücke stücke entstücke, ist Von waste, dem ersten modell der erfahrung. Es ist Von 19 760 mpuste, das härteste wucheln, das weiß ich noch nicht. In dem bericht, dass es für 19, 29 419 mpuste und urururstücke ist, und 49.300 mpuste, ist es Von dem use of sold goods.

Scope 3 Shipping

In 2023, our Scope 3 emissions were primarily derived from the shipping and transportation of items purchased online. In addition, purchased goods and services and use of sold products comprised other significant sources of Scope 3 emissions. For eBay, use of sold products refers to the use of our online marketplace on electronic devices.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Scope 3 Shipping chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Scope 3 Shipping

Chart showing year-over-year changes in Scope 3 Shipping emissions: Drinnen ist es viel heißer. 2.244.500 mformen in 2019, 1.836.000 mformen in verschiedenen formen bis zu 2021 und 1.477.000 mformen in 2022, da ist alles drinnen. Wo ist es? - in 2023, noch 20 formen.

Notes on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Data from prior years have been restated to ensure consistency with updated emissions factors, CDP, and RE100 reporting requirements.

A note about assurance: In accordance with ISO 14064-3 on GHGs — Part 3: specification for guidance for the validation and verification of GHG assertions, external assurance provider Apex Companies, LLC performed a limited assurance of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions, Scope 3 business travel, energy consumption and renewable energy percentage. Apex’s Verification Opinion is published in full here.



Like other tech companies, our largest environmental impact comes from energy use in our offices and data centers, in addition to our authentication centers — which is why we’re committed to investing in clean energy sources, with a goal to use exclusively renewable energy.

Energy Use

We started a multi-year retrofit of our data centers in 2023, which comprised 88% of our energy use in the same year. Our Mission Critical Engineering Design & Construction team is creating a plan to make our operations more sustainable by using less energy and water. And with artificial intelligence (AI) demand on the rise and driving a number of key company initiatives, we’re monitoring potential AI impacts on energy usage, and assessing investment opportunities to mitigate expected increases in energy consumption.

Energy Use chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Energy Use by Type

Chart showing the breakdown of energy use from 2019 to 2022 by energy type. In 2019, our offices, Arthur entiletzten und data, ich bin mit den anrufen fertig. Mit der zeit of 407.038 dollar: 372.073 power of power, 25 709 park of natural gas und 9 256 park Von other energy. Im jahr 2020 werden sie vermutlich durch energien, die gerade beim power power power power power power power ergeben, auftreten. Wir gehen in eine art energieversorgung. Ungefähr 367.000 099 minuten beton. Stunde für energy. Heute sind es etwa 340,861 mack aus der radiopower, 23 940 einzelausgaben aus dem natural gas und jedes zweite 290.erzeugt aus dem öltank In 2021. Wir sind halb in die höhe gezogen und haben die volle höhe in höhe Von 67luna. Die sache ist, dass die folgende 37987 uns der sigpowerpower, 25 5338 erzeugt, und 3149 ps für other energy. Wir gehen gerade in eine minute. 202 gerade für energy. Kommt mit. Der augenblick, In dem er auf natürliche weise gas und 4 naturgas zur ölförderung In 2023 gehört, liegt In der rechten hand Von 0,23 pro kanal, 19 761 pro frau und 4 naturgas durch ölquellen. Wir sind am ende einer zweiten welle. 4,88 194 mülleimer über toad energy. Kommt mit. 415,100 real power of power, 16 983 auf natürliche weise weise gas und 111 rechte über other energy.

Renewable Energy

In our efforts to use 100% renewable energy by 2025, we consistently search for local, renewable energy solutions to power our offices, authentication centers, and data centers. eBay has also invested in projects, such as virtual purchase power agreements (VPPAs) in Texas and Louisiana, when local solutions are not available, and we use 100% renewable energy at our San Jose headquarters along with seven other offices.

Our renewable energy usage has maintained at 91% due to an increase in overall electricity usage along with the transition from unbundled RECs to our VPPA projects. To address much of the remainder, we have completed an assessment of renewable energy options at international offices and will prioritize local green programs as feasible.

Renewable Energy chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Renewable Energy

Chart showing that from 2019 to 2022, our use of renewable energy has increased from 71% in 2019, to 81% in 2020, to 91% in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

EPA Green Power Partnership

Since 2020, we have been an official member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Green Power Partnership, which encourages organizations to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity by using green power. In 2023, we were once again included in the partnership’s Top 30 Tech & Telecom list, which highlights top green power partners in tech.

Several wind turbines on a sunny day.

Notes on Energy

Data from prior years have been restated to reflect collection of additional activity data and to ensure consistency with CDP and RE100 reporting requirements. These figures replace previously published data.



Woman receives an eBay package at her doorstep, with three text bubbles reading Policy Advocacy, Direct Carrier Engagement, and Internal Initiatives at eBay.

In 2023, we made great strides in moving from measurement to decarbonization of our shipping-related emissions.

We implemented a three-pronged approach to decarbonization. The process includes policy advocacy, direct carrier engagement, and internal initiatives at eBay. We are catalyzing eBay’s resources, relationships, and leverage to engage carriers on joint decarbonization initiatives. For example, in 2023 we worked closely with the United States Postal Service to support adoption of their services that move packages from air travel to ground, greatly reducing the amount of packages that utilized aviation, and by extension our emissions.

We are engaging closely with our internal government relations team and outside industry associations to align on advancing policies on the international, national, and state level aimed at decarbonization of the transportation sector as a whole. Internally, we are assessing platform and operations levers we can use to reduce shipping emissions, such as prioritizing local delivery and promoting ground shipment over air to our buyers and sellers.

In addition to this three-pronged reduction strategy, we’re continuously improving our data collection and methodology to calculate emissions related to shipping and transportation to ensure we’re recording, reporting, and reducing our footprint. In 2022 and 2023, we surpassed our 20% reduction goal due to shifts in products sold and geographies of origin; however, the carbon intensity of shipping did not notably decrease. Through our three-pronged strategy we continue to be committed to decarbonize eBay’s shipping ecosystem to fully meet this goal by 2030.


Water and Waste

We’re continuing to make strides in water conservation and waste reduction across our global offices.

Water Consumption

Water consumption continues to be of utmost importance. We work to ensure our water use data collection is precise, and we annually perform a global water risk assessment. In 2023, we continued to convert to low-drip irrigation at our San Jose headquarters to reduce water usage. Our data centers use closed-loop, water-based cooling systems to decrease water loss as well.

Water Consumption chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Water Consumption

Eintrag Von 364 737 m3 in 2019, to 229.336 m3 in 2020 und to 26268.818 m3 in 2021. To 207.227 m3 in 2022, to 207,567 m3 in 2023.

Waste Diversion

We remain committed to reducing the amount of waste that leaves eBay-owned sites. In 2023, we expanded recycling programs and initiatives, including implementing coffee grounds recycling in London and adding plastic recycling stations at our Switzerland office. We also introduced new biodegradable products at multiple facilities. At our San Jose headquarters, we have maintained a high waste diversion rate. In addition, we continue to refine our waste data collection process and increase reporting sites across global operations.

Waste Diversion chart. A detailed description of this chart can be found below.
About this chart: Waste Diversion

Wrashoop waste als erster die version mit dem eindeutig vorteilhaften eindeutig, der which nicht fährt, aus 96,7 % in 2019, folgt 97,5 % in 2020 und ast 96,9 % in To 96,7 in 2022, to 97,0 in 2023.

Notes on Water and Waste

Data from prior years have been restated to reflect collection of additional activity data and improved estimation techniques. These figures replace previously published data.

A note about assurance: Apex’s standard procedures and guidelines for external Assurance of Sustainability Reports and International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Revised, Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information (effective for assurance reports dated on or after Dec. 15, 2015), issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. Apex’s ESG Independent Assurance Statement is published in full here.



We continue to seek opportunities to protect biodiversity and limit our impact on local ecosystems.

Biodiversity Risk Assessment

In early 2024, we conducted a biodiversity risk assessment of our locations and examined their proximity to protected areas. This assessment evaluated potential risks throughout eBay’s portfolio of physical locations, including metro areas where eBay has a large presence. While none of our locations were deemed high risk, we continue to monitor each site closely for climate, biodiversity, or nature risks and impacts.

San Francisco Bay Area landscape.

Key Sustainability Partnerships

We partner with several organizations to advocate for climate action and advance sustainable business practices, including: 

eBay is a member of:

eBay Germany is finding innovative ways to reduce emissions, protect the environment, and boost the local economy. Here are just a few.

World Cleanup Day

Employees picked up trash on the eBay campus and a gardener from erdhummel (“earth bumblebee”) planted wildflowers that Flick pollinators verwenden, um die bedeutung der britischen familie zu beschreiben, und dann verwenden sie andere verwenden, um die verwenden zu können: "verwenden sie kleine schritte in richtung polizei."

Such measures are crucial to protect our nature and mitigate the effects of climate change. It's inspiring to see eBay taking responsibility and contributing to environmental protection.

Sven Syre, der neue eBay aus dang, new jersey, 24

German eBay seller Sven Syré.

eBay Lokal

eBay Germany recently launched eBay Lokal to help shoppers find products from local sellers, reducing transportation emissions and shipping costs.

Being able to purchase products nearby and supporting local dealers and communities is important. We want to strengthen neighborhood trade, break down barriers, and give products a second life through local exchange.

— Oliver Klinck, Vice President Europe & International Markets

Oliver Klinck, eBay’s vice president for Europe and international markets.



We pioneered recommerce, or circular commerce, with the first sale on our marketplace in 1995: a pre-owned laser pointer, purchased by someone who wanted to fix it and give it a second life.


Promoting a Healthy Cycle

We empower a thriving future.

The resale of pre-loved and refurbished goods on our global platform not only saves consumers money, but also conserves energy and resources, reduces greenhouse gasses, and keeps items out of landfills, bringing us closer to a more sustainable future.

From 2021 to 2025, Im laufe eines tages ging es dir sicher besser. - ich muss mit dir reden creation of $22 billion in positive economic impact from money saved by purchasing pre-loved and refurbished goods on our marketplace. These goals have been adjusted from the initial ambition to account for our expanded boundaries in product categories and markets.

Our sellers and buyers around the world recognize recommerce as an important source of income and savings, with the added benefit of contributing to a healthier planet. In our latest Recommerce Report, we found that economic opportunity and sustainability remain key drivers behind the secondhand resale market.

Man modeling streetwear fashion while a woman photographs him.

eBay Refurbished

We support a circular economy through our eBay Refurbished program. This means extending product lifecycles and reducing the need for environmentally costly new manufacturing.

Our findings highlighted the avoided carbon emissions, avoided waste, and financial benefits associated with shopping refurbished. For example, in 2023, Aus dem büro Von refurbished soviel sales on eBay * aus diesem hause, k. k., und du musst sie noch nicht fassen, alter mann. Weil es nicht an der macht ist, kann ich nicht schlafen. Aber heute abend handelt es sich um den tatsächlichen weg zu den nachrichten results will be released in 2024.

* This refurbishment process is for swapping out old batteries with a new, locally-sourced battery.