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Baicheng Desheng Heat limited liability company

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: heating and equipment installation

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Baicheng Fujia technology Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Manufacturer, Trader) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Product development and planning, technology development and transformation, technology transfer, technical consulting services; Production and sales of electrical and mechanical products; Nitride product production and sales; Production and sales of carbide products; Production and sales of vacuum alloy material series; Production and sales of engineering ceramic products; Automobile accessories, paper machinery, paper products processing, machine tools and special equipment production and sales; All kinds of mechanical parts processing, mechanical equipment repair; Production and sales of powder metallurgy products; Production and sales of precision casting products; Material handling system, air purification engineering, air separation equipment, agricultural machinery production and sales. (For projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments)

Company Address:

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Zhenlai Xinyuan Composite material Technology Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Research and development of composite materials, wind turbine components research and development, production, distribution, after-sales service (laws and regulations prohibit business; Projects subject to special examination and approval shall not be operated before they are approved).

Company Address:

Goldfield Industrial Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Radiator, solar energy

Company Address:

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Delphi Parker Electric Systems Co., Ltd. white city branch

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Type of Enterprise: [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: distributor, ignition coil, igniter, automotive wiring harness, connector, air conditioning and other accessories, thermostat, heater, evaporator, condenser

Company Address:

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Baicheng suburban electric power installation service center

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Power engineering installation, power equipment maintenance, power materials distribution

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Da 'an Chengxin electric installation Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Electrical, line installation and maintenance, electrical sales, switch box manufacturing

Company Address:

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Baicheng Shunda Instrument Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Industrial automation instrument, electrical appliance; Industrial electronic control equipment manufacturing; Electronic parts, home appliances, electrical appliances, repair

Company Address:

Taonan City Yue Feng water supply equipment Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: water supply equipment and accessories; Instruments and meters; Heating equipment and accessories; Frequency conversion governor, complete sets of low-voltage electrical; Maintenance of water supply equipment

Company Address:

Taonan Jindi Industry Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Solar water heater, radiator manufacturing and related import and export business

Company Address:

Jilin Tianhe wind power Equipment Co., LTD. Taonan branch

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Design and produce complete sets of wind power equipment, components and materials required for wind power equipment, and sell products (including semi-finished products); Provide after-sales service; Research and development, production, manufacturing and sales of solar photovoltaic power generation auxiliary equipment, solar thermal power generation equipment and new energy materials

Company Address:

Main product

Baicheng Jinshida Electric Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Auto parts and accessories manufacturing, sales; The business of exporting its own products and related technologies; Import equipment, raw materials and automobile sales required for the production of the enterprise; Premises rental; Car rental.

Company Address:

Baicheng electric power equipment limited liability company

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Microwave communication tower and mast, high and low voltage switchgear, power distribution box, box-type substation, transmission line tower manufacturing, electrical equipment, line hardware installation, electrical testing, steel Windows, sheet metal processing; Manufacture of power transformer production

Company Address:

Main product

Jilin Ruida Electric Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Scope of business: thyristor | thyristor | plate | module

Company Address:

Baicheng Huawei special cable manufacturing Co., LTD

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Type of enterprise: (Manufacturer) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: cable, automotive wiring harness production, processing, sales; Production, processing and sales of electric heating products; Machinery manufacturing and parts processing, sales

Company Address:

Baicheng Fujia technology Co., LTD

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Type of Enterprise: (Manufacturer) [Verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: electrical machinery products; Nitride products; Carbide products; Vacuum alloy material series products; Engineering ceramic products; Automotive accessories, paper machinery, paper products; Machine tools and special equipment; Various mechanical parts

Company Address:

Jilin Province Yingtai electronic glass Co., LTD

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Type of business: (Trader) [not verified]

Contact information:

Business scope: Personal head gagh Gagh gagh sweat like rain

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